Archives for category: psi

I often talk about the abilities that came in the wake of my awakening. For myself, I worked to determine as much as I could what was accurate and what was not in order to best understand the abilities that emerged in the early days when the Light made its way into my life (or me into it). I am always critical, even today, of these abilities. It’s possible that I could have missed something, or misread something. I think the biggest threat for those who think they are psychic is that they are psychic (mostly) but are so convinced of the flawless character of their ability that they are blinded to their inaccuracies in sensing from a nonphysical basis.

Its been over 15 years now. There has been a lot of water under that bridge. When I look at one of the big features that came with my awakening, one which I haven’t spoken to not even once here on this blog, I am having to admit that it is something that has held up and may in some way bear on the work that we have to do here on Earth if we are to mature our civilization beyond the brutish world that apes civility. The sense that I had upon awakening, and was one that I have been very hesitant to speak into all this time, has been that the world is buried in layer upon layer of deception. In truth, this is the place where souls go to hide things. Sounds rather dystopian.

To be fair, I have looked at this over and over through the years and I have teased a number of items out of it that helps I think to clarify what I sensed in a bulk fashion all those years ago. We as humans are always hiding things, and much of it appears as innocuous for the most part. Someone calls us and asks us if we’d be willing to join them for a dinner party but we say no because we say we have plans. In truth we didn’t have plans, we just didn’t want to go so we made an excuse, a white lie we might say, to wiggle out of it. There is a great deal of this happening and what I can tell you is that there is a repository that is both nonphysical and energetic that is associated with the Earth that records everything. It is like a microscopic record of everything that has ever happened on Earth. When you dip into that field you can go through this vast record of what is happening now, what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future (as well as alternate pasts and probable futures). There are other layers of deception that are institutional in nature, and this covers a broad swath of ground. Social, religious, and political are swept up in this, and after looking at it it seems to boil down to several themes.

One of these strands, which is religious in flavor, has to do with a fundamental lack of awareness about the true depth of human nature and which has a distrust in human nature and so thereby seeks to control that nature and those urges which that strand in religion sees as bad, fallen, or broken. This strand shows up I think as the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. By doing this, these movements have kept important truths about the nature of human kind away from itself because it has been unable to face its own flaws and see things more honestly. It is interesting that while the self is emphasized in these religions, in other philosophical and spiritual strands like Buddhism, the opposite is true, where there is another kind of loathing that takes place in the human condition and that has to do with the role of the self. In Buddhism the self is deemphasized, and thus this inner loathing of self (to a degree) serves to act as a guiding light in what many see through this lens. It is curious to see how it seems that humanity is bringing different stories into bright focus through this means or lens. It is interesting to note that in some ways the tide of awakenings happening these last three decades especially appear to have the quality of seeking to remove this loathing of the self in some ways, or to not even address it as a concern (a group of people who are not inured by the beliefs of either of these groups). It will be interesting to see how it unfolds. The result will be that (I think) the self will be able to see itself more clearly without the veil of the belief that the self is bad in some way (fallen because of temptation or bad because the self is itself an illusion).

Politically, I see all kinds of deception. Take your pick. The biggest deception seems to happen with populations most resistant to the idea that their government is corrupt. This corruption’s main source is an extra-political corporate presence that insures that what corporations need, they get. Politicians are bought and there is no getting this influence out of the main driver for legitimizing fascism in most countries (fascism being government controlled by large business). In the U.S. I see an interesting layering of the secrets, and using secrecy law most specifically in order to hide or shield people who are operating within the government from public scrutiny. On one important front there is a very significant amount of technology that is being staged in what looks like an entirely secret system for shuttling new tech from various departments and organizations who are involved into the marketplace. This is something that the players think is a huge benefit to them (which it is) but is not subject to the usual scrutiny and oversight. What I see is that the government of the U.S. is being used by these very large corporations that typically have been involved in military contracts who are now involved in emergent technology (much of which is being directed for arms use – unfortunate). Many new technologies or breakthroughs are from this ecosystem and some of them are the result of labs who have been working with technology and materials not from Earth. Over the next five to ten years there will be an explosion of new tech (it is already happening) and no one will know that its source point was non-terrestrial (unless we get a whistleblower). One field of this tech is nanotech and how new materials are being crafted. This has happened and will be happening in large part due to insights gained from looking at materials that came from other civilizations that are not human. Also things like metals that have very unusual characteristics will be coming onto the market which have their origins in what we think of as nano-tech, and idea that came not entirely from ET material but has been “tutored” by the crash debris and other materials that have been studied, for instance.

There are secret arms deals, there is drug running, and there is also human trafficking that is taking place through government channels. When I say this, some of this is not with any consent through any traditional channels, and in the case of human trafficking in one case the people involved in it are using their own personal access to secret channels in order to continue with their work. People discount the effectiveness of just one well-placed individual who can slip things past the hordes. Some of this are a small group of actors with the clearance and ability to move money and to write contracts and who are beyond normal oversight or suspicion who are getting away with this. Then there is the known level of corruption and grift that involves members of Congress who make money on stocks based on their foreknowledge of how legislation will benefit or hurt a sector or a stock. U.S. government at this point is owned by corporate interests and this is one reason why government will continue to be more and more tone deaf to the People (because it isn’t about you anymore).

The Epstein issue has also come up and what I see is that Epstein was involved in a mechanism to control people who have power. What they do to those people is the part that I think were the public to know it, they would be both outraged and bored to tears all at once. Some of it is straight up horrific while other parts are like a big game of chess that makes certain moves hard to understand without knowing what the motives are behind those moves. Many of the arms of government are taken over by fascist forces (corporate interests) and are being used now for their purposes and not for the good of the people (except in the simplest and most surface of terms). I am reminded of the movie which IMDB neglects to include in Robert Redford’s vitae, which was Three Days Of The Condor, a movie about how there was a CIA within the CIA, which is to say a rogue group of people who were running programs beyond oversight from Congressional approval and governance. That movie was published in 1973, so that’s been a minute. I will note that Obama signed legislation making it legal for the C.I.A. to propagandize Americans, and in the 80’s Reagan’s head of C.I.A. William Casey famously said that they will know they have succeeded when Americans take the lies of the C.I.A. as truths. If you know about Project Mockingbird and how the C.I.A. fed propaganda to journalists here in the U.S., you can get a sense of the kinds of games that are being played on the average American.

Not long ago Farsight in Atlanta did a remote view of Epstein and his stay at the jail he was housed in. What they found was that each person remote viewing him saw a man who managed to kill himself by wrapping something around his neck and lofting himself off a top bunch, just far enough, to be fatal. Now I know that since his death everyone has been saying he was killed. But for a moment I would like you to consider why someone like Epstein would kill himself. In fact, it speaks to just how bad all of this is that Epstein was involved in that he would choose to end things as he did. Epstein may well have been much more important than any of us even realize. I know that this goes against everything people have been told about his death, and I agree that the movie version of Epstein plays much better when someone sneaks in and kills him. A number of remote viewers who were given a random number sequence for the target each described the place he was being held and how he was able to snap his neck using the force of his own weight over a fall of about three to four feet (with his legs crossed as he fell).

