Archives for category: kundalini

Breathwork represents one of the most effective ways for you to gain control over how you feel. In Eastern practice breath is tied to prana, with many sources saying prana is in the air, as a lot is made of how to breathe through the nose because there are nadi there (energetic lines of force like a vascular system but for energy AND being entirely energetic in nature – no physical structure to be seen!) that then picks up the prana, feeding it into the body.

What I have found has been that rather than prana being picked up in this way, it is instead triggered in the body, heightening awareness of its presence (in much the same way kundalini is said to always be present but then becomes aroused during an awakening).

How does this happen? Again, my observation has been that of all of the autonomous processes, breathing is the single one that is carried out autonomously by the brain that can also be consciously controlled by the individual. The advantages that this has for meditative practice is huge.

In my experienced with kundalini, it’s pretty clear that it is a hitherto poorly understood energy that I think looks much more like electricity in the body being processed in higher potential than before. I say this because of the burn marks I and a few others have experienced centered around a rising of kundalini (search post “marks of my awakening for more on this). I have written about this phenomenon and I had enough presence of mind to snap pictures of this burn mark on my hip which emerged back in early 2007 when kundalini arose. Those marks have emerged when blocked energy was liberated, and the crescent shaped burn I had on my hip corresponds pretty well with the spiraling whip-like (serpentine) movement of the energy as it moves through the body. While I suspect an electrical energy (which our cells produce) is at work, I am open to the possibility that there may be an even finer form of energy involved. All things being equal, though, it seems to me that electrical activity may be the responsible agent as a carrier of consciousness. It makes sense that since kundalini is all about prana, that so much of its certainly appears electrical in nature.

First, and I think foremost, by regulation your breathing, you can send signals to your body and to your most ancient parts of your brain telling it that you are calm (even if you aren’t). Those long slow intakes of air with a short hold at the top, with a long breath out with a two or three second hold or pause at the bottom of the breath tells your body that you are deeply relaxed. You can use this type of breathing anytime you get emotionally out of whack.

You can study how people breathe when they are asleep to see how similar these two breathing patterns are to each other. By mimicking this type of breath, you can feel a dramatic change in how you feel almost immediately. Couple that with holding one nostril closed to breathe in and out, while alternating to the other nostril, and you have an exercise that occupies your mind with a task that requires some concentration so that you forget what was occupying your mind only moments before. Since I don’t see prana being involved in the nostrils, I suspect it gives most people a way to begin forgetting their troubles that normally run in their minds and body. Mimicking sleep breath corresponds to deep brain states like Delta and Theta brainwaves. Many states in meditation are, I have found, some of the same states as found in dreaming. Furthermore, I will also add that EEG’s of meditators and yogi’s have shown that many had a number of brainwave states happening all at once! This comports with experiences I have had (experiencing dream-like states while still being awake). The point here is you can get to very deep relaxed states by using breath as one key ingredient.

I’ll just say as an aside that when I was in the thick of kundalini and with high levels of prana years ago, I found that by becoming quiet and going within (and relaxing), prana would soar. I practiced taking in no breath, and also breathing shallow. No difference. I saw that prana was being liberated based on my awareness once I grew calm and went into a more contemplative state. I experimented with bringing up prana higher and higher with thought and feeling alone; each time my system responded with peaks of prana and the corresponding effects it had on expanding consciousness and sharpening awareness. Since kundalini is prana in abundance, I began to see that it was possible that breathing a certain way can help tap states that liberates that type of energy (without triggering kundalini as a rising event).

It wasn’t that breathwork didn’t work for me, it absolutely did, but I suspect it did so for reasons other than the ones I had been told about for yogic practice. It was here that I noticed how breathing had such a profound physical effect on my body as a whole. Then, with a little cursory knowledge about how the autonomous nervous system works, it just made sense that breath is our golden ticket into modulating a part of us that we normally don’t have. This might seem like I’m splitting hairs, but I think that knowing this can lead to some productive realizations having to do with this aspect of exercising control over your mind/body complex.

One of the goals in meditative practice for millenia has been how to still thought in order to reach what I call the “default mode” of awareness. This default mode is like a switch that has been turned off and then padlocked by our own reliance on the part of our brains that chatter incessantly (monkey mind). Being able to still thought helps us to reach that primal state of being where we can tap into greater stores of energy (mind and body) as well as tapping into deeper reserves of awareness and inner knowing (gnosis). This puts one closer to the soul and its truth, which can help each of us learn to evolve, heal, and grow as humans here on Earth. While this knowledge about how to achieve these states was once guarded information, it has leaked out slowly in our current era as awakenings have gone from rare to more commonplace. While I understand the caution that was exercised in regards to these practices at one time, the necessity for our understanding them better has increased as we now appear ready for a broader based awakening to continue happening so that we might be able to use them at a time when they are sorely needed.

Whether you buy into my view of breathwork or not, the wonderful thing about it is regardless of your particular belief, it still works regardless and it exists as a powerful tool in your inner work!

No matter your religious background, or your culture, the single most powerful practice for bringing you closer to God and the truth is surrender. It innoculates you against too strong of an ego, and it makes possible communication from the higher self, something spoken of by Indian adepts and hinted at by early Christians like Paul and mystics who would emerge in later centuries.

Aboriginal cultures also express the importance of surrender in order to become more truth centered. If you read the accounts of medicine men or healers amongs the Lakota, for instance, you can see very quickly how surrender plays a central role in the lives of these holy people. Fools Crow, a well known healer amongst the Oglala Lakota, was often heard saying as a prayer “make me a hollow bone.” What this means is for the Source of all life to find a way through him, and by being “hollow” or humbled before the Great Mystery, he would be better able to work the will of this higher power. It is also the same expression in Christianity as “thy will be done” or the idea that miracle healings are the work of the creator not the individual. “Thee, not me.”

We often can’t see how these traditions are similar in critical aspects to each other. Names might be different, the lingo might seem confusing or unclear to our ears, but at its core there are important similarities. I mention these other traditions in order to point out how important doing this surrender is. It is absolutely critical to bow down, to humble yourself, to surrender your will and ego in order to know the truth of the Source of all life (and your life, too). I always saw this as like being in a kitchen cooking. There was this amazing chef that was there, and I soon learned to stop trying to involve myself, to no longer think I had to run the show. I watched, learned, and miracles came into my life as I continually learned to be more and more humble, surrendered. Another aspect of this work was expressed by the Zen master Taisen Deshimuru who said in essence, when in this deep contemplation, you open your hand (your grip on the known, the ego impulse to grasp) and all the sands of the deserts flow through them. But try to grasp them and all you have is a little grit. The part of you that becomes the chanbel of the godhead is not the same part that grasps. The geasping part in us, I think, is the most undeveloped part of us. It is like a new bud, a new flower. It has no business trying to send roots down into the earth to anchor the tree (in truth). It should bud and open and meet the new world. It has a long way to go to become a tree. But that bud will find seeds that grow out of its opening. It serves a purpose, but its growth takes a long time before it can grasp what is now a mystery. This is I think how we grow up. God is near, it is even within us, and very much wants us to be aware of it. For me, it was my supreme teacher….but in order to grasp it, I must surrender, to allow it to take up residence in my life. In the process, my life slowly changes, ripening into wonder and greatness (which is an inheritance from the creator).

When inner work (meditation, prayer, etc.) leads to the arousal of greater energetic awareness, prana or life force, the role of surrender becomes much more important. Without surrender, a person can experience many disturbances from too strong energy which is trying to resolve old traumas and issues as a way of helping to keep balance in the body’s system. When you accept the importance of surrender, you allow the ego to defocus itself which makes it less active over time (like many things, practice or persistent work or repetition helps to reshape us—the purpose if yoga for instance = “to yoke”). Over time the ego moves to a subordinate position, which makes it possible to feel the greater breadth possible God gave to us in our consciousness. Ego though has many ideas and most are very limited in their nature, and surrender helps to soften the grip of ego enough for new states to be known and integrated into daily life. Maybe over a lifetime, and doing this work, this part of ego matures a little?

The point is not to bring something from faraway, but to be that faraway as well as to be what is here in the present while remaining in surrender. Then happiness can emerge as the energies of enlightenment calm down as peace takes the wheel.

I experienced a great deal of pain until I learned the art of surrender. I didn’t even think it was all driven by ego, but it was. In truth, I was so green to all of this. I would have been helped so much by the knowledge held by many gurus of India. In my case, the paramatman (higher self, primordial soul) forbade it. This was for its own purpose for the work I need to do here, but what it did was it meant I found the truth on my own, which meant that I was able to see the other traditions in existance that also have this understanding. The point was to reconcieve directly the experience of awakening and how certain traditions concerned themselves with it (and in my case, how an early Christian sect had one of the most sophiticated understandings of the phenomenon of embodiment in the tradition – the so-called Gnostics).

This surrender is an acknowledgement that the self and the body are vehicles for something greater to manifest itself in you. Your small self bows to the larger being that is the soul, and by extension, also the source of all life, all knowledge. This surrender brings peace. It is no longer complicated. It is simple.

The ego in one life is itself like a child, only having had no more than a century’s worth of experience before it passes into immateriality. Compare this with the soul which has known many embodiments or incarnations, and perhaps you can understand how outclassed your present personality and its ego is in the face of eternity. By learning surrender, you will learn at the feet of the most loving of all masters, Brahma, God, The Great Mystery because by bowing down you also open up to the truth as it is.

I have been lucky in many ways as it has regarded my awakening process. It always seemed that a higher power was at work; this was going to go down the way it planned (and it did). There were lots of people who didn’t understand this process, even with people also awakened. Sometimes I had no idea what was ahead, but I knew I was along for the ride and that I’d do everything I could to make myself available to its force of both cleansing and its salvation…its renovating force that made me into a better version of myself. Its been an amazing experience, truth be told.

When I was going too fast in my life as an artist, something stepped in and slowed me down (with an injury). Only after that did my awakening process intensify, broaden, and go into a whole other gear. By slowing down I learned things about kundalini that I had previously not known. I found that the deeper we are willing to go (with kundalini) the deeper it will go. You have to get out of your comfort zone and be ready for……anything.

The right people appeared at just the right time. Opportunities just….showed up out of the blue, which were things I had been thinking about a few days or weeks prior. It was something that was remarkable when it was happening, and it led me to a place I wouldn’t have achieved had things been different.

One outcome was I started a blog called Divine Alignment to help me in working through inner emotional knots as well as to find my voice and to plumb the depths back in 2009 or so. I moved it over to Tumblr under the name of the book I am working on which is the same name as this blog. I closed it down after I was beset by stalking activity from someone I knew at the time. After that, I moved to WordPress with the same name. Each incarnation helped me in sifting through the experiences in an important way. Helpful.

Now, though, I find as I conduct research into my book on early Christianity and how kundalini was being taught (yes, really) I am also shifting into my studio practice in a more intensive fashion, leaving me with less time to blog.

This wont change anytime soon. Life here is this precious moment, and I have things to do. Growing my business is one of them. I need to nurture myself in my work while growing an even larger following after years of being available in a more exclusive way to the awakening process (which life had a way of making possible and even glorious in its humble fasion–if that’s even possible).