Whitney Webb has written a book in multiple volumes entitled One Nation Under Blackmail about the life of Epstein. Webb has dug deep into his businesses and activities. It is eye-opening. My own remote view on all of this shows that Epstein was not just an intelligence asset but that he was involved in an effort to push a globalist agenda forward, which involves numerous countries (something that Webb’s work touches on). I am not clear whether Webb has settled on this globalist agenda. There are a number of interviews with her on the web but one of the best one happens to come from Glenn Beck, who is someone I have not been very familiar with, but his ability to allow Webb to speak and with the interview being a long-form one is also very good as well.

Photo by the author

It was the early 1990’s and I was working as a traveling portrait photographer for one of the largest photo companies in the U.S. My work took me on a circuit of seven regions, over and over. Once October came, we were officially in the holiday season and things got busy. We shot portraits mostly of babies because once you reach school age, schools take pictures of children. Babies were our bread and butter. The thing about being busy is that mothers would stand in line for hours to get pictures taken and after such long waits, their babies would be in really bad shape. It was my job to do what I could to calm the babies just long enough to eke out a few fabulous photos of babies.

Most often, a crying baby would calm down for a few minutes when it heard a stranger’s voice. These would be very small infants. If that didn’t work, sometimes unusual sounds would work. Sometimes, nothing worked. But if you know me, I am also out there wondering, “Can I communicate with the little ones telepathically?” I had plenty of subjects to try this one.

I tried this first in the town of Cumberland Maryland. I remember this week because I was being borrowed by another district, so I was in a different area completely from what I was used to. One evening, we had this beautiful little baby come in, no wait to get pictures, but cranky. I suspected that this was the only time the parents could come in to get pictures and the baby was ready for bed. It was no more than 4 months old (closer to two to three months). Mom was concerned that the baby was crying and as I got the studio set up for the sitting, I explained to her quietly that I was going to try a few things that often worked with babies when they are cranky like hers was. It’s enough to get Mom to just go along with me enough so we can quickly get into the sitting, and when all goes to plan, we all wind up looking like geniuses.

In this case, though, nothing was working. I finally decided to speak directly to the child through its mind. I was standing ten feet away, not speaking, just getting the camera set up and the baby is crying. I speak to the child in my mind and the child stops and begins looking in my approximate direction as if she was hearing a voice. The eyes of babies in these cases will look upwards slightly, searching for the figure of the person, often a knit in their brow like their eyes are trying to focus. It is a look that is pretty common with small infants when they hear a strange voice. At the time, no one else was speaking, not me, and not the Mother. It was a quiet evening just before closing and there weren’t a lot of people in the store. The baby got fussy again, so I spoke to it again and just like before the baby quieted down immediately, began searching with its eyes in front of it, for where (perhaps) the inner signal had come from. The sitting lasted about fifteen minutes once we got going, and while I didn’t get smiles, I was able to get a look of calm on her baby’s face (which many Moms will take when their child is being fussy). After this, I began trying this out on other infants. The good thing was that I would have hundreds of sittings with mostly babies each week so I got a lot of practice. In all I was able to try this on many hundreds of infants. I found out a few things that I’d like to share.

What I found was that a small percentage of babies responded. The percentage, I would estimate, was around 24-30 percent. The problem, as I saw it, was that often a baby would be so upset that I couldn’t get through to it, but there were those instances where if you were there and I could point it out to you, you would be left wondering if your really saw what you had just seen. I know that something in the range of 20-30 percent may not sound significant, but when it worked, it worked really well. Calmer babies showed more signs of appearing to be aware that they were looking or searching for the presence or voice that they may have heard. Calmer babies appeared to be easier to get through to. Now I know that all of this sounds a little incredible, and what I can say is that I paid a lot of attention to the behavior of the babies while I was doing this experiment. I also know that the skeptics will waive off my findings as mere coincidence (and I would not blame them). The body language was almost always the same: the infant would look slightly upward and in my general direction (I was always positioned directly in front of them in the photo studio). I found that when an infant responded, I could keep them responding to my nonverbal prompts and requests, but if they were tired, upset or cranky, it was much harder to get them to show signs that they were possibly responding to my telepathic prompts (which were encouraging words for them to calm down, to look in my direction, etc.).

Was it all just coincidental? If I thought that, I wouldn’t be bothering to share this. Was it repeated by another researcher, was it run blind and with controls? No. But what I think it may point to is that small children may be telepathic to some extent. It is also something that you might want to try out for yourself if you work around children, especially infants. I found that by a certain age, this facility goes away for the most part.

At the other end of the spectrum, and some years later, my Grandfather was willing himself to die. He was in his 90’s and had been whittled down by many small strokes and was bedridden, and had been so for at least a year. He was fit to be tied and was tired of lingering and said so to the family that one Summer when we gathered to see him. He said his goodbyes and thus began what was his death process. Sounds incredible, but the people at hospice explained how the process would likely unfold (and it did). My grandfather was a force of nature, a hard guy to be around because he liked everything his way. If you deviated from any direction in the least, he pretty much lost it in the sense that he felt like the younger generation was somehow straying from the ways that would make them fit for the world. He also helped in giving me a work ethic, so it wasn’t all bad, not really. But that was the man. He left the way he lived; on his own terms.

About four or five days into this decision, my Grandfather moved into a phase of the death process that was marked with his becoming unresponsive. His breathing became shallow and he would lie in bed with his eyes open looking out the window but completely unresponsive to anything going on around him. His breathing was this shallow and fast near-hyperventilation type. One night as everyone had gone to bed I sat up with him. I began speaking to him in my mind and I noticed whenever I did that, his breathing would change noticeably. I stopped, and his breathing went back to what it was before. I spoke to him in my mind, and his breathing changed, slowing, again, noticeably. Was this just a coincidence? I kept testing this, and each time, sure as shooting, his breathing would change. I tried this scores of times, trying to begin and stop at odd random times. While I cannot say that my Grandfather heard my thoughts, his response showed me that he was responding to the moment when I would speak to him telepathically.

Are we naturally telepathic? Is what keeps us from being telepathic more an issue of filters installed later in life more than anything else? Do those, or will those, filters come off during certain circumstances? Is it perhaps a lot easier to achieve than we think? Could it be that the same exercises provided in yoga and meditation practices hold the key to discovering our natural telepathy? In science they say correlation is not causality. I am, though, very interested in these correlations. Maybe they need more study.

Addendum: In the field of awakening telepathy is found to be common. Many people have reported, including myself, the capacity to feel what another person, to whom they share an inner connection, feels. I know that I looked at this carefully during the time that I was in contact with the person who I thought was my “twin” from 2007 after a full kundalini awakening that took place early that year. There is a fair amount of writing on this subject that I have put down (as others have also) on this blog for those interested in learning more.

Boy, this has taken a bit of courage to post especially given my stance on using substances for altering consciousness in the past. Gulp. I am writing, though, to share an observation and point something out that happened in the event that you are interested in taking a deeper look on your end. Or not.

July 1st 2021 was the day that the prohibition of marijuana ended in the state of Virginia. Not long after that, a friend stopped by the studio after having obtained weed. All legal, now, and what a strange place to be I suppose.