New work is being designed on an almost weekly basis sometimes. All of this is being done by one person: design, making, finishing, packaging, shipping, advertising, marketing and promotion, upkeep, customer service, and book keeping. There are a few more hats, but I’ll save you.

It isn’t that I wont blog, I just am in a pinch and can’t be as liberal as I used to be with my time. Out of this time frame though, I hope, will be important or interesting work. I will do my best to make this so. I have a few hundred posts in my draft folder that I can finish and publish. There is a lot of interesting news I have dug up about early Christianity for the book as it gets “stranger” and stranger. It seems the more I look, the stronger the case is for my ‘awakened master’ theory involving Jesus as a man we have not well understood. I just wont have as much time as I used to. In addition I have a collaboration in the works with a woman with whom I have grown very close with over this past year on the topic of awakening, relationships in such a context and its role in divine union, which suggests that our divinity is a native part of us, not a quantity to be found elsewhere. It is focused on the tantric path as a way to realization. With projects like these waiting in the wings for me to parse through them, I often feel as bust as can be (and at a time I’d prefer to keep things simpler and simpler). I am here though, looking on kundalini topics, awakening, and tantra from time to time here. I try to read widely on a variety of topics.

As my work in studio expands, I leave you with a few (seasonal) samples of the work that I do. Until next time..

Lying within you is the seed of your awakening. How will you water it?

Something slumbers, something that has been your birthright yet is like a seed never given the proper water and light. Is it an evolutionary trigger? Is it triggered through a change in our kind? Does the ground have to soften, must the prepared ground be there in order for this the greatest of seeds to sprout?

It can lead to madness, they warn. True. At least, it would seem that way. But there is a lot I can tell you about how our kind is mad and that this seed in us represents sanity. Some say it lies curled within. Having watched it do its thing, it seems to come from everywhere and it has wed me, has made me the groom to the All. I have felt everything flowing through me. Days were spent in bed unable to move. I was like this for years. I never knew when it would hit me. Sometimes the bliss would be so strong I could do nothing else but slow down and sit or lie down.

I was the busiest man you could ever know before this. I had few friends because I spent all of my time working. I was working to maintain the life that I thought was expected of me, that would keep me in a suitable level of approval. It all cratered and fell into itself as I could not keep but become a lover to the universe, the world, to the supreme wonder and beauty that lies within the heart of everything.

My marrow shone with its light and I was broken over and over until I had nothing left but “yes” for it when it came. When I had no more resistance to give, that was when I learned it had always been there and I, a silly human, was looking at it the way all humans look at things: through the lens of separation and broke-ness. Over time I receded into simplicity having lost what I thought was the most important things to me. I had it all wrong, really, at least for me. I was freed from those who never really loved but were using me to get to the next island in their chain of locations that they likely had to go but that didn’t include me in any substantive way. “Just watch people. Watch what they tell you, watch what they do; more truth will come through their unguarded moments than a thousand guarded ones.”

If you are ready to do this, if you are ready to see what needs being undone scattered by some force within you, then come here and see how we really are within. I can give you the angle by which it will begin to flood through you. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. It is the greatest gift but you also need the maturity to know what you are looking at. I can still remember how I felt like I was going to be pulled apart, destroyed. I was, in a manner of speaking. I was like Osiris taken apart. There was an effort undertaken to put me back together in a way that seems now to be better than before. For me, the result has been simplicity.

I remember reading the words of this man who was a revered healer amongst his People. An Oglala Lakota. He said that he and his wife only wanted to head out into the hills, to get more remote, to live as close to the Earth as they could, to become more and more simple. This man sensed that this was the way by which one’s own hand could open and let all the sands of the deserts flow, or all of the rivers and oceans slip through. People came to him from all walks of life because he worked miracles. When people entered his sweat lodge, the inipi, the Lights would come and you could hear objects start to move. People would disappear and reappear. They weren’t sophisticated enough to think of duping the Whites who would come to be healed with cheap tricks. But this man and his woman just wanted to be more simple, more quiet, and move out to be as close to the Earth as possible, which meant being reliant on the local landscape for all of their food. There is something there in simplicity that is absent in more complicated lives.

Right here in this little place the world speaks to me. What a caucophony it is right now! So much deception, so many lies people tell themselves and to each other. There are also truths we are reminding ourselves of, too. And yet, the world is turning in just such a way where those things which have been hidden are going to be brought into the light. I am not convinced that it will come as some grand apocalypse (revealing) all at once. I think a soul who has become this apocalypse is itself revelatory, so as you seek you tend to find. It is, following this line of thought, happening every day.

There is a war of words, a war of propaganda taking place right now. It is a war for your mind. Most will fall for it and will cease thinking independently. They will do what they are told and they wont imagine that there are any other options save the ones authorities are giving them. But others will step forward and begin to ask hard questions. Many are showing the outward signs of this. In the West, confidence in our major institutions are at an all time low. The empire is in its late stages with currency set to lose its place of dominance along with the purchasing power that comes with it. Set to be poorer, the powers that be have been printing money which simply makes things worse, but it can give a bump in the polls for a 4-year presidential term. Or how the system keeps trying to obfuscate human trafficking. In an interview with John Macafee before his death he explained that he gave laptops to government secretaries that were loaded with spyware and in a month he was able to find that the head of the military was one of the biggest drug dealers and the head of the Department of Inmmigration was one of the biggest human traffickers in the world. It seems impossible and you could say that Macafee was not telling the truth, but I can’t figure out the angle if he is. If it is true, then much is not as it appears. What we want to believe may be a fairy tale we believe so we don’t see ourselves living in a banana republic. It is, I think, a symptom of a deeper problem about how we want to see things as we would like them instead of how they are. Our inner senses are upturned as a result, the signal light that’s been warning us, flashing madly, was not understood for what it was. It was seen as a warning that a side or party or group were the problem when it was a larger overarching problem staring us all in our faces. This issue, this frailty of our nature, has been with us a very long time and can be corrected if we are brave and open-minded instead of fiercely partisan and biased. There is that part of us that can know the truth from a distance, the part that senses remotely, the part that knows it is part of everything else.

The seed within each of us has favored slumber for most, but the imperative now is that as many seeds sprout in order to try and help the planet through this difficult time. We might make it, but there are those who do not want people on the planet in numbers like they are today.

If we don’t play our cards right we could become just like another Atlantis, sinking beneath the sea or slowly drifting into obscurity as the winds and earth changes sweep over the earth and hide the evidence that we did anything more than make curious looking things called circuit boards and loads of plastic.

Our destruction may be studied ten thousand years hence and they will likely point to the universal layer that exists all across the earth that is a strange collection of long-chain polymers now embedded in the soil. They used it for something, but what? There would be finds but because of the ubiquity of forms, it will have archeoligists scratching their heads. Their artifacts are gone, and as these plastics were being used they stopped taking photographs. Furniture was made less out of wood, and a few imprints of cheap lawnchairs from Walmart lie in the dirt. Evidence of our culture will have all but vanished, except for buildings, and they will be mostly empty. Some will suggest that an alternate record keeping method was used, but because magnetic ink degrades, its traces are like so much static in the background now.

There is a fire waiting for you, a fire waiting to be kindled and there is no believing it unless it happens. If it does, promise me that you will keep your mind open and be ready for anything. Let the life you had burn if it starts to burn since it only does this for that which deserves to be rendered to ash. If you are lucky, you have built a life true to your core principles and nothing will burn but remain. On that day you can lift your voice to heaven and be glad.

Finally for me I have found that which I have hoped existed which is someone who loves me for me and not for some caricature of who they want me to be. Finding that person was like a moment in which destiny or some larger force stepped in and turned my head in her direction and bid me speak. An old friend come to help me from another lifetime. When that happens, the result is the loveliest of outcomes. But to get to heaven it seemed I had to go through a little bit of hell. I wouldn’t say it was necessary, only because I am so stubborn-headed and take time to learn my lessons. But the good news is that I do, and as I have, life changes proportional to how my own life aligns to what I always called the divine. Divine alignment. And yet, it seems that it is now more aligning to a truth that was always within me and which I to greater and lesser degrees chose not to listen to. It wasn’t like I was deaf. I could feel “it” pulling me along but that thread seemed connected to something I was completely unaware of. I had hopes but no expectation of any outcome. And so I think life is like that when it means learning the lessons that we need to learn. If we knew this was going to happen later, would we really try as hard as we did and scratch around for finding that….missing element?

In you is a kind of seed. Water it each day with your desire and longing before you know that it is your exodus from Egypt. There are teachers that will tell you that desire and longing is bad, but what they forget is that the highest of all aspirations are the seeking of a higher form of life that ONLY desire and longing can reach. This one fundamental desire is one which is based (innocently) in the truth. A desire based in truth is itself a good. But when do we have desires like that? They are always ones that will kill us or destroy us at some point. Never was a desire felt more keenly than when it is denied or forbidden. There are desires rightly aligned that csn take us to heaven.

Seek it anyway. It’s yours to find.

I often talk about the abilities that came in the wake of my awakening. For myself, I worked to determine as much as I could what was accurate and what was not in order to best understand the abilities that emerged in the early days when the Light made its way into my life (or me into it). I am always critical, even today, of these abilities. It’s possible that I could have missed something, or misread something. I think the biggest threat for those who think they are psychic is that they are psychic (mostly) but are so convinced of the flawless character of their ability that they are blinded to their inaccuracies in sensing from a nonphysical basis.

Its been over 15 years now. There has been a lot of water under that bridge. When I look at one of the big features that came with my awakening, one which I haven’t spoken to not even once here on this blog, I am having to admit that it is something that has held up and may in some way bear on the work that we have to do here on Earth if we are to mature our civilization beyond the brutish world that apes civility. The sense that I had upon awakening, and was one that I have been very hesitant to speak into all this time, has been that the world is buried in layer upon layer of deception. In truth, this is the place where souls go to hide things. Sounds rather dystopian.

To be fair, I have looked at this over and over through the years and I have teased a number of items out of it that helps I think to clarify what I sensed in a bulk fashion all those years ago. We as humans are always hiding things, and much of it appears as innocuous for the most part. Someone calls us and asks us if we’d be willing to join them for a dinner party but we say no because we say we have plans. In truth we didn’t have plans, we just didn’t want to go so we made an excuse, a white lie we might say, to wiggle out of it. There is a great deal of this happening and what I can tell you is that there is a repository that is both nonphysical and energetic that is associated with the Earth that records everything. It is like a microscopic record of everything that has ever happened on Earth. When you dip into that field you can go through this vast record of what is happening now, what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future (as well as alternate pasts and probable futures). There are other layers of deception that are institutional in nature, and this covers a broad swath of ground. Social, religious, and political are swept up in this, and after looking at it it seems to boil down to several themes.