If you read my blog you will see that I advocate natural means for reaching alternate states of consciousness. While Terrance McKenna didn’t believe it was possible to enter into the numinous without DMT or psilocybin, I know different. While I very much respect what these early psychonauts were attempting to do, theirs was just one path or road to “Oz.” In a way I would have liked to have spent some time with Terrance explaining to him how I came across this naturally. I don’t think it would have changed his mind, though. For his generation he had found a viable way of gathering knowledge and experience that in many ways is perfectly valid because of how broad and far-reaching consciousness is. My way took longer so it was not a path meant for the impatient. People get bored quickly.

While under the influence of a drug we say that our consciousness has been altered. Has it really been “altered” unnaturally? We have receptors for all kinds of substances that are found in nature that allow us to experience what those agents do to us. We also have bodies that produce many of those compounds naturally also. You can see that I might appear like I am hemming and hawing. The truth is, I think that plant agents can be very helpful if used judiciously and not used so they become like a crutch. That said, what I hear from friends who have used marijuana for years illegally, is that it is far superior for cutting anxiety and helping with sleep than drugs that leave them feeling out of sorts and with other unintended symptoms (“may cause intestinal bleeding, rapid heart rate, shingles, fear of the unknown, sleeplessness, and dizziness”).

Recently a friend offered some of the devils lettuce to me and I decided that I would take a very small amount because I was curious to see what effect it would have on me now that I have awakened. I decided quite unexpectedly that I would give it a go after many decades of having sweared it off. I explained to my friend that one reason why I didn’t smoke the stuff was because it made me feel like I could feel this immensely large consciousness very close to me and I explained that I could not tell if that consciousness was me or if it was something else. It made me feel very….self conscious too! My friend looked at me and just smiled. I realized she had no idea what I was even talking about, and I kind of felt funny even mentioning it. That’s one reason why I don’t talk much about any of this stuff because I inevitably wind up sounding like I am crazy. Or baked.

“I’m not baked! It just sound like I am!”

After my friend left to go home, I was free to turn my attention inward, which I was eager to do to see if I could trace the contours of my awareness and see if I noticed anything different about it. Obviously I felt different, yes, that was the drug, but what about whether it might confer something interesting in regards to awareness? It all happened quite quickly.

At first I thought it was my imagination. It seemed real, but ever the scientist, I needed some form of proof one way or the other. What had happened was my mind turned to my two children who live on their own now, having grown up. When I thought of them I had the distinct impression that my mind was locking into their own vibration and that I was seeing through their own awareness, something that had not happened before in the way it was happening on that day recently (I keep my distance so as not to spy on my kids). It was novel and different from what I have experienced in years past when I had a connection to someone or when I was running some strong energy that would have an effect on my awareness. I don’t mean to sound contradictory; when awakening came there was a slew of phenomenon that I was peppered with and they all seemed to just happen without knowing how or why. Yes, so I was psychic from having awakened. The Hindu write at length about this, it is a sign of attainment. And everyone is a little different, none of this is a competition. In those earlier cases, my perceptions would become more sharp or would open up more. This would mean I would feel what others around me were feeling. The difference between then and now was that back then I felt like I was tossed bodily into the experience. I felt like I had little say-so about it. I felt it bodily, but what I was feeling or experiencing recently was a lot more controlled. I felt it more as though I was in control of myself, and I had the distinct impression that something in my awareness was able to just slip into these thought-streams and it certainly had the distinct feeling like that was exactly what was happening. Still, maybe it was just my imagination, maybe it was the weed. I took a few moments and surveyed the landscape of the mind of one child and when I decided to pull out of it, it was like breaking the surface of the water and I was out of it. In fact, it was like waking up from a dream where it got to be a little hard to even remember what it was I had just seen and experienced.

Reflexively, my mind turned to my second child, and the experience was completely different. I experienced what felt like a panic attack, but it was unlike any kind I have myself ever experienced before. It came on very fast and then was gone very quickly. While I was experiencing this, it felt completely real to me. What’s more, it showed me something about my child that I had not considered previously. I had seen these sudden outbursts before and I had not understood them, two had happened just recently when I was helping with a move from one apartment to another. It had thrown me for a loop. It was upsetting, and I was left at a loss as to what on earth had just happened. Was it possible that I had gotten inside someone’s head? Was it possible that I was now seeing or experiencing what this child sometimes experiences? In similar fashion as the first experience, when I was out of it, it felt like popping out of the ocean, moving from one phase or mode into another. I was now back in my own local focus. When had that happened before the way I had just experienced it? I couldn’t say that I had experienced reading someone like that in the way I had just done. The difference was that I felt like I was in control of the experience. I was able to pull out when I was ready. I felt like there was this observer in me that was able to watch and then feel what this emotional and mental material meant (or seemed to mean). Still…was it just the weed that had done this, had created the appearance of this phenomenon? Like I have said, it felt like the real thing.

The memory of the experience kept at me the rest of that afternoon. By that evening, I resolved to call my child to compare notes. My only concern was there might be no interest in talking about any of this, but when I did call there was no resistance to discussing it. I was so relieved. I remembered what a psychic friend of mine explained to me many years ago who said that often when we read someone and really see them, when we see them next, they will often tell you everything about what it was that you had seen perhaps a few days or a week before. She explained that it was like some part of them knew that they had been seen, and this is something that sparks a response even if it comes from a more subconscious state. We know, but we don’t know that we know. Perhaps we suddenly feel like we want to tell that person our life story, or one part of it. I had experienced this before with a number of people who I had read in similar ways before, so I had seen some evidence of this being a thing. “Read them and then they will then speak back to you everything that you saw, which is a very good way to confirm without needing to ask that what was seen was accurate.” What was remarkable was how much of a breakthrough it represented in my understanding of another person. It became clear to me that what was experienced was in line with what my child experiences.

The feeling that I had when this scan happened was a sense that I was going deeper into my mind than I normally go. I don’t know how else to describe it than that. I had the distinct impression that I was using or utilizing a part of my brain that doesn’t normally get used and it felt like it was a deep innermost core part of brain and self. Each time that I had this experience happen, I was aware that I was in this very deep place within that had been made possible with the use of the marijuana. Maybe it is a little bit like what we do when we channel? No, strike that; it didn’t feel quite like that. No one was taking me over. I was slipping into a mind-stream and my own inner perceptions were analyzing and sensing what was taking place or what exists within their mind-field of thought and feeling. That is what it seems like from my vantage point right now. One outcome was that I understood a little better how my child might get triggered by me or something I say or do. It was helpful because by being more aware of what I say or do or how I interact, I can in some instances head the triggers off at the pass.

It feels like I have gone full circle in my work and my experience with kundalini. In the beginning, I was swept up by the force of the energy and I had all kinds of unusual experiences taking place that I seemed to have no control over, they simply would happen. I would know things, I would walk past someone on the street and I would feel their painbody or their load that they were carrying around. I didn’t seem to have any control over it or when or how it would happen. Now, though, it felt much more controlled. It felt like I had found that place in the center of my brain where there is this transceiver. It felt just like that. It felt like I went into a place don’t normally go that was quite deep and it was there that I could see in this “new” way. Yes, I have had experiences similar to this before, but now it was also different. Now, it was controllable, more intentional. At first, I felt like I was spying to be honest. But then I also realized, if what I was experiencing was on the mark and not just imagined, then this kind of insight could help me to better understand the behavior and reactions of others who are near me.

Clearing the inner junk is critical for being able to fine tune your inner senses. This is why doing the “work” not only helps you to be free from the distortive effects of your own repressed emotion, but it also can make you clearer as a seer or psychic. It makes your life more peaceful as you integrate the truth of who you really are in a concrete way in your inner sensory landscape. I have seen in myself how stored emotional material can get in the way of inner sensing work. I have also seen in another person that I knew very well who was constantly projecting her own mental illness onto me or others whenever she “read” them. The problem was how readily apparent she was drawing from her own inner index of past material but was unable to see how it was clouding her own inner vision. Another friend who is an established psychic with years of experience counseling others is someone who has worked doggedly most of her adult life to clear and cleanse herself of stored emotional material, and the result is that she can do cold readings that have an incredible level of accuracy. The only difference is one person has done the work and the other person still has a lot of work left to do. So let this be a lesson to you; do your work! One sure sign of what you are seeing is inner material being projected onto the other person is that fear is often involved. When I felt my child I didn’t feel fear, I simply experienced something on a visceral level but I can’t say that “I” was the one feeling it. I was sensing it, yes, but I knew it didn’t originate with me….and that is, I think, the small but significant difference. Mind the gap.

So did weed make me more psychic? Did it open part of my mind in a way that it helped to catalyze this new shift into awareness? Possibly. I find myself having to admit that I will have to conduct a few more controlled experiments first to see if I can more completely confirm what it is exactly that has ben taking place. For all I know this might be something specific to me, but then again, it might not be. I think it is worth taking a look at, especially given how after decades of negative press about marijuana the results are showing that instead of being dangerous, that it has medicinal qualities and for this person, it is a great sleep aid. Much better than taking some complex pharmaceutical compound that might leave you with a host of undesirable side effects.

I’m not rushing out to buy and use. I am, however, quite keen now on seeing what else it might suggest to my consciousness as directions to go. Sometimes a compound in a substance will act like a trap door in our consciousness which we can then go back without the compound in us and recreate through our own native chemistry. How? We meditate on the state that the substance produced in us originally. Does that sound strange? Turns out, people describe how they can recall the states experienced with psychedelics in such a way that they don’t have to actually take the drug again in order to produces its effects in consciousness. THIS is how the plants can help us. We can recreate their effects in our bodies and consciousness if we simply focus on them and remember their effect so clearly that the body itself produces the effect that we are thinking about (which the body is expert at doing). It is amazing when you think about it: if you focus on feeling a certain way, your brain will see this and then your body will begin putting out the chemistry for the state you are imagining.

So? I guess my views on using substances has changed. There is nothing wrong with using them if you understand what you are going into. Psychedelics have been known to help people perform some of the same “exorcisms” of emotional material as kundalini does. There have been a lot of recent studies in this area that involve the use of magic mushrooms that have had some very amazing results for those involved in the studies who took the mushrooms, and were more positive in result than other drugs that are legal to use which can produce many undesirable side effects. That isn’t to say a psychedelic wont produce some intense experiences for the person, the difference is that often when faced with a negative experience, the issue is often being brought up to be healed. Just noticing and seeing that emotion fully for the first time can be enough to break the bonds it has in our subconscious. Ergo, it can be, however hard, a path to authentic healing. And no, it isn’t for everyone.

Absent the drug effects, it seems that all of the same requirements are the same: face the fear or the emotion, see it for what it is, let it play through you but remain dispassionate in relation to it (don’t grab back at the emotion in order to keep it) and it just goes “poof” and is gone forever. Ayahuasca does the same with a lot of vomiting and being led to facing old repressed emotions and fears in order to overcome them. DMT seems to offer some emotional release effects as well. But I think at what point do these things become crutches? No one will know except you. As for me, I am now a little more curious than before and is an old dog who is learning some new tricks.

Sgerbic [CC BY-SA]

This past week the man who is the self-described skeptic of all things paranormal died. James Randi has made his stock in trade seeking to debunk psychics and anyone who made claims of psychic abilities. Unfortunately, there are those who have sought to hoodwink the public for just such reasons in the field of the paranormal. However, this itself does not mean that the field of psychical research is somehow invalid or that psi ability does not exist. To say that someone who sought to defraud the public in this arena means that the whole field is itself suspect is a broad leap in the wrong direction. Just a few weeks ago there was a flap about a scientific researcher who, as it turned out, had falsified his data in a study. This though didn’t suddenly shake our confidence in science as a whole or put an end to our inquiry into how the world works.

Randi, though, has gone one further in his quest; he has used language that shows that he finds any notion or mention of the paranormal to be hogwash. This is very different than saying that you think it is unlikely but that you remain open to anything being possible. The difference between these two approaches is the difference between honest inquiry and bias. One seeks the facts and the other isn’t really interested in knowing them.

I first saw Randi during my college days when he came to speak at my college in the 1980’s. While on the one hand he has been able to uncover hoaxes in the past, something very interesting took hold in the man that drove him on a crusade to paint the world with a broad brush of skepticism. He took his debunking to a whole new level through his work with CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) and later with his foundation JREF (James Randi Educational Foundation). I will note that CSICOP untethered itself from Randi after a time because of his level of zeal in seeking to debunk instead of honestly inquiring.

Randi famously set up a million dollar prize for anyone who could provide proof of the paranormal. This became a skeptics rallying cry of sorts where Randi was able to say how no one to date had ever been able to claim the prize. It seems reasonable on the surface, but what most people don’t know is how unscientific his prize was. The prize and its particulars denied important scientific principles that are regularly employed in the study of any phenomenon, be they atomic structures in physics or how glutamine is processed in the body of deer in winter habitats near the arctic ranges in North America. The prize was disingenuous from the start, it turns out. More on this in a moment.

What Randi did was to use his prize as a way of bolstering his belief in the absence of psi phenomenon and to forward his own agenda about the field as a whole. Randi was able, in his own mind, to lay the issue to rest because, after all, no one who had sought to claim his prize had ever been able to do so. Randi used this fact to great advantage, but he did us all a great disservice in the process.

The protocols that every individual seeking to prove their abilities to his august board of inquisitors required that each participant had to agree to a test that required 100% accuracy in results. Randi, who has been questioned about this fact in the past, has explained that he has every right to require this as part of efforts at claiming the prize money. He has explained that what he was after was undeniable proof, and his requirement would require every person coming to him to provide that level of proof.

In science, in any effort to create tests which are repeated many times in the process of gathering data about any kind of phenomenon, it is universally understood that in our world we have something that we know commonly as variability. This is a principle that is a cornerstone element in science and in the gathering of data.

A simple illumination of this principle of the scientific method is contained within a talk that my high school Chemistry teacher gave to us when we began our study in his class.

My teacher explained to us that when studying anything in the world, we gather data and then we examine and study that data for clues that often help us to understand the phenomenon being studied. He described an example of a canon placed before a flat plain of grass with no rocks and carefully tilled ground in order to make the ground consistent in density throughout so the falling canon balls would land in a more or less consistent way, a level playing field if you will.