One of these strands, which is religious in flavor, has to do with a fundamental lack of awareness about the true depth of human nature and which has a distrust in human nature and so thereby seeks to control that nature and those urges which that strand in religion sees as bad, fallen, or broken. This strand shows up I think as the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. By doing this, these movements have kept important truths about the nature of human kind away from itself because it has been unable to face its own flaws and see things more honestly. It is interesting that while the self is emphasized in these religions, in other philosophical and spiritual strands like Buddhism, the opposite is true, where there is another kind of loathing that takes place in the human condition and that has to do with the role of the self. In Buddhism the self is deemphasized, and thus this inner loathing of self (to a degree) serves to act as a guiding light in what many see through this lens. It is curious to see how it seems that humanity is bringing different stories into bright focus through this means or lens. It is interesting to note that in some ways the tide of awakenings happening these last three decades especially appear to have the quality of seeking to remove this loathing of the self in some ways, or to not even address it as a concern (a group of people who are not inured by the beliefs of either of these groups). It will be interesting to see how it unfolds. The result will be that (I think) the self will be able to see itself more clearly without the veil of the belief that the self is bad in some way (fallen because of temptation or bad because the self is itself an illusion).

Politically, I see all kinds of deception. Take your pick. The biggest deception seems to happen with populations most resistant to the idea that their government is corrupt. This corruption’s main source is an extra-political corporate presence that insures that what corporations need, they get. Politicians are bought and there is no getting this influence out of the main driver for legitimizing fascism in most countries (fascism being government controlled by large business). In the U.S. I see an interesting layering of the secrets, and using secrecy law most specifically in order to hide or shield people who are operating within the government from public scrutiny. On one important front there is a very significant amount of technology that is being staged in what looks like an entirely secret system for shuttling new tech from various departments and organizations who are involved into the marketplace. This is something that the players think is a huge benefit to them (which it is) but is not subject to the usual scrutiny and oversight. What I see is that the government of the U.S. is being used by these very large corporations that typically have been involved in military contracts who are now involved in emergent technology (much of which is being directed for arms use – unfortunate). Many new technologies or breakthroughs are from this ecosystem and some of them are the result of labs who have been working with technology and materials not from Earth. Over the next five to ten years there will be an explosion of new tech (it is already happening) and no one will know that its source point was non-terrestrial (unless we get a whistleblower). One field of this tech is nanotech and how new materials are being crafted. This has happened and will be happening in large part due to insights gained from looking at materials that came from other civilizations that are not human. Also things like metals that have very unusual characteristics will be coming onto the market which have their origins in what we think of as nano-tech, and idea that came not entirely from ET material but has been “tutored” by the crash debris and other materials that have been studied, for instance.

There are secret arms deals, there is drug running, and there is also human trafficking that is taking place through government channels. When I say this, some of this is not with any consent through any traditional channels, and in the case of human trafficking in one case the people involved in it are using their own personal access to secret channels in order to continue with their work. People discount the effectiveness of just one well-placed individual who can slip things past the hordes. Some of this are a small group of actors with the clearance and ability to move money and to write contracts and who are beyond normal oversight or suspicion who are getting away with this. Then there is the known level of corruption and grift that involves members of Congress who make money on stocks based on their foreknowledge of how legislation will benefit or hurt a sector or a stock. U.S. government at this point is owned by corporate interests and this is one reason why government will continue to be more and more tone deaf to the People (because it isn’t about you anymore).

The Epstein issue has also come up and what I see is that Epstein was involved in a mechanism to control people who have power. What they do to those people is the part that I think were the public to know it, they would be both outraged and bored to tears all at once. Some of it is straight up horrific while other parts are like a big game of chess that makes certain moves hard to understand without knowing what the motives are behind those moves. Many of the arms of government are taken over by fascist forces (corporate interests) and are being used now for their purposes and not for the good of the people (except in the simplest and most surface of terms). I am reminded of the movie which IMDB neglects to include in Robert Redford’s vitae, which was Three Days Of The Condor, a movie about how there was a CIA within the CIA, which is to say a rogue group of people who were running programs beyond oversight from Congressional approval and governance. That movie was published in 1973, so that’s been a minute. I will note that Obama signed legislation making it legal for the C.I.A. to propagandize Americans, and in the 80’s Reagan’s head of C.I.A. William Casey famously said that they will know they have succeeded when Americans take the lies of the C.I.A. as truths. If you know about Project Mockingbird and how the C.I.A. fed propaganda to journalists here in the U.S., you can get a sense of the kinds of games that are being played on the average American.

Not long ago Farsight in Atlanta did a remote view of Epstein and his stay at the jail he was housed in. What they found was that each person remote viewing him saw a man who managed to kill himself by wrapping something around his neck and lofting himself off a top bunch, just far enough, to be fatal. Now I know that since his death everyone has been saying he was killed. But for a moment I would like you to consider why someone like Epstein would kill himself. In fact, it speaks to just how bad all of this is that Epstein was involved in that he would choose to end things as he did. Epstein may well have been much more important than any of us even realize. I know that this goes against everything people have been told about his death, and I agree that the movie version of Epstein plays much better when someone sneaks in and kills him. A number of remote viewers who were given a random number sequence for the target each described the place he was being held and how he was able to snap his neck using the force of his own weight over a fall of about three to four feet (with his legs crossed as he fell).

Whitney Webb has written a book in multiple volumes entitled One Nation Under Blackmail about the life of Epstein. Webb has dug deep into his businesses and activities. It is eye-opening. My own remote view on all of this shows that Epstein was not just an intelligence asset but that he was involved in an effort to push a globalist agenda forward, which involves numerous countries (something that Webb’s work touches on). I am not clear whether Webb has settled on this globalist agenda. There are a number of interviews with her on the web but one of the best one happens to come from Glenn Beck, who is someone I have not been very familiar with, but his ability to allow Webb to speak and with the interview being a long-form one is also very good as well.

image ©Parker Stafford, all rights reserved

It was what carried the soft cry of power,

the ability to create new life both in spirit and in body

that crept in unannounced unseen at first

but like a welcomed guest made itself known.

Years later it would be like a lightening strike

in which I was begotten again through the two.

My first love felt it first

looking up at me that Fall night

eyes wet with her excitement,

asking if I had felt it

and described how everything became space

and what moved between us built itself

until the cosmic moved within us and the cosmos

exploded within us.

In the blue t.v. light she described what she had felt

and I was left scratching my head because I hadn’t a clue.

With her

in the years that followed,

I learned the simple dynamics of sacred union.

I didn’t have a name for it

but I knew it was the most important thing ever.

We had both been involved in it before

her in her way and me in mine, often separated by centuries.

My education began with her before I was an adult

because it was just that important…She has long since gone her own way

having taught me an important clue she could only ever have taught me

on that quiet night in the country before the blue t.v. light…

It was so important to me

I often tried to make others

into something that they were not

and as I was crowned by it

I was just as easily crucified, too.

Forty years later the same scene would be described to me by another

and I would bite my lip and feign surprise

as this has been following me my whole life.

“Did you feel that?”

For me, it has been my religion to find the sacred in another

who will let me in so deeply as that.

It seems impossible

but the Holy of Holies for me lies not in a temple of stone

but in bodies of flesh

and are set aflame by something so simple

but the soft glisten in our eyes.

There is something more than this…

Not everyone can got that deep

it feels dangerous to do that

because you have to put so much on the line.

Some are visitors

comfortable for it to be for a brief moment in time.

It’s surprising to find how much we all hold people so close yet stand so far in moments like those.

It is from my own experience that I learned how to be close to the One

but also to be so close to the other

that all lines that seemed to divide us

erased us

and remade us…

I had to accept that some have had their expectations for how it would be

and that this would serve to separate us

as I learned that expectations are the route to failing

while keeping the mind of a child allows us to rise

and know its great mystery which is beyond all of our efforts to place expectations on it…

image ©Parker Stafford, all rights reserved

I have seen how I have remained the same in regards to this

where out of the deep blue of me He comes crashing through…

I have seen how some have tried to make me the problem in this sacred work

to cover for the truth which is

it just wasn’t their thing.

For some I wanted to go too deep

for others I stood in for their wounds

which kept them from entering more fully the sacred center

of their hearts and the temple that resides silently there.

Each time I learned something meant just for me it seems…

What I do know is everything I have wished for has come to pass

and I have wished for one who knows this work

of the sacred that has no temple nor candles nor priests or priestesses

nor tithes or narratives save the one about the passion

and parousia.

Beyond this I know I was elsewhere

where human shame didn’t exist

and I have been trying to bring it back with me ever since.

For each time

and each person

it seemed like it was a near-miss,

but in truth each one taught me something incredibly important

and tailored just for me:

for the one who could not embrace it without safety

I know that none of this is safe for me

or the one who could not grasp her own power

and had to fault my own

it showed me how important standing in your own truth must be.

The ages may not ever understand you,

that’s how it can sometimes be…

So much of the learned behaviors are undone here.

image ©Parker Stafford, all rights reserved

With a heart burning with a flame of the tantric,

there is nothing that exists that is itself bad or wrong

only poorly used or understood.

Making it religion has made me persistently engaged,

turning about its golden center like a planet gazing at its sun

and soaking up all of its life and turning it into something new…

She has always been religion to me

and the Two have always had something to teach me

about how the world is formed

from stars to quarks

from daises to Orcas

and where we as humans stand amidst it all.

Every center in Her was itself a beautiful flower

that opens before the bliss

Her true nature as Creatrix

unfolding in the presence of the warmth of a knowing

and strength

which seems to come from another time and place

but knits all of them together.

How passion breeds peace is what the monks have missed

something that cannot be known until you get on the other side of shame

where freedom exists

and the true nature of who we are is known.

It was always been worship to me,

nothing else ever stood a chance to teach me more about the clockwork of the universe

whose heart beats with a center of fire

and a need to become

to manifest in us just as strongly and clearly as can be.

I know the One loves me for that propensity

even when there are others who are loved for their more staid ways,

mine I’d like to think helps bring balance to it all.

I am open enough I think

to feel the One flood through me in its innocent desire to know what it’s like

and in that moment the heiros gamos manifests itself

and ancient and new are knitted together

as awe begets awe

and souls begets new life.

This is my religion

and this is my worship

it came from beyond the stars

just as it rose up from all around me

and made the flowers bloom

and the lovers gasp:

“Did you feel that??”

Why yes, it was the soft cry from home,

the cry of power…

Every awakening comes with your own past. Awakening is a substantive effort on the forgotten part of your being to overcome that past.

This is very much tied to our neurophysiology. Without going into an egg-headed discourse into all of it I can simply say that through these two brains we all have, we begin using them in a new way. This can be mediated by the power of awakening. Everything is swept up in this: mind, brain, body, emotion, and soul.

You don’t have to know anything about awakening in order to reach it….but some knowledge can be helpful to identify why some things are happening as they are. Sometimes root causes are seen in a new light as it relates to our neurophysiology. Sadly, little research is being done in the field as it relates to liberation or “enlightenment” from a neurophysiological perspective. You can see I don’t much like that word, but I use it because it points in a direction.

I have said before that if you do not have a teacher or guru, you can be put in a position where you have to rely on yourself. By doing this, you dig deep for the resources that are there. I found that I could speak to the energy and it would respond. At one point in my awakening experience I had the energy say to me that I needed to go to the liquor store and buy something strong and drink only enough to get tipsy. Now what I can tell you is that NO teacher anywhere would have told me to do this and NO teacher has probably EVER prescribed drinking as a way of doing a release, and yet this is just what the “voice” said for me to do. I am not a drinker, so this was new to me.