This canon would have both canon balls and charges to propel a hundred carefully milled balls forward onto the grassy flat plain in front of it. Great care was taken to make sure that every ball was precisely the same size and weight. Further, the charges would have been carefully weighed out and made from a single batch of gunpowder. Every charge was packed in precisely the same manner as the one before it and the canon balls were shot from the canon and where the balls landed were noted as the way that they rolled or did not roll.

Our Chemistry teacher went on to explain that the researchers would then measure where each ball landed, noting their location by placing their location on a graph to better see or relate to the data collected.

Our teacher said that what normally happens is there would be a trend line that would show that most canon balls would have landed within a few feet of one another. Others would be further away from this trend line, and a few would appear to be errant because of how far they would fall away from the norm. All of the results were considered important because even the errant canon balls had something to say about the use of a canon and the process employed.

Our instructor on that day made a graph on the chalk board and showed how these canon balls and their placement would appear on that graph. This graph looked a bit like a shotgun blast aimed at a large paper target. You would see a center where most of the pellets from the shotgun landed, but there would always be a kind of “scattershot” effect that would happen too. In fact, he said, this was expected. The important thing, he went on to explain, were the trend lines and what those trends revealed. There would always be variability in results.

Most students in science and math fields are required to study statistics in order to be better at gathering and studying data sets. What we know is that some things that we study fall precisely on the average or median but we also know that there are those data points that do not. This is a common issue in every branch of science. What Randi has required in seeking to challenge all comers is the equivalent of expecting all of the canon balls shot across our field to all land one atop the other in a neat pile, the neater the better. I think you can see the problem here. While Randi could require this of his participants, after all it is his money, it still does not make what he did scientific.

It bears mentioning that Randi is a magician who used his knowledge of illusion to crack how some people may have been duping the public with fraudulent displays of paranormal ability using illusions in order to appear psychic in some way. Randi has taken this avocation to an extreme with his prize and has done something that has corrupted the very meaning of honest scientific inquiry. Most people, however, don’t know how his prize has little to do with science and has everything to do with propaganda. While those who remain in the skeptical camp will feel bolstered by what Randi has done, it does all of us here a great disservice in the interest of science. What Randi has done was to push an agenda that many others of like mind and belief glom onto and call their own. Truth dies in such places, however.

While Randi has been involved in examining claims of the paranormal, he actually has no scientific credentials, and while some might forgive him for how he has set up his prize, Randi in his life was on a crusade to deny the existence of phenomenon that some scientists have sought to study in a scientifically efficacious manner in order to better understand the world that we live in.

There is a lot on offer here in such honest and open study because it could help us to understand the very nature of consciousness as well as reality and how our universe works. If we can prove with a reasonable degree of certainty that something like nonlocality in consciousness exists, for example, it could help us to revise the notion that materialistic science has had where, in the words of James Alfred Whitehead, “the atoms blindly run.” Such a discovery would have far reaching implications in our understanding of a host of issues having everything to do with how our world works. We wont get there as long as there is this staunch resistance to such a possibility, however. We must forever remain open and ready to explore what today might appear as unlikely, as it often does occur.

I will remind my readers that it was as recently as 1920 that astronomers considered that the Milky Way was the only structure like it in the cosmos. At that time, we had no proof that there were any galaxies beyond our own. Since scientists remained open to the idea that there might be more to our cosmos than what their current experiments and observations revealed to them at the time, they went on to develop more powerful methods for peering into the cosmos. A direct result of this openness and curiosity was that they found that the universe was in fact littered with structures just like our own Milky Way. What appeared to be stars one moment became gallaxies which were composed of billions of stars.

Well before the 1920’s, for example, there were people who believed that the earth was flat. We know now that this is not true and the reason why we know that they are not is because scientists pushed beyond the limits of technology and belief in order to test and observe what could be new possibilities.

Like Randi, there are those who still believe that the earth is flat and that we never went to the moon. In fact, these people will go to extraordinary lengths to try and dismiss any evidence to the contrary. While we might chuckle at people who still believe that the world is flat, if you have enough of these people, their presence and influence in the world can have a powerful dampening effect on true scientific inquiry.

I will add my own observations here for your consideration. During my life I have had numerous instances of precognition which happened under very specific circumstances and were repeated many times over four decades. I was able to see how dreams that I had on a semiregular basis had an uncanny habit of coming true. These were not vague scenarios but were filled with very specific sets of details. The result of these regular experiences was that it piqued my curiosity about how it might be that we could be able under certain circumstances know events before they happened. I also had later in life experiences related to what is commonly called remote viewing in which I was able to view a target that was located 1500 miles from my location, one in which I knew nothing about, and had never visited nor was told anything about. In this particular case, I began getting vivid impressions of the home of someone that was part of an online forum that I was a member of some years ago. When I decided to approach the person if she would like to participate in a little experiment to see how accurate my impressions were, she was willing to engage with me. What I found was that of the 24 distinct details that I saw, I got all but two correct. The remaining two were partially correct. I went on to do several more experiments of this same type with other people whose homes I knew nothing about and had never been there in person (and neither did these people talk about their homes online—I wanted to do this blind). In those cases, I had between an 80 and 90 percent accuracy rate of details described.

To let you know the level of detail that was involved in the case of my first remote viewing experience, I was able to see that I had to turn left out of an elevator into a hallway with charcoal grey carpet which had small strands of red, blue, gold, and green in it. I was able to see that the hallway had sconces on the wall with no overhead lighting and that the sconces were “V” shaped. I saw the color of paint on the walls of the hallway. I was able to determine which door in the hallway led to this person’s apartment. I described the layout of the apartment accurately including the size of windows and the type of window (an old casement style) which were painted black along the frame. I was able to see where the bedrooms were located, including the bathroom as well as which bedroom was being used and a bedroom that looked like it had been used in the past but was now being used as an office (it had a bedframe still in the bedroom). These were not vague details, but very specific ones.

This level of detail was emblematic of my remote viewing experiments at the time, and I think that what I was able to see was that whatever this was that I was able to do, it did not involve my five senses. It hinted also at the nonlocal nature of consciousness as well, which points also to the possibility that what we think of as consciousness is not dependent on the physical body and it’s five senses.

Where skeptics come in at this point is that they will often say, “Perhaps you had read of descriptions that these people published in the online community that you forgot about but still retained in memory and used as the substance of your remote viewing exercises.” The truth in all cases was that I knew nothing about the homes of each of the three people who I attempted to remote view. The first person was herself very private and had not said anything about her home. In the case of one person, I didn’t know where this person even lived in the country. I in fact chose targets after the first initial experience that I knew nothing about. It was, to my mind, worth the investigation. Results like these become statistically significant when they are being done blind without any access to prior information.

I will add that for many skeptics that I have known, they often report that they haven’t had any paranormal things happen to them. When further questioned, they will most often deny that their lack of personal experience has anything to do with this at all. This I think is telling and may be at the very root of their skepticism. While this is understandable as a human trait, it doesn’t exactly get us to where we need to be when it comes to understanding something more fully.

This isn’t really skepticism in this case, it is instead a belief based on limited experience that is taken up as a truth and then acts as a lens through which many skeptics view the world. Even when faced with proof to the contrary, they are just unable to go there: “I see that the world looks flat, basically, and even though others have taken photos from space, I do not believe those photos to be true or even real….they must have been faked somehow.” Thus the skeptic folds his or her arms and rests easy in what they believe to be the truth.

I will note that there are people today who still believe that the earth is flat when this has been proven demonstrably false. For my part, I have sought to conduct my own investigations with at least something resembling the scientific method. Sadly, this is where Randi has fallen down in his quest for all things skeptical.

Skepticism is important, however, because without it you can fall for an unacknowledged belief that something is a certain way when it may in fact not be. In the case of Randi and others like him, it is belief masquerading as skepticism. This is what is termed cynical skepticism, and whenever you see this in operation you will find denial and hurdle after hurdle built into the belief systems of people who remain unmoved. For myself, I do not care whether a person is cynically skeptical. I do, however, care when that cynical view is pressed onto the world stage in a manner where it is used to breed more believers instead of investigating the subject honestly and with integrity.

The difference for me is that I didn’t grow up believing in precognition or remote viewing. I came to it through direct experience and explored it in an open minded way. These were things that happened to me and I had no idea what was behind them at the time. Only after decades of these experiences did I begin to form the idea that there might be something to all of this. Am I believer? I don’t have that luxury, and I now know the pitfalls that exist in such a way of conducting my life. I am open, however, but this is not the same as holding a belief in an unconscious way. I have always asked since I was young why believe when you can know? One option involves no real inquiry while the other demands it.

To put a finer point on what Randi has done, take this quote from Skeptical About Skeptics site which you can find HERE:

“Randi is not afraid to attack scientists who take an interest in subjects such as telepathy; for instance, Brian Josephson, a Professor of Physics at Cambridge University. In 2001, on a BBC Radio program about Josephson’s interest in possible connections between quantum physics and consciousness, Randi said, “I think it is the refuge of scoundrels in many aspects for them to turn to something like quantum physics.” Josephson has a Nobel Prize in quantum physics. Randi has no scientific credentials.”

On his own website, Randi, through his foundation called JREF (James Randi Educational Foundation), he describes and explains the process required when seeking to be tested for his million dollar prize. This is taken from Michael Prescott’s Blog because the details of the prize have, after Randi’s death, been taken down. What this one section does, though, is to provide the reader with the flavor of much of the document (emphasis added). In section 2.3…

There are some claims that are far too implausible to warrant any serious examination, such as the “Breatharian” claims in which the applicant states that he can survive without food or water. Science conclusively tells us all we need to know about such matters, and the JREF feels no obligation to engage applicants in such delusions….

Later, in his own FAQ Randi says this about something that I have just mentioned (emphasis added):

Of course, when confronted with a particularly incredible claim like “remote viewing” (the current version of “clairvoyance”) we can easily stop short and ask ourselves just why we are involved with such obvious nonsense.

Obvious indeed. That is itself not a good enough reason to dismiss something out of hand. There is a lot that was out of hand when it came to Randi and his views, sadly. And yet, many will tout him as the defender of skeptics everywhere. His belief is surrounded by a mote of bluff and bluster which only looks on the surface as common sense. I ask: whose sense are we talking about?

Finally, and perhaps most damning is Rupert Sheldrake’s own experience with Randi:

It is obvious that I do not seek to praise Randi, but to bury him. Let’s let his story rest in the dust as we take up eager and open minds with an adherence to results and statistical analysis as the way forward.

Lastly, I leave you with a TED talk by Russel Targ, a noted psi researcher who did work with the C.I.A. in remote viewing programs over many years. It bears mentioning that the board members of TED chose to censure Targ’s talk by banning his video from their platform. We soldier on.

I want to take a moment to tell you about someone who has figured strongly in my awakening journey.  I want to mention her because of how much experience she has in the arena of energy, consciousness, and awareness.  There is the saying that when the student is ready, the teacher arrives.  For me, this was true.  I wasn’t going to find a traditional teacher, though, this much is true, but at a very specific point in my awakening when I began questioning what it was that I was reading and hearing about the phenomenon (Twin Souls/Flames especially), she came along at just the right time. We struck up a friendship and would have conversation about the process of awakening, consciousness, and how we can recreate our lives to find a better way.

My friend is a professional psychic intuitive and has worked in the field for decades.  She is not a fortune-teller but is someone who uses her gifts to supercharge change for her clients.  She has worked with individuals, couples, groups, and businesses large and small.  Her gifts have been used on start-up projects that have gone on to do big business, to couples who are wanting to get married.  Big or small, Ali has helped people from every walk of life.  She is like a big fish that you would never realize is the big fish because of how humble and soft spoken that she is.

My friend and guide was born with gifts that were off-the-chart incredible.  Talking to her at first, it wasn’t readily apparent just who I was dealing with, but as time rolled on I began seeing the evidence of her gifts.  I have been lucky to have known her since 2008 to the present day.  I have gone through my own contortions and difficulties during that time, have remained dedicated to pushing my own envelope of understanding and find that my friend is still there as brilliant and as insightful as ever….and forgiving of my own difficulties when I try to push them onto others (we call that projection!).

What is so amazing about my friend and her gifts is that she was not born with the “veil” that most have.  If you ask me how this veil works, I will tell you that I think it is very simply a process related to our development here. It is also how our brain works in consort with consciousness and the way that some parts of the brain actually “brake” other parts that have the ability to process information that doesn’t come from the five senses. I say this because I have had my own forays into this realm, perhaps just enough to get me into trouble.  But in truth, Ali is like that person who didn’t get programmed to be like everyone else and the barriers that most people have, she doesn’t.  I know for my friend, based on having known her over the years, living this way can be very hard because you feel EVERYTHING.  The other side is super crazy and over-the-top psi ability. My own sense is this is part personal interest that accrues over lifetimes, but can also be a feature of the awakened state.  Kundalini, after all, is said to bring many abilities, and Ali has had this since she can remember.

I think most people who have done the work like she has simply are at a place where they no longer need to reincarnate here, so perhaps this is why we don’t see a lot of these types of people. People like her are rare.  I know in my own experience that I am showing evidence of pulling back the curtain through a growing memory of past lives both here in this reality as well as others. Perhaps you have also been experiencing this very thing yourself, so you might know what I mean firsthand.  I know that along with awareness there seems to be a willingness or ability to begin using our minds in ways that are contrary to how most are taught here on Earth….all of which contributes to enough of a difference that we begin to see more and more open windows through consciousness.  At least, this has been my observation thus far. But the point is, my friend is so clear she can get to the crux of a problem so fast that you will be left wondering what just happened.