The next day I did as I was told and got tipsy as prescribed. The next morning upon waking, I stood up out of bed and had something fall away, right off the bat (this was out of the LV meridian line near the hip). I had no idea what it was that released, but it did, just like that. There was this spreading flow and awareness of a calmer more still energy taking its place. This is the advantage of listening to the inner voice and teacher within, and I insist that you will begin hearing it when you are open to it and when you turn inwardly enough asking yourself the question and waiting for a reply (which could come in a variety of ways depending on your turn of mind or constitution).

NO, I am not suggesting that you try and drink your blocks away. It only worked that one time and the intelligence in the energy knew exactly what it was doing when it told me to do that. My describing this incident is to show that we have a superintelligence within us, but you must learn to rely on it in order for it to work (and you risk being taken in by someone’s perhaps ill-conceived notions for how to go about doing things if you buy into another authority who may or may not have as good discernment or observatory skills as you do).

Yes, I am suggesting that IF you rely on yourself, you can do things that no teacher would ever think of suggesting. You of course have to decide if you are game for it and if it asks you to hurl yourself off a mountain, I would say that you should rethink doing that!

That said, though, having other perspectives can be helpful in the case where someone has gone through something similar as you have, or someone who has a similar turn of mind as you and had to navigate certain self-imposed hurdles before you. For as woo-woo as it seems, when the need is there to know something that your own mind will resist unless it is presented to you by someone else who you see as an “authority” then that person will invariably arrive in perfect timing. Those are the gifts of the universe. They can happen as often as is needed and the way to this is not by way of some rational process. It is not accidental, but it always appears to be that way. It feels like it cannot be controlled or milked by the rational mind. That is true. Your hand must be open to this universe because it (the universe) has a habit of stepping in if you provide the means for it to do so. The fewer conditions you place on it, the more the possibilities grow.

Ask what is in your highest. Be humble in this and you will get just what you need for that time. But this wont necessarily be monolithic in nature but perhaps only for that one moment in order to get you over an important hurdle.

Random people can unwittingly play the role necessary for you at the time. It could be someone standing in a coffee shop, or an old friend who offers something up in conversation that you have never mentioned before but bears on an important issue you are dealing with at the time. While we see these as coincidences, they gain greater significance when they are located in close proximity in time to the thought (not action) that originated in your mind such as, “I need to figure out a new way of breaking through into bliss when the energy is making me feel agitated…” only to step into a shop where someone has a book that is entitled, “Breakthrough To Bliss” and you were just thinking about this need two minutes prior to seeing the book, for instance.

What seems to happen is there is a need on your part but NO expectation of an outcome. Your need APPEARS to be working with the universe in helping to create this magnificent, purely coincidental, event that helps to answer an important question that probably couldn’t be answered any other way at that time.

Now the real mind-bender to consider in an example such as this is by following cause and effect. In a case like this, time travel must surely be involved OR you are reaching out subconsciously feeling that there is the book ahead of you, which triggers your asking the question about bliss. If time travel is involved, in which your thoughts reach out to the nearest possible target that prompts the person to later consider taking that very book with them where you will then see the book, then it is equally mind-bending.

Whatever the case may be, something impossible is happening according to materialistic science. It feels like magic, a synchronicity, but it helps I think to reveal how consciousness and matter are innextricably bound or connected.

I know I digress, but it helps to make the point that the universe can conspire to assist you in a myriad of ways if you let go of the mindset that you need to be in control. I have found the more I have left it up to the universe, the more this phenomenon happens. It also appears to me to be consistent with the shift into the right brain, which is very different in its focus and approach, which is to be receptive, to allow, instead of the narrowly focused left brain (and its form of ego) that is trying to control everything and insisting on precise outcomes. It seems that the left actually breaks the “waveform” of phenomenon that allows for these events to happen in the first place. I say this after years of observation, and it appears after hundreds of such events like this, that there is a connection. I could be wrong, and if I am, I would like to know others’ observations and ideas.

The rational mind has little involvement in this process. The left brain is the catalog of past experience. Drawing from it is mechanical and limited, and if your present situation mirrors precisely some prior experience, you are in luck. More often than not, the present moment will offer up something entirely new that might look like something from the past but will bear an important new lesson that simply cannot be understood using that catalog of prior experience. In truth, it is this past experience that clouds our judgment often, biases us, and sends us off in wrong directions.

The left brain is only a tightly focused servant because the power of seeing the NOW belongs to the right brain. Unlike the left, the right does not focus on particulars and instead sees everything in context, as wholes, as relationships, and helps us to get through the big thorny issues by helping to place what we think is important into a better more accurate perspective. We think of this part of the brain as the feminine side of ourselves, but neither brain has a true gender since both men and women have them. That doesn’t stop cultures all across the Earth from gendering these two modes of awareness, though. I did the same in the beginning when I was trying to get a grip on what kundalini was doing.

It is easy not to take the right brain seriously because of our history of the “default mode” of most human consciousness which has shown a habit of being locked in a kind of cognitive prison for so long, which is to say that the race as a whole has been left brain dominant for a very long time. I know how this might sound, but having been an artist my whole life I considered of all people I was more right brained than anyone else I knew except maybe for other creatives like me. But once awakening came, I saw that I was nowhere near as right brained as I could be. I had also lived with this inherited left brain dominance growing up which is the default mode for most people here. Language is developed in most people in the left brain. So are process-based tasks. Any discipline that has certain steps in a certain order are most certainly being mediated and kept the by the left brain.

This isn’t to say that the right brain has no say, but recent research has shown that the left brain acts as a brake against the right. We constantly “shush” our right brains and thus become largely unfamiliar with its power and capabilities.

Waking up involves a shift in how the brain is being used, and I think that I have found evidence for how the body is involved in the process. It has to do with the significant number of neurons that reside in the gut, the heart, liver, and kidneys (in descending order of concentration). It is an observed quality of awakening to feel stored emotion to come out of the body. I think the simple answer is that the brain may in fact relegate difficult and unprocessed emotion to the body to hold onto so it doesn’t overwhelm the brain itself. Consider it a kind of annex, or maybe a graveyard full of triggers. The work of many awakenings is in clearing out that “inventory.” The power of kundalini naturally gets to work clearing out the mess to the degree that the person doesn’t resist those efforts. I have seen people who have awakened who went at all of this in their usual “mental” fashion (left brain controlling the show, using the rational mind as if this was ever a way of resolving an existential crisis) and it never works well. Using the old default mode also only appears to forestall progress.

Opening up to The Mystery and being humble before the force of this energy in your body and consciousness can have tremendous benefits. This is for the simple reason that you are no longer using reason in the way you have used it before. Be comfortable with not knowing, and learn to trust that this force has a handle on even the hardest knots in the pit of your soul. The answer isn’t in wrestling with it but in offering it up, loosening your grip on whatever it is. Being willing to see that old stored emotion once more for the final time can be of some use in this work, but always without grasping for it, or trying to hold onto it because you have grown comfortable with that little prison box that this emotion represented to you for so long. This approach also helps to engage your intuitive capabilities. I can tell you that the harder the issue, the more important it is to acknowledge it without getting macabre in your curiosity for knowing exactly where it came from. Was it when I was two and was traumatized by a stranger? Was it from that time I nearly drowned in the river? Who cares. Be a passerby. Don’t rubberneck as it goes on by. Don’t try and grab it back.

The yogi and yogini prepared for awakening, for kundalini, by practicing yoga. The benefit that it offered was a way to help clear the body of these “knots” or samscara’s (soul scars) prior to kundalini rising. Further, with this release work being done for decades sometimes, it meant that when kundalini did rise, it did so in a more peaceful way. I remember reading in a book about kundalini that the force of prana is itself smooth like a still lake. But why is kundalini so intense?

For most today, kundalini has been happening to people with little to no practice and certainly with no clearing work being done, or awareness of the benefits of clearing work. Many Westerners simply come to the phenomenon with great intensity because kundalini amplifies consciousness and there is a backlog of very intense things inside of them. If you have stored emotion there, then those emotions will be amplified and it will make it seems as though kundalini is this incredibly intense thing. I had my doubts when I read that about kundalini. Calm like a lake? Really??

As I worked through the backlog of stored emotion (and I certainly made an industry of it in my life, a daily awareness of what the energy was now amplifying and showing me was there), over years of work I found that yes, things were calming down (release by release). I even worried that the energy might not be as potent as before and might not work as well in clearing out the junk that remained. It took me a while to get over the idea that prana was some intense fiery thing. It is in the beginning, but to the degree that a person has that backlog of junk. I also suspect that people who have these calm awakenings that they have done a lot of work in their past, even before this lifetime.

There is a risk that Westerners who have a backlog of stored emotion to think that kundalini is this wildly intense thing when in fact it is the energy shining through and animating all of the stored emotion that needs attention. And yet, for Westerners, how else are they going to clear this material except with kundalini there motivating them and making them more aware?

If I walked up to the average person and told them that they were a storehouse of repressed emotion, they would either get upset, defensive, or think I was some kind of crazy. Maybe all three. But this condition is where we are with regards to humans right now. Just look at how much raw emotion there is in people today. Everyone almost to a person will want to say that it is because of something outside of themselves that is causing it to happen. We know that this is just not so, however. Buddha (Gautama) once said, in essence, no one MAKES you feel anything that you yourself have not chosen to feel already. The answer is found within. Untangle that trigger and you will find peace. It will be gone if you do it right, and it will represent a void within that can now be filled with Presence, awareness, and peace.

Progress to this goal can be upended when the person yearns for the intensity of kundalini and how it makes them feel. Work can cease or slow down because the self is afraid of losing that quality. But what will you lose? You will lose your inner chaos, the fear, uncertainty, and deep yearning for something that you are not yet anchored in. You will yearn to find the matching chaos (intensity of experience) in others, in experiences, and material things. You will look for it in all of the places except where it matters most, which is in your own consciousness. We do this because we have a half-blind sense that there is something that we hate or dislike about ourselves, but what it is we just aren’t completely sure. The risk is in losing all of this and finding peace.

Some people are so inured to this inner loathing or emotional dis-ease and chaos that they cleave to an energy that is still burning intensely because of the remaining junk it is shining through. The self gets used to this and craves that intensity while not realizing just how incredible being clear within can lead to yet another new doorway opening within consciousness to what we might call the Super Self. Before clearing is done, we dip into this world (of the Super self) but are only tourists in that land. We come back “here” to our squalid little prison of mind in order to feel some semblance of normal. But it isn’t normal. It is only normalized. Habit.

I have watched as teachers in the field of Western Awakening have “grabbed back” their old traumas in order to fold them back into their experience and teaching in order to keep that ratty old blanket near them.

They do an amazing job rationalizing how their grabbing back is actually high-minded and part of the new paradigm. I keep seeing this with one awakening influencer whose way of weaving her own dysfunction or neurosis back into what appears as an enlightened piece of thinking is quite brilliant.

It’s done in a way that makes a sort of sense if you share the same blind spots as she does. It’s well crafted. It also acts as a sand bar in the healing process because her work depends on another person who is broken who defeats the partbers’ efforts at trying to escape the old patterns. The reason you can’t escape the fallen world, or have hitches in that process is because of another person who is holding you back because that person is operating from the wrong density of consciousness! It makes a kind of sense IF you fall for the idea that you are somehow powerless in some way, which is the wound that binds and blinds the people who are drawn to this kind of work.

What they don’t see is that they alone are responsible for where they are and are not dependent on another person. When divine union relues on another to get to a certain place, it is no longer divine union. That’s because it isn’t based on prior notions we have created but depends on a much simpler requirement which is simply BEING THERE. My being there is up to me, up to how I navigate through my consciousness to arrive in the state of innermost union. It is very simple. Another person can be inspired by my state, and can even be entrained by my own consciousness in order to “get” where I am, but it is always an inside job.

I bring this up because I have even done something similar in the past myself. It always sought to justify why I was still hanging on to some hard harsh emotion often centered around my being wronged or hurt by someone. It always created a blindspot in my awareness and kept me from seeing the whole picture. There is no substitute for doing the work.

For me, I would have never known how to divest myself of old stored trauma’s and little glitches hither and yon were it not for awakening. That said, yogi’s have been preparing as part of their preparations for a long time, and you don’t need awakening to do it. You can start today. Luckily, there is a branch of therapy now that is called somatics which recognizes that the body has a role to play in storing memories. As I have mentioned earlier, I think there is a physiological basis for this with the rich accumulation of neurons throughout the body.

It may be that the body becomes the annex or graveyard for the unresolved issues that the brain would prefer not to be burdened with. It may have a basis in our survival as a species.

The good thing is that there are so many forms of somatic work from yoga, chi gung (or gong), ecstatic dance, acupuncture, reiki, Trauma Release Exercise (TRE), cranio sacral therapy and massage that focuses on the meridians and facia as a way of releasing stored energy in the body. There are also variant that practitioners have developed that use clusters of these somatic therapies and even ones that may represent new modalities that also work.

I had several therapy sessions with a Kahuna healer that worked miracles for me, and I have had a massage therapist who understood stored emotion who did some digging into areas where I was having discomfort to help release them. In the field of substances, ayahuasca has gained significant use for aiding in releasing stored junk, as has a similar substance from the buffo alivarius (sp?) frog from South America. Hypnosis can work very well also for some people when the therapist is open to helping with relieving stored emotion. I think the trick is in finding which one works best for you.

What I have found is that when I really get into my body I become much more aware of the feelings of resistance that are present and then, by not being overly left-brained about it, I use intuition in finding ways of moving that open that area up. Instead of moving in a way that is locked up and stiff, the body begins to flow in new patterns. Sometimes being open to doing things differently can make all the difference. After a while, you can begin to feel those blocked areas open up and there is this greater flow of prana or energy that is hard to detect at first, but can result in a building sense of bliss. It’s interesting how guarded we are against allowing ourselves to feel good. Is that some Puritan sensibility rattling around in our heads and hearts?

There is a reason why breath work is so useful in relaxing the body: it is the one “in” to the autonomous nervous system that is easiest for people to tap into by using their breath in a way that signals to the brain that the body is in a relaxed state. It works so well that you can be in a high stress state and use breathing in the right way and you will in a matter of moments feel much better. Is it any wonder this is used in meditation work so much?

The interesting thing about doing the work ahead of awakening is that it can sometimes clear the way for awakening to happen. I credit an interaction with someone who effectively acted as a confessor for me where I was able to dissolve a long standing frustration and guilt I had about something that had happened earlier in my life that left me frustrated in trying to understand what it was all about and left me feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. When its you against the universe it can be very easy to dissolve those old hard feelings. When that happened, I felt eighty pounds lighter and within three days I was having my first bout of non-dual awareness. That cracked the cosmic egg for me and people began coming out of the woodwork to supply me with just the right tools to aid in my next steps. It all happened like clockwork. They say that when the student awakens the teacher appears. In my case it was a long chain of experiences and events that had something to teach me and each one got substantively deeper into the weeds until I found myself in entirely new territory. It’s enough to make you believe in a higher power (probably because that is indeed the case).

I will say that in some ways I felt like I was the last to “get the memo” and I had the sense that something was up, I just wasn’t in on what it was for a while. It was as though every move I made was perfect for the moment and it may have been that if I had known more about what was happening I might have engaged my left rational brain and ego and caused the process to stop. It was very much like feeling as though there was a deeper wave coming in from consciousness that I found was created in a space within that I had no control over (and that was the point). The right brain is not a “doer” but has all the power to comprehend but perhaps not to act outwardly. Instead, it receives and what it gets is from the higher realms of consciousness. This isn’t something that you can parse rationally, but this other (right brain) mode of thought seems to know exactly what needed to be done as it needed to be done. It can leave a rational minded person feeling out of sorts. Get used to it. Be ready for the mystery and don’t try to control it is my advice. Once the tipping point happens, you will need its wisdom to get through it. Its a bit like having a cook in the kitchen that manages to get it done much faster than you could ever dream possible. You spend a lot of time just watching and observing, learning to be content not to stir the broth or to make sure the sauce is being seasoned correctly (it is). Eventually, you will find that the cook is actually you, and this might take some time to work through.

Doing the work before awakening will help prepare the ground for later. The idea that awakening is some novel state is itself wrong I think. It isn’t for the chosen few or people who are somehow special. I think it is how we are meant to develop, but it is a shift and a big change at first. It can be disruptive to your life at first, but in time you will come to see that what was lost in the shift simply didn’t serve you.

This work can lead to being less reactive and that can lead to lasting peace, whether it is done before or after awakening. However, the choice of being happy will always be yours to choose. If you think the process will somehow make you happy on the other end, that just isn’t so. Like you choose what thoughts you think, so too do you choose your emotions. When you do release work, you are no longer a slave to the stored emotion that was once there so whatever got released is now no longer sending out waves of hard to control emotion that pops up for some unknown reason. This work results in not dwelling on the things you once dwelled on and the old triggers are simply gone. This is done piecemeal, so be patient. It is like chiseling away at a mountain side. This can take years, but if you stick to it, the day will come when you turn around and see that you have just moved a mountain of things.

When you can learn to see that no one makes you feel any way at all is where you can much more clearly see who owns what. Yes, there are people acting out of ignorance and a lack of awareness all the time. The world is full of this, and everyone has their day when they lose their shit. Billions of people having a bad day once a month is enough to make crazy stuff happen all the time, so be patient with people. Most often compassion and understanding is stronger than a judgment. Simply demanding that the world conform to your vision of what it must be is unrealistic. Instead, people have this inner compass in them and they just need help feeling it. You don’t need to draw a road map for them because all of this is mediated by feeling and the courage to delve within. It’s hard when you are being preached at to do this. Sometimes a good example is more powerful an agent of change than anything else. If everyone tended to their own backyards we would be in a much better place. You can’t get a flower to blossom by demanding that it do so. Watering it and caring for it will do more than anything else, and the same is true for people.

Westerners are now more aware of all of these tools than ever before and it will take time for people to use them and to find their way. There is though an inexorable force that is pulling at each one of us and that force is a light that is pure love, an example for how we each can eventually become if we stay true to our efforts and our desire. And while many will say desire is the root of all suffering I can’t say that I agree. I think expectations that are rooted in the old “catalog” of past experiences, which will almost always be unrealistic in the present moment are the chief reason why we suffer (with a lower case “s”). Desire can be coupled with expectations that may be entirely out of whack with what is and in that case, you suffer again. Desire though can draw you along a path for decades with no results in sight, but will help you reach your goal. It is even possible for desire to be just that, pure desire, and when it is alloyed with the right kind of mind can be a potent vehicle for change. Ask the tantrics about this, where the way is not around an issue but to go right into the thick of it and use bliss to cleanse the whole place of its error. You can’t feel bliss when cleaving to the rational. Only in surrender does bliss come in a way that it remains as a constant companion. Before, after, or during…it seems all paths are possible, so don’t sweat the small stuff (it’s all small stuff).

Hieros gamos, comes from the Greek hieros (ἱερός) meaning “holy” or “sacred” and gamos (γάμος) meaning marriage, or Hierogamy, which is a “sacred marriage” that plays out between a god and a goddess, and often a ritual played out between two human beings, as man and woman. This term is reflected throughout cultures showing up in alchemy which is Arabic in its root but which have other roots in China and is explicit in Hindu yogic practice and can find threads in Tantra. Additionally, in my own journey I found that this same practice was at play in ancient Babylon for instance. But what did I know of Babylon, really? Very little. So I dug into it and found that yes, the culture was rich with this heirodouloi as it is called in the Assyrian. It has a number of inventions down through time that eventually centers around a shepherd king Demuzzi and his consort Innana in later periods.

The hieros gamos as a royal ritual is the creation of early city-states built on the wealth provided by agriculture. Far from putting an end to the “primitive” village cults, they expanded and stylized them with forms that were derived from, and were variations of, earlier symbolism. One of these is the sexual union of the king and a “priestess” as an episode in the lengthy Babylonian Akitu (New Year) festival. The model for this rite is already given in Sumerian myths and temple customs. It is true that existing knowledge of religious practices among the common people of the ancient Mesopotamian world is inadequate, but it is known that in this world the main ritual procedures for the entire populace were carried out through the mediation of rulers and religious specialists of various kinds. Around 2100 bce King Gudea had a temple built for the god Ningirsu. Among the rites performed in the new temple was the sacred wedding ceremony of the god and his consort Baba, lasting seven days. Apparently such a marriage was an expected part in the liturgy for each one of the important deities already present in Sumerian culture, as it was later in Babylonian cults, and still later throughout Assyrian and also West Semitic cults.

In Western regions of Europe the concept of a god and goddess go way back to earliest antiquity. The Arthurian legend was itself likely an echo of this same concept, but leaving out the goddess, instead the king being fed and nourished and made whole once nature was itself also set right (a ghost of the feminine presence most likely-the role of Christian monks who sought to defang the deeper origins of this kind of story). Earlier rites were those performed at Beltane which was said to involve the people involved in sex in the fields. This idea goes way bath to Neolithic times and the idea of nude as well as clothed women imparting fertility to nature as a fixture to some traditions.

It bears mentioning that next to a sexual union between heaven and earth, of the type of Ouranos and Gaia in Hesiod’s Theogony and Dyaus and Prthivi in the Vedic texts, there exists documentation of supreme beings that are often called “bisexual.” Such a being is both one and two, male and female at the same time. Being two in one, divinities of this type are more properly called “androgynous” than “bisexual.” The ancient Mexican supreme being is Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl (“father-mother”). These will show up in the Gnostic mythos as a teaching tool for how to reach the Christ (more on that later).