I am writing about my friend because I want you to know her.  I am telling you this because more people need to know about her because the gifts she has are remarkable.  While she is a healer, her healing work is so incredibly versatile that she can do her work over the phone and literally work a miracle for you inside of twenty minutes if you are ready.  These things happen so fast that I am left wondering what just happened sometimes.  It’s hard enough living in a world that wants to pooh-pooh these things as it is, but if you suspend disbelief and go into work with her with an open mind and a ready heart, there is nothing that you can’t do with her help.  I know I am waxing grandiose here…but let me explain…

A number of years ago my friend came to visit my home in Virginia.  While she was here I had been invited to a gathering by a family friend and I took my friend along.  A lot of the people there knew me and were curious about who she was and why she was there with me. My friend explained that she is a healer and an intuitive.  In minutes, she was in the next room conducting impromptu sessions with people whom I have known since I was a kid.  My friends looked at me before we left to go home, “Where did you find her?  Oh my goodness, she is the real deal!” I have watched my friend as she has held healing sessions with friends, and I have seen what she has been able to do for me over the years.  It has remained consistent in terms of her level of ability. Yes, she is the real deal.  My friend is remarkable, a real talent, and I feel fortunate to know her.  I feel fortunate because for so long I didn’t know anyone who liked to talk about the things I like to talk about in terms of our hidden potential as beings here, or how to tap into alternate layers of consciousness, or how events begin to change as consciousness is used differently.  When she does work with her clients things can change on a dime.  I don’t know why she shouldn’t be a household name.


My friend is Alison Neville.  She lives in California and she has the gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and an ability to read and heal energy.  She has had these gifts her whole life.  She began to learn to use them in her twenties and has been doing so up to the present.  Her “toolkit” is so inclusive that there isn’t a situation that she can’t work through with aplomb.  As a result, Alison doesn’t employ methods or scripts, she just goes into a session and uses what needs to be used at the time.  Each session can be wildly different one from the other.  It is because of this that her work is so beneficial.  You aren’t getting a script, you are getting real boots on the ground work. It is why sometimes when I start a conversation with her I might wind up completely surprised with what comes up because of something that her inner guidance says that puts us on an unexpected trail.  More about this in a moment. I will say that if you find yourself wanting her help, all you need to do is to be clear about what you want to cover because she will do that so long as you are honestly seeking to get to a better place.

You don’t have to believe in this phenomenon in order to benefit from what Ali does.  But what Ali does is not some cute parlor trick.  I have spent sustained time with her over the years and there was no way that she was able to gather all the information beforehand just in order to make it seem as if she had a gift.  You know what I am talking about here; the cynical skeptic, who, no matter how much proof they are shown, refuses to concede that there might be something to what she does.  This is probably an occupational hazard for her, but either you want help or you don’t….and even for  cynical skeptics Ali delivers in spades.  It makes you wonder why someone would fake it if they were so incredibly good at bringing solutions to your life that work so well? I guess I don’t think about those things because I have been around Ali so much over the years and I know that it’s real.

In the beginning of our correspondence and discussions, Ali helped me to remove or heal a long-standing issue from my childhood as it related to my Mother.  It was a thorny problem that had eluded me for about forty years.  It had developed at a time that was so early in my life that I had lost all hope of being able to use memory as a doorway for getting to it and healing it.  Ali showed me that these kinds of things are always accessible and so we used feeling (instead of memory) as the doorway.  One moment I was talking to her on the phone in my car headed to the studio and the next moment I am settling down in a chair in the studio, the lights off, with her speaking and taking me into a guided meditation.

The effect of healing this issue was like correcting something that had been wrong for years inside of me that I had been projected outward as something that I believed was a problem with the world, or my Mother. Gently my perception was turned ’round so that I was able to see it in the right way.  Once seen in the right way, once truly heard and examined without the distorting lens of my beliefs about it, this healed very quickly and righted itself.  That was in 2008 when that happened.  It changed my relationship with my Mother from that day onward.  Having been in the mental health field as a counselor for years, my Mother wondered how on earth I was able to heal something from such an early place in my life.  I had help from Ali.

That experience is emblematic of the huge leaps forward I have been able to make.  The truth is that the vaulting would not have been possible without her help.  When I write in my blog about having had an energetic “reset” years ago that helped my energy field become many times more sensitive, it was Ali who helped with that.  Yes, it was hard to deal with, but just when I thought my sensitivity had gone through the roof in awakening, what she was able to do for me showed me that there was no ceiling on our roof at all as my energetic system was put into orbit.  I’m not exaggerating, here.  My being able to understand how grace is tied to creativity, that was Ali.  My being able to step into my authentic self in many important ways, it was in that time when she and I were conversing and she was sharing her insight with me. I had simply manifested the influence that my soul needed most for that time.  Now I sense that there are others who also need it.  They might not know it is so, but that is how these things happen.

Just last week I was visiting her helping her with some marketing work for her business (and going to visit a regression hypnotist/counselor) and while talking one morning before breakfast, we wound up in a healing session. This wasn’t something we had talked about, it just happened.  A block that had eluded me my entire awakening was resolved inside of forty minutes.  Just like that. I could feel into my own field in a way that I had not felt before….maybe ever.  This was so important for me because I knew that if I was ever going to do any healing work myself, I knew that I could not be working with people unless I myself was healed….that was my own bit of guidance.  So this outcome was really important for me on many levels.  How I feel and relate to my energy now is very different.  Wow.

When I went out to swim in the ocean later I began hearing a voice speaking clearly within me that I had not been able to hear before. The block in the root had kept me from being able to hear clearly something that has been a part of my life and my soul existence for a very very long time.  It was like the cherry on the top hearing and feeling this presence that I simply could not meet or feel or hear until I did this work. As we open and clear ourselves we are more able to use our innermost senses in a more dependable and less distorted way. At least, that is how it seems to me.  The clearer we are, the less invested we are in an agenda.  The source of all life is supportive and free from agenda beyond that of love.  I find that as I go through this process, this is what I am moving into each day. How do I learn from Source?  How do I learn from Ali?

Some of what Ali does is energy healing.   How she does this from a distance over the phone is the remarkable part.  While much of what she does can be understood through the lens of known healing modalities, Ali has explained that much of what she does is the result of her own inner connection to what she calls her “guidance” which always seems to know exactly what needs to be done at just the right moment.  So it might be energy healing on the one hand,  the next minute it might be reading an ancient time line, a past life, or speaking with a relative that has passed.  She might do something completely unexpected, even for her, within the span of a session.  In short, there IS no pattern, every single session is unique.  If you watch true pros you will find that they don’t have scripts that they speak from.  They embody what they do. Ali is one of these pro’s.  It’s what made our talks so interesting.  Maybe someday she and I will put our heads together and do a book about these talks. It would be so interesting I think for the very reason that none of it would be scripted, not even once.  You just have no idea.

There is sometimes this freewheeling feeling in a session with her where you are asked to consider what life might look like outside of your own perceptual box.  Now she has you beginning to set up the very conditions for transforming your life, maybe without even realizing it.  By helping to surrogate the energy necessary for rebuilding the conception of what you think your life could be, she serves as this bridge to what your life will be once you decide to take that one little step into what seems like a vast cosmos. It can happen so fast you don’t even see it coming.  You might not even realize that she is holding you in that place, holding the seed of it and waiting it for it to germinate and to find it’s root in a new level of your life. You can actually root yourself in what seems to be a new cosmic place…..maybe it was just a place you never thought was even possible for you. We have chosen all of this, our choices are just that; choices.  Those choices may have represented the very best thing you could imagine.  There was a time when we built rockets that went up only thousands of feet and thought that was an amazing feat, but within a decade we were sending rockets into orbit around the earth.  Then we went to other planets.  You see what I mean?  Working with Ali can be like this.  The limitation is that you think you are limited.