In yet another instance I was shown in the early days of my awakening a strange structure by a guide who explained that a large group of people, perhaps, I guessed from the looks of it, a dozen people who were involved in in a ritual in which they stood on a large circular stone with clear incised lines cut into it, resembling something like a pizza. At the time this image which showed up in my inner vision in the Spring of 2008 (and its very short explanation) made little sense to me at the time except for the fact that it involved a group who had merged ritually and spiritually into what I thought was the stone itself. This was something that was akin to a very oblique reference to something that I would then see later, a kind of cosmic breadcrumb having to do with how souls move into a deep form of relationship (my guide said nothing about how it might show up later which is something of a hallmark of his that may have to do with not wanting to spoil the discovery or to make me too expectant of the outcome, which seems to always involve the element of surprise). Then, over a decade later, I would see this very object in a documentary on treasure of the Dacian Kingdom who once ruled in an area now known as Romania (being overtaken by Rome in the first century C.E.). After seeing the ritual complex where this stone was lain I had a flood of memories that involved someone who I know today. While details were little on this memory, it seems that I was one of the people, ten total, who engaged in a ritual of union that as best as I can tell was done in order to unite the regional chiefs and their spiritual consorts, which would amount to priestesses who had been prepared for this role. My hope is that more memories surrounding this life will emerge in time since so little is known about these people (Constantine does show the same hats that the Dacians were shown to wear on his Arch which sits adjacent to the Colosseum in Rome which are also the same hats that the Magi wear in the earliest depictions of them). This particular form as it appears in the photo below doesn’t show up in any other ritual complex anywhere in the ancient world. Because of how remote the region was where the Dacians lived, it is likely that while they did get around through trade they were able to develop their own rituals as they saw fit, and this form, as unusual as it is, was one of them. If you look at it you will see that there is a walkway to the platform where one single person could walk, in line, one at a time. Sometimes I do wonder whether this was the origin of the concept of the round table, and if not, then how coincidental it is in its use.

Everywhere and everywhen there was this effort to connect humans with the gods and goddesses, to establish a link to a higher or more expansive sense of existence. Pharaohs did this, insisting that they were descended of the gods. Kings and Queens in Europe had their “divine right” which was another nod to the magic of the divine realm and their unique connection to it. Over and over, rituals exist that help to cement this notion while also helping to aggregate and cement the power of ancient leaders. While this in many ways became institutionalized through the royal lines, the truth has always been that the higher self exists within each person and this divine line can be traced back through the soul in every person. Even the death of Jesus, which was more pagan than Judaic, has echos of how the death of the god, the shedding of his blood will renew the land, or in this case, the souls of his followers. One receives the special divine juice through their connection with the man who also is a god as well. In many ways the Christian god-man is out of place as a Judaic invention, for it does not exist anywhere in their tradition but instead does exist within Roman myth. Romulus (750 BC), the founder of Rome was himself born of a virgin and on the last day of his life, ascended into heaven. He returned three days later to explain why he had disappeared in the midst of a storm. Very pagan. Always was. Ezekiel 8:14 is one of the texts in the tradition of Israel that strongly opposed most of the religious customs connected with the hieros gamos; it tells of women who (ritually) bewailed the fate of Tammuz (Dumuzi) at the gates of the temple.

In Babylonian religion, the rule of the supreme god Marduk, just like that of his divine partner Ishtar (the Akkadian name of Inanna), is not limited to one area. Although the goddess’s myth shows her as not altogether successful in her journey to the netherworld, she does return and her rule is emphatically presented as universal. In contrast, in the earliest myths, Dumuzi remains associated with pastoral life, and the impression is given that rule on earth has its limits; this same impression is also given in later times. Such rule, however, must have its basis in the hieros gamos.

That the certainty of rule over the land and its well-being is of the utmost concern is borne out by the king’s determination of destiny. Just as the god Marduk’s rule was established when he received the “tablets of fate” (in the Enuma elish), the king shows himself as king in fixing the rules and regulations that keep the universe functioning properly. The ritual by which he does so is complex, but it is related to the Akitu festival, and the sacred marriage itself is to be regarded as a “third form for the determination of destiny” (Pallis, 1926). Clearly, the union with the goddess is of paramount importance for rule on earth.

Priestess in Egypt were said to have intercourse with men in an effort to educate them about how to cultivate their own inner power. For this they were called temple prostitutes, sadly (but it is possible that in their day they were in fact revered for their work helping to ‘wed heaven to earth’ with the pejorative term coming along later by those who didn’t understand the ritual or the importance of the work as is so often the case with the “great unwashed”). In one instance, I had a memory of watching an initiation ritual whereby women assembled in a darkened room who were presented with a presence that whipped through the room which had the look of a spiritual fire that moved into each priestess in turn. This energy elevated the priestesses to a new consciousness. What I was witnessing, I suspected, was their union with the sun god Ra since the presence presented as masculine energy (again, a balancing of energies). While this could be attributed to a flight of fancy, two other people observed something similar to what I saw, and then many years later I read an account of a woman who had been regressed to a life in Egypt where she described the same thing I had seen two decades prior (everyone lined up facing a large black wall with these small slots cut in them and this was where the presence of the god came). In this case, instead of union with the god in human form, these women had a direct line to some source energy that was made active or through which they were made aware (perhaps through years of training). By being in touch with the god they were also in touch with the goddess (as physical representatives on earth). It was through the interplay of these two energies that one became aware of the greater reality of the creative at a cosmological level. Numerous cultures saw this union as a way of helping with the crops and also balancing events in the world for favor from the gods.

I think that the culture that got these concepts in their most egalitarian strands are found in Mahayana Buddhism where the grace of the feminine and her love serves as the bridge to the divine, but also in how the divine union is seen as the two in one (as exemplified in the Mayan god-goddess mentioned earlier), which is an androgyne, which is similar to the early Christian Gnostics who wrote of the syzygy, the result of innermost union of the two opposites which they saw as feminine and masculine within us all. Out of this union, they insisted, flowed the Christ consciousness, and it was through their both ritual and inner practices that they managed to reach this deeper realization (which the works clearly show). This also shows up in alchemy quite clearly most notably in the book The Chymical Marriage. All of this has captured the imaginations of those who are “twins” of the soul as twin souls or twin flames. Numerous other myths are tapped by them giving them the sense of antiquity and legitimacy (which tends to gloss over the real reason for the connective, which is to date, always karma).

My observation from the beginning of all of this (awakening via kundalini) has been that physiologically these opposites are rooted in our neurophysiology of the left and right brains. Far from masculine or feminine, they are enough of opposites like man and woman that people try to wrap mythologies around them as we have done for centuries in the form of “divine masculine” and “divine feminine.” The truth lies deeper still and represents an end to this duality in favor of the realization of who we are in these vehicles of flesh on an adventure both in body as well as in mind. I think that the myth isn’t necessary in order to understand the forces at play and to understand ones relationship to the universe, but we do love our myths! It is my sense that the beginning of enlightenment involves understanding things as they are, and while the mythos of the divine pair continues to be all the rage it wont be alla mode to consider what is really at work under the skin. I think that if people did pull back the curtain on this, it would instead reveal truths that most are unwilling normally to see or acknowledge. It will however in my estimation reveal how we are built for divine union and that this is all an inside job. And who do we find when we go there? At first it is like a God but as the experience matures we find paradoxically that the seed that is “God” (take your pick which one) was always inside of you and that when the union happens in its fullness no one will be able to discern where the God ends and the human begins, and here is one important clue about our relationship with the divine (which many are loathe to admit). In this is the secret, which most regard as a mystery (until it is known). Yes, the sky will light in sacred flames as the last of the sacred cows goes up in flames. Our myths are themselves like rafts that get us across conceptual hurdles which are then destroyed once we get to the deeper truth seeded within them. And what then? A sweet silence, and in that silence the secret of all creation which is that the opposites never were opposite but were always one….just as we all are one. And yet, we go about it all wanting to make it out to be more than it is through the clever trick of myth-making. It is more than the myth, but it has always been that. When we grasp, though, we invariably reach a corpse. Look not to your conceptions but consider that those have always been projections of consciousness which in its most limited of ways, shows us imperfectly the way, perhaps like how a metaphor helps us to see the truth, not directly, but by way of something else. We usually wind up worshipping the metaphor instead of something else. So what else is left?

If you must still play at the gamos game then recognize that you have everything that you need inside of you.ere the light of your awareness joins with another light, different from you and yet seeded with the same truth as you. It is possible though that in so doing you can also rob the relationship of its polarized charge (but also put to an end the war of the sexes in a traditional female/male relationship). It is possible though to attain to a still greater light if those so engaged are brave enough to travel to the next greater height (where there is still another greater summit and so on endlessly). This is the hardest one to get, for it involves what the ancients called “righteousness” (alignment with the divine will). As this unfolds, or blooms, karma is shed and the desire resolves into greater and greater levels of bliss which itself turns to a stillness with supreme fecundity, not unlike the notion of the Tao, which exists in such stillness and yet brings all into being. This is the essence or core of the supreme consciousness. Like a frozen explosion, ever expanding but without expansion, a grand paradox lying at the heart of all creative energy. It is the primordial seed lying within each of us. The primary union always is inside of us, and when we place such importance on the outward expression, it will always fall short because how poorly our expectations are usually constructed. And yet, even in them lie the seeds of greater realization.

These highly ritualized forms of inner knowledge which come to us from antiquity serve to show us that we have been aware of certain elements in our consciousness which became codified as a feminine and masculine dynamic, a quality that existed in each person most certainly, but got played out in grand rituals of union. These unions, I insist reflect a folk-ways understanding of qualities that can lead us to an enlightened state, and with our knowledge of our neurophysiology we can begin to see the source of this material. By doing so this does not lessen the power of these forces that are within us all, but instead helps us to fashion ways to get at this duality that is brought into greater unity, with the reward being the enlightened state. Some traditions described this union within in more direct terms, but still dressed in imagery and belief. Without a clear understanding that this may have all arose as a result of a union of left and right brain mediated by meditation practices whereby the habitual need to rely on one hemisphere over the other was overcome in order for a deep and abiding unity within to be known. This unity was itself transformative, resulting in a changed person and a renewed consciousness. This isn’t to say that the old rituals didn’t work, for they were likely close enough that they did the job, but our knowledge and understanding does evolve and now we can see how all of this served to advance consciousness albeit in a somewhat elitist fashion, and is now something available to all people if they are willing to do the work. Yes, sacred cows will evaporate, ideas will change, and certain mythologies will be seen for what they are, but in so doing we can begin to face who we are in order to better understand how to bring greater change on the Earth. This transformation of consciousness has the power to improve our world because when everything is seen as One, we naturally want to preserve and care for that unity as though it is ourselves, which it certainly is.

Post Script: It is useful to recognize that in nearly all traditions that have detailed explanations of the enlightened state that there is always an acknowledgement of a union of opposites within the person who experiences this state. These opposites are described in various ways but often tend toward a masculine and feminine quality. This is true in the Indian schools of thought most notably when describing kundalini as a masculine and feminine (solar or lunar) force that merges together from two energetic channels called the ida and pengali into the central channel where the effulgent experience of cosmic mind happens: the shushumna nadi or channel. Here in the central channel, the deeper and more accelerated state is known and it is in this place in consciousness that the two are not seen as separate as all duality has merged into a oneness of being and awareness. Likewise, in the gnostic texts of early Christianity they describe how two opposites merge into a new unity which they describe as a divine syzygy, which is often referred to as an androgynous state. Additionally, in the writings of the European alchemists they describe and chart out the progress to an ascended state as the mixing of masculine and feminine qualities in consciousness until it births a new form of consciousness, which is dependent on the synthesis of these two opposites. This has always been an inside job and the union of opposites always happens within consciousness. For all the talk of the divine feminine and the divine masculine, the real union happens in a personal way before the light of a greater awareness is known. This doesn’t stop people from ritualizing this union by working out the story or process between women and men throughout history. it is an important nod toward understanding the first principles of this larger realm of awareness. These ritualized methods can misdirect the mind to a certain extent if the person takes things literally. At the same time, it can also serve to bring the horse to the water, too.

I never set out to be a tantric. I was a seeker, my one guiding light was whatever enlightenment might be, I was only ever going to find it within. So I sought.

Through a series of fortunate events that fell into my lap, I was brought to a new state, what I would later learn was a kundalini awakening. Barely into the awakened experience, some nine months later, I was gripped by the energy and felt myself open up in a way that I had grown accustomed. Never having read up on any of the Eastern practices, I stuck with my sense that all of this was found within, as surely it was. No teacher, no guru, no books to lean on. Just pure direct experience. When you do that, when your mind is not distracted with what others have had to say about it, you are free to experience teachings (which is a direct experience of the phenomenon) directly, for surely they will come IF you have that inner reliance on the guru within. I will say that it seemed tantra found me, tantra came to me to reveal itself.

One aspect of my and others’ experience is that you can be taught through visionistic experiences, which are things that seem to come out of left field or out the clear blue. On this day as I sat writing to a friend in my sun room when the energy came on strong and my mind was directed to an inner image that emerged in the presence of this energy (which was not distinguishable from me), the experience unfolded. I was shown a giant loom on which there were three different sets of threads. Two made up the warp and weft of the weaving, which are the threads that get moved up and down, and are the threads you normally see when you look at a loom. These make up the length of the cloth. I then saw a third set of thread which was pushed through the gap between these two thread sets with a shuttle. I watched, and as I did, I felt directly what each of these threads represented. The thread sets that moved up and down, making room for the shuttle to move were the opposites in our world and in ourselves, what some might call yin and yang, lunar or solar energies, or the feminine and the masculine in our own consciousness. Yes, “masculine-like” and “feminine-like” qualities in our own individual consciousness, because what I was being shown referred to all of us (and all of nature too). These were highlighted by my experience with the kundalini awakening so that they rested in my waking awareness.

The third thread, this I could feel was a universal energy of bliss, the more hidden part of the experience of bliss. Its presence in our lives was based on how we focused our awareness on them. As these two opposite set of threads moved around this central thread on the loom, there was a corresponding pulse of bliss that could only be described as orgasmic, and while it stimulated the body, it was felt as an energy that flows through the entire body in the most pleasant way. What happens when sexual energy is liberated from its lower realm is made to flow through the entire body? It becomes a finer and finer material, and a force for healing our entire being. The lesson in this vision, which was an initiation into tantra, was that there is within all things this connection to a field of bliss.

Here on earth it seems that we need to learn about the power inherent in the opposites and here is where it gets to be a mystery: does the movement of the opposites create the bliss or is this bliss already there, waiting for this movement in awareness? Causative effects break down here as the question might be which comes first the chicken or the egg? Certainly the movement of the opposites into union seems to create the bliss effect, and yet the lesson for me in this initiation is that the bliss is always there. It may be that these elements themselves act outside of time at a certain point where both possibilities are equally valid and operate together. In this experience some aspects of linear time and the resulting phenomenon of cause and effect appeared to break down or may have been shown simultaneously (cause and effect being shown in a different relationship to one another).

So I saw this vast loom, which I called the loom of heaven, showing me itself and teaching me what I would later learn was the core of tantra, which is that our fundamental nature is bliss. Further, what I also learned by doing some reading on classic tantra in the years that followed was that tantra itself in the Sanskrit means “to weave.” Had I heard this before? It wasn’t likely. What did I know about tantra before this? Nothing except that it was being touted in the mainstream as a way to great sexual experience but with a mystic Eastern twist.

What I saw on this day was that this was not about sex but was instead about our potential as humans to experience untold bliss within ourselves, and that this bliss could heal us of so many issues that we have when we ready ourselves for it. The effect of this bliss has been that it has loosened my grip on narratives in my mind that somehow I am a victim, that it is the fault of the world, my parents, my culture, or its institutions. I soon found that all of my inner beliefs were being upturned in favor of a much more direct line of sight of a fundamental state of my being that had none of those old stories as part of its pure presence.

That isn’t to say that tantra does not tie into sexual experience, because it does. The same letting go that I felt sans sexual activity was not that different from the moment of release and deep surrender that came with physical orgasm. The difference here was that I wasn’t having sex, and the rush of orgasm was instead felt as a steady state, or a constant state of orgasmic energy whose result was no longer about mere release. Instead, I was in a spiritually aroused state that kept me more or less in a state of surrender. In that surrender you find how easy it is to let go of nearly everything you have supposed, assumed, or taken on in your mind about how you think the world works. This is a great healer of the mind and the effects have been wide reaching in my life.

My initiation came without a teacher and without any previous instruction. Instead of reading in books, I paid attention to my experience and learned to feel as deeply as I could, which allowed me to pick up on elements or qualities of the experience which I would later find were in books on tantra, the ones taught by Tibetan lamas and by Indian practitioners. It was only years later that I attempted to read outside of my own experience because I wanted to see how accurately I saw all of this while also being able to find the places where I had blind spots, or were things I hadn’t considered or experienced directly.

I am not saying that you can’t learn this by way of good books on the subject or from others. You can. You do though have the capacity to know this information directly for the simple fact that this is not something you go down to the market to get but is instead inside of you. Remember, someone at some point invented tantra, which was based on their own direct experiences. That person had no one teaching them. If you approach this like a child with an open mind and practice basic checks on your process, it is possible to be an initiate in the same way.

Doing this requires some rigor and willingness to step directly into the fire of universal bliss. Doing this acknowledges that it could be messy at first. Your awareness will grow as you go through this and what seemed true or a condition of your experience can change, sometimes from one day to the next. I see plenty of people who drag their old junk into tantra when they write about their experiences, and the point I am making is of course you do. We all do. The point also is that you are dedicated to change and transformation. It may seem too simplistic to say that the desire or mindset to improve will result in improvement, but it is true. You will. Setting your intention is considered a key component in this line of inquiry. It releases you from the busy part of the linear mind that asks, “But if you don’t have it already, how are you going to expect to magically get it later??” That part of the mind drops away in favor of the more feminine part of the mind that says, “Shush. Be quiet. ” It then whispers, “It’s a mystery…” And so it is. But this is a mystery based in a truth about our nature, about who we are once you begin to distance yourself from the station your mind has been tuned to for decades now. The line from the Kate Bush Song Cloudbusting is operative here: “Just saying it can make it happen.”

The desire to learn more, to dig more deeply using your consciousness (without necessarily knowing how that will happen) is possible even without a teacher. To do this you need to up your game in becoming increasingly more and more sensitive to the emanations in consciousness and what comes in teaching moments such as these. I would add that trusting yourself and your senses is another important prerequisite. “But how do I know whether a teaching like yours will come to me too?” Realize that the teaching was something in my own consciousness. The information was always there, I just had to allow myself to feel deeply into it in order to grasp its meaning. There is no one correcting you or directing you. You are instead like a magnet pulling out the iron of the universe or being like a bloodhound who is on the scent but has no earthly idea how it is that it can follow such a thing. And yet it happens. The information is there because it is a part of you. You aren’t going to the market to buy eggs or butter. You are looking within yourself and it is there that the whole of the universe can be seen or known or experienced. We can do this because we are energetic beings, and every single one of us are built the same, you simply have to want to find it enough. Trust yourself and your abilities, which at this point may only just have begun coming out into the bright light of day.

I know how strong the urge is to seek out a teacher. In some cases it can be helpful, but what I have discovered is that humans don’t think the capacity to know is within them already, which leads to chasing after teacher or book or guru, never acknowledging that the capacity was there all along to know it natively. There is also the possibility of swallowing whole a teaching that the guru doesn’t fully understand his or herself. I have seen errors perpetuated this way, some now thousands of years old and now nearly universally agreed upon as correct. Just the mere fact that the teaching has been handed down for so long must mean it is true.

In the movie Anonymous about the life of Shakespeare, a character is telling another character how a royal must surely be correct in a given assertion when in fact they were woefully incorrect. When faced with incredulity from one of the characters, the character in the movie explains that they had important titles given to them, as if to say there was no way they could be wrong. The only thing a title does in some cases is to highlight how the system can incorrectly identify a person as someone who knows.

Not long ago, a group of archeologists who pushed a theory on when humans appeared on the North American continent (called Clovis Man) found it suddenly overturned after a dig was performed in South America that showed clear signs of human presence much further back than what the Clovis Man theory had put forth. The Clovis Man theory had been in all of the text books and was considered by everyone to be the truth. What came out after the theory was crushed was that the archeologists who had pushed the Clovis Man theory didn’t believe that humans in North America went back further than 10-13 thousand years, so they simply stopped digging! In this case human presence had been shown to exist well beyond 100,000 years in the South American dig. When archeologists dug deeper, they found older and older remains in North America.

This quality can be found throughout the world and in every corner of human inquiry. I am not suggesting that you blindly question everything, but I am pointing out that as human beings we all make mistakes. We missidentify phenomenon sometimes or missatribute reasons for why things happen as they do. There are people who look at the horrible things that happen and shrug saying that it must be God’s will. That is how far the inquiry goes! That’s why your own awareness is important and learning to use it an a clear and open way is crucial because sweet little you might discover something the rest of us have missed! You might even find something amiss in my thinking, and that is a learning moment for me.

I can tell you that the capacity to feel is way more important than any intellectual prowess you think that you might have or using the rational mind. To learn something new you cannot drag the rational mind into any of this because that part of the mind is based on what you have learned in the past. The truly revolutionary realization is that through your creative imagination, alloyed with feeling, those will bring you an overabundance of insight and this is how all great yogi’s and yogini’s have uncovered new ground. It seems so impossible until you find yourself pulling out information you never thought to consider or even knew was possible to reach. But you can.

I believe it was Osho who spoke about the tantric temples of the past. He said in essence that most people assumed that these places were adorned and populated with stone carvings of women and men cavorting in all manner of poses, a real feast of sensuality. But the opposite was true. Instead, these buildings were plain and empty inside. Why? Because the action all came from within! Tantra stands against the howling silence and emptiness to show us our creative potential as bliss-filled beings in a confounding universe that normally has people who seem to always misdirect your attention to the physical senses.

One final thing I will also add, which is that all of this is like an onion with many layers. Keep at the work because once you have uncovered some great realization, you will find after that, there is more to the story. Keep going, and this path will reward you with wonderful truths and incredible realizations about who you are and your capacities as a human living on the earth.

The tantric path isn’t for everyone. It is intense, it can knock you over at first. You can misread its seeming signs sometimes, and you can get it wrong, but the path is one that is fast and one slip up one day is wisdom in the next. If you allow the bliss to dismantle your old armoring and your beliefs about yourself and the world, it can work more directly and if you are willing to lose something in the exchange in order to gain something bigger, then it can be an incredibly beneficial path. For myself, tantra has given me a bright and positive attitude and it shows in my life. It has created a field of bliss around me that lifts others up (sometimes when they are aware enough). Gone is the much of the self loathing and negativity of the past and this shows in my interactions with others. Yes, there are people who cannot be moved and want to remain where they are, and with tantra, that is completely fine.

Every path has its own steps. I can harness the immense creative energy to achieve new work in my business and new ideas. My experience in nonduality has shown me that we are all one, that we are all in this together regardless of our political or spiritual outlooks. I see truth spoken everywhere, different groups just have different parts. Everyone matters and learning by encouragement is so much better than through punishment and condemnation! There is so much positive about this experience and presence as a guide long before we even touch on s-e-x. Why? Because the real union happens within. It’s an inside job. It might surprise you to know that this is so, but it is the path into and through tantra and greater spiritual union be it with God or Source or with another person. Union within is THE thing, and as a result, you love not for the object but because this is what you are. When this happens, so many things can change within you. Lost is the desire to grasp another to fulfill a need or a desire. Instead, you ARE desire, you ARE love, you ARE passion and you ARE the bliss that pervades the universe.

May you experience blessings in your life today and all days..

I begin this as I begin all posts on ways of sparking awakening, which is to caution the reader to consider that if you are not properly prepared, awakening can not go according to plan. This is a full-time commitment and it will occupy your life for years especially in the beginning and more specifically in the first three to five years of awakening until you learn how to work with, and not against the forces that are brought to bear. One thing I can say is that if you are OCD, like things a certain way, or like your life well ordered and controlled, awakening is not for you. Awakening will involve opening up the metamind, which is a fuller spectrum of mind than you are used to. It also reveals your shadow and the way at working out these wrinkles in your past is not the way we go about our business normally. If you don’t know how to surrender and let go of expectations, it is better that you learn how to cultivate that part first.

That said, a simple method that has been used both by the Hindu’s as well as the Egyptians. It is also what I was guided to do one evening as I sat for my meditation. I will also say that this method may not work magic for you right away, but for others it may be very helpful. It is best preceded by the meditation method described in my last post, which is a good way to learn how to silence the left brain (which is the part we call the part that is always “talking”). This is a shift into the nonverbal centers as recent discoveries have revealed.

There is an apocryphal story about an exchange between Pythagoras and a member of a mystery school in Egypt where he asked them what he needed to do in order to gain entry (he was said to have petitioned them many times) and the response was to focus on certain centers in the body and to fast. He did what was prescribed and returned saying they were right and that by doing so, he was changed. He said the old Pythagoras no longer existed and a new man stood before them.While we don’t know what those center were, it is very likely that they were centers like the third eye since this same method has been mentioned in passing in ancient writings. Pythagoras went on to study there for many years and eventually became a teacher there.

Sitting quietly and in meditation (breath work as prescribed as described in the previous post is helpful to drop you into greater quiet) close your eyes and then focus your physical eyes on your brow region of your forehead. Imagine that you are looking just beyond your brow region some. This will mean that your eyes may feel like they are slightly crossed. Focus your eyes and your attention on the area that we think of as where the Ajna or third eye chakra is located. Now as you do this, you can be aware that you are focusing the energy of your awareness there. You can imagine that you are sending energy to that location, because you are. Do this for moderate amounts of time, but don’t do it until you feel uneasy and find yourself disliking it. It’s important to find this fun and enjoyable because the quality of your energy will help actually to create an emotional pattern associated with this activity. It is better to do five minutes while feeling fresh than it is to do forty minutes and feeling bored to tears. Just place your attention on that spot and consider how you are filling that center with the energy of your awareness, and that your energy is going into that center.

It’s helpful if you do this without any expectation of an outcome. It is best to keep your mind as free from these things as possible. Having a blank mind is very helpful because what you are doing in this practice is stimulating the latent powers of your being. The ajna chakra is one of the least emotional centers in the energy system. It sees but the degree of emotion in seeing can be one more aligned to a kind of detachment. Certainly the state required to open up the powers of the right brain and the larger cosmic mind requires learning to understand how that focus of mind is so broad as if to seem as if it is not a focus at all, and this can escape beginners. It is like you went from wearing glasses that allowed you to see up close for most of your life and one day, you took up a set of telescopic lenses that allowed you to see so far that you didn’t realize what it was you were doing. You might even be gazing and deep empty space without realizing that this was itself a meta view (through the metamind). Because the third eye can be so free from emotion, the initial awakening can be relatively calm at first, allowing you to be more stable in those first days of new experience. Only later might the energy, the high flow of prana, begin to open up and free stuck or knotted energy in your field, after which the experience can then become more intense to the degree that you allow it to be so. There is nothing inherently wrong with its being intense, but some of it is built on appearances and on an illusion created by the ego that these things are more important than they are. The only thing important is that the body and mind is cleared of them. Some might think they have to wrestle with these things, and when someone takes a stance like this, then it seems reasonable that wrestling must be done, but this is in no way necessary at all. You can learn to drop the drama within if you are more selfless in your approach. This is a much more peaceful way of going about doing “the work.”

Additionally, it is possible that other centers of energy might be stimulated that could stir the depths and bring on awakening, however, it is my sense that everyone needs to be careful when doing this since if you activate a center that has a lot of stuck emotional material, you could be seeing your experience through a lens that is now amplifying that emotional material, which is like being cast into the vat sea of awakening but in choppy seas right from the start. There is, though, real benefit in simply meditating and feeling your energy, sitting with it and keeping your mind open without preconceptions about what it is or what you might experience. By sitting in the present, by being present, you are beginning to utilize the right brain which has the goods in regards to cosmic mind. In my last post I spoke to this as being a quality that we have identified as being located in the right brain. This part of the brain is specialized in a certain range of perception and feeling, and it is very different from the more dominant left brain. Knowing that it is the right brain doing this doesn’t really tell us much, so all of this is a direct experience. Just knowing that you have this bicameral brain with two ranges of experience and perceptual ability is enough to put you on the scent so that you can remind yourself to emphasize one a little more than the other. Contractions of consciousness, which are often about fear and which can contain pain body, something that is both a noun and a verb, can be experienced and then the self can learn how to keep those contractions down to a minimum which results in keeping a broader more open-hearted state at play. This is why work of this kind seems best done in a gradual fashion since it allows you to slowly walk into the waters gradually and to get used to how to navigate it and not fall for fear or anxiety or to lapse into the pain body or contracted states, which are a hallmark of the left brain.

We are also at this unique place in our development as a species where awakening is happening in ways that have never happened before. It is a hopeful sign in some ways and I think that it also shows that this is very much needed if we are to progress as a species here on the planet. We need bigger thinkers, we need more compassionate thinkers, too. We need the soul of what the Buddhists call bodhichitta, which is a motivation that is based on wanting to expand our understanding of ourselves while at the same time, wanting to be of service to others. It is a more selfless way of being, and is not about grasping for approval or for being happy because we made someone else happy. It is like giving something precious away and not holding onto it. I leave a hundred dollar bill near a park bench and someone who i do not know picks it up and is thrilled because moments before they worried how they were going to pay a bill, or maybe it is just that the note left which says “blessings to you” was enough to clue them in that all of this was intentional but selfless.

The boddhichitta is also that part of you that has made you a seeker and has kept you on the path of wanting to know more, to reach whatever that elusive thing was that might have been eluding you for so long. There are some who say that seeking is itself an illusory act, but I am of the mind that we are first seekers before we find that which rewards us so greatly. The essence of the bodhi, or Buddha nature, is one where the heart opens and where there is less grasping. It is in such a state where all that we need naturally comes, like a blessing upon our heads like the rain that makes everything grow. The universe is not one of punishing or rewarding. The way of the bodhi is in part the removing of obstacles. This is why so many who awaken experience such coincidental or synchronistic events in their lives. Miracles, small ones, sometimes daily, remind us that we have stopped the struggle and are now open to the divine plan and cosmos, which is one of abundance if we can live in that feeling state. The reverse is certainly also possible where everything seems to be going wrong. Examine your thoughts and your beliefs.

If you feel a struggle or resistance within you, then whatever you are feeling will serve to attract things like it. If you feel that there is something wrong with helping others because you think that it is somehow selfish or self serving, then examine your feelings more. If you are living transactionally in your life, you might be missing an important element that is holding you back. If you give openly with a full heart, more of that openness will come to you in your life, bringing you greater joy and fulfillment. If you instead want happiness, you will tend to be more happy and by serving this light in you, you will shine it out onto others in a shower that they also cannot help but sense at some level. This is some of the more positive motivations that can serve to guide you in your inner work.

So by focusing your awareness on the third eye, you feed more energy into that one center. As you do this, it slowly fills with the light of your awareness and your attention. Perhaps think of it as some unknown reservoir that can contain energy and by turning the light of your mind inward, you are no longer expending it through the physical sensory world. At first this might be a challenge, but the mind can be trained, and you can make this part of a practice with the highest intentions at heart. Don’t worry about when that reservoir will fill up enough for something to happen, instead be patient since we are each unique and this may take some time, some more than others. This isn’t a race and achieving this is like finding a pearl that is hidden in the mud. Imagine yourself filling up with your attention and keeping turned inward. This practice is very similar to what is called the Golden Flower, which is in Taoism. The secret of this flower is known when we turn the “lantern of your attention inward” so that the inner world is filled with light and may respond in time.

Every tradition has its prescriptions, some say to practice for forty days, others don’t put a time limit on it, and this I think is the wisest way to approach this. What I can say is that imagination is the gateway through which we can know a hitherto unknown thing. At first when you get results, you will think you are just making it all up, but deeper still is a part of you that naturally knows what or how to imagine in order to get there. By being quiet and calm and learning how to calm yourself with breath work, you can begin to bump up against these forgotten realms of the mind. Remaining inquisitive and like a child is best. I have found that I was able to learn much by not leaning on a teacher, for it is in us to know these things if we resist the desire to ask someone who surely must know more than we do. If a teacher is needed, that teacher will come like the blessed rain that I described as coming to the bodhi earlier. If you resist trying to figure it all out in a mental way or trying to force things, the universe will provide you with exactly what you need for that moment. Its pretty amazing that I was able to have people who had exactly what I needed who lived within walking distance of my home in these mountains. One was a Qi Gung master of sorts, someone who had studied in China to learn White Crane Qi Gung, which is the same energy practice that the Shaolin monks learned, a man who gave classes just around the corner from me, about three blocks away from my home. Then there was a healer from New Zealand who was almost the same distance from my home, who was there just in time to help me with some later work in my process. Only months after seeing her, she moved to another part of the States, so all of this had the feeling of happening in what we often call “divine timing.” In each case, I didn’t ask for these things, but I was open to the possibilities. All of this comes when there is this shift or acceleration in our energetic awareness where we seem to be interfacing very differently with the world. These are all signs that we are moving into a different perceptual and field of consciousness. Remaining humble and serving the light within seems to keep us on the right keel and in a state of grace, which I observe is an important thing for us. Don’t expect to be perfect at every moment, but instead learn as you go, for surely this is how we improve. Awakening is a great gift, but it is just the beginning, a kind of entry into the garden. You might wind up slipping on some of your own shit from time to time, so go easy on yourself. This is not a race, and there is no one out there who is going to bonk you on your head for messing up (you will probably do enough of that in the beginning all on your own).

Using this method along with the meditation that was outlined in my last post can be a very useful way of stirring the depths. Consider the meditation method first and then after a period of some weeks as you get used to the method, bring in the third eye meditation later.

Serving the Light,