And that is just it.  We each stand at the edge of a limitless cosmos and all along it is we who are limiting and choosing what we will experience.  Yes, you are in a body.  Yes, you are focused in this reality with a set of senses physically.  You are also more than just this one body.  So I ask, what on earth are you waiting for? 

As a result, Ali is one of the most innovative healers ever.  Missing a loved one who passed?  She can tap into that person right now and help fill in any gaps that you might have.  Have difficulty with your supervisor and don’t know why? Ali can dig into that and help to explain what is at work.  Not only that, but she will take your hand and show you how to heal it.  Poof!  Now everything has changed for you with your supervisor and anyone else after that who is like that supervisor.

Maybe it is a challenge with a relationship.  Maybe it is with a parent (like me) or with a spouse, a child, or a friend, it really doesn’t matter, that is how flexible her gifts are.  Maybe you can’t quite understand why the relationship dynamic is the way it is.  Not only can Ali help shed light on it, she can also help you to change everything about it on a dime if you are ready.  Maybe you are starting a business or you want to take your business to another level–Ali can tell you exactly the things you will need to work on in order to manifest that type of abundance in your life and to make it work with the fewest hangups as possible.  You of course need to be ready and you need to make yourself available. But if you can be as innocent as a child, you will not only change things for good, you will have great fun doing it because that is just how Ali is.  Ali is remarkable.  I want you to know about her gifts because I have been helped so much, my friends have been helped, and people that she knows have also been helped. I was able to do in half an hour what might take people years using traditional talk therapy.  I actually think therapy has its place, but what Ali does is she cuts out all of the preamble and gets right to the issue at hand.  The only problem with this might be that you might think that there is no way that she can cut to the chase so fast.  Way.

There are no accidents.  You are the one who needs to hear this right now.  Her gifts are amazing and more people need to know, and now I am telling you.  I have nothing to sell and nothing to gain. If there was a time when her skills were needed, that time is now. If you do get in touch with her and work with her, come back here and leave a comment  about your experience. I want the world to know. I want you to know.

To get in touch with Ali start here:



Near Death Experiences, epiphanies, awakenings, precognitive dreams, and out of body experiences all contain similar phenomenon.  One key phenomenon is the perception of time.  In states of samadhi, monks describe an expanding present, of timelessness in much the same way that those who experience Near Death Experiences (NDE’s).  Similar perceptions or experiences are reported by those with out of  body states (OOBE’s).  Robert Monroe, the well-known author who wrote about his out of body experiences worked with the Psychology Department at the University of Virginia where it was discovered that while in his out of body state Monroe was able to see objects that were not physically present at the time of the experiments but were found to have been there in the past.

I grew up having clear precognitive dreams over many years.  I dreamed of births and deaths in my local community and as I got older, these dreams shifted to world events.  All of these dreams contained very specific details,  which when included or couched in the precognitive dream, took place later. I had dreams about an explosion at a nuclear facility in Russia where a plume of radiation was released into the atmosphere that moved to the West and came down as radioactive snow.  I saw how the people in the local area were being moved by rail cars as I watched a counter ticking off the number of people moved.  As the dream ended, the ticker was over 64,000 people and still running.  Three weeks later a roommate pointed to the television reminding me of the dream I had told him about before.  Events unfolded in the dream just as I had seen.  While the name of the location was not mentioned in the dream, the constellation of dream events fit the event that took place only later. In Cheynoby, three weeks later, there was an explosion at a power plant there.  People were moved away from the area on freight cars.  While the final number I saw was about 64,000 and counting, the total number moved was estimated at 100,000.  The explosion had sent radioactive plumes into the atmosphere and there was fallout some weeks later as snow in the West.  Radiation detectors were put up in Europe because of the disaster at Cherynobyl.

In similar fashion, I had a dream in the early 90’s of a massacre that took place in a compound of buildings at night.  After the shooting stopped, I walked through the compound and found a large building where many people lay dead.  About four weeks later, the siege of the Branch Davidian compound by the F.B.I.  resulted in mass death, with people being shot throughout the compound who appeared to be trying to escape.  At the time there was no indication that something like this would happen. No one would have guessed that such an event would happen. At the time of the dream I didn’t even think that this would turn out to be precognitive.  Who would have guessed?

I had dreams about who would become President of the United States well before the election starting with  Regan through to Bush Jr.  In some races, even in the last months of the campaigns, it was something that even the pundits had a hard time predicting.  The race with Clinton was not a clear-cut race, and as we know now with our election in the U.S., pundits predicted Hillary Clinton to win by a landslide.  Every dream of this type was always correct.  What is interesting is in the case of Bush and Gore, the dream showed that there was some question about voting results, what exactly, I didn’t know in the dream, only that just as Gore was about to become president, something was happening that would bring his and Bush’s people back to a given location over and over to attend to whatever this issue was.  So a number of weeks later I watched as the Gore and Bush campaigns returned to Florida to oversee the counting of voting cards which the Bush camp considered questionable, resulting in the Supreme Court deciding the election, I saw that this was a facet in my own dream, something that had not been present in any of my other “Presidential dreams.”  Later results showed that Gore had won the popular vote in the election, something that was being indicated in my dream.  Gore should have been President, at least if my dream was to be believed.  I was on my way to shake Gore’s hand, the sign in all of these dreams indicating to me who the winner of the contest would be. Instead, he turned away to go to a front desk in a hotel where he was given a note.  I never shook his hand….but I should have.  At the time of the dream I had no idea what this might mean exactly, but later the events lined up with the dream material.

What this has shown me is that the nature of time is not what we think it is. If time was simply linear, how was I able to see such a detailed outcome that came to pass?  Further, the one common element with all of the conditions for experiencing different aspects of time or being “outside” of time is one thing: an altered state (in my case in the dream state).  Materialistic science, though, throws its hands up when it comes to consciousness as a means of making observations about the nature of reality, let alone dealing with altered or alternate states of mind. Instead of consciousness considered as being independent of matter, science assumes consciousness is a product of nature, those random atoms careening through space.  If matter doesn’t reveal a transcendent nature, how then could consciousness ever do that?

There is an interesting thing that someone has had to say about time, and it comes from a unconventional source (sometimes you just have to step outside the box).  This comes from Jane Roberts, noted psychic medium for trance personality Seth. While Jane Roberts has since passed, she has left behind an impressive body of work.  During her life, Jane welcomed people from disciplines related to parapsychology, psychology and theoretical physics to sit in on sessions.  What I find so interesting is that the ideas that Seth was bringing up about alternate universes and probabilities are now a thing in the physics world.  No one seems to want to credit Jane, but her impact is nonetheless felt all around us.

Your idea of time and space are determined by your neurological structure.

The camouflage [Seth’s term for conditions that give rise to your perceiving only this reality as your main perceptual experience] is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must, of necessity, focus your attention in the physical reality which had been created.  The psychedelic drugs alter the neurological workings, and therefore can give some slight glimpses into other realities.

These realities exist, of course, whether or not you perceive them.  Actually ‘time’ exists as the pulses leap the nerve ends.  You must  then experience lapses, as this is not a simultaneous procedure.  Past, present and future appear highly convincing and logical when there must be a lapse between each perceived experience.

there is not such lapse in many other personality structures [not of our world].  Events are simultaneously perceived.  Reactions are also nearly instantaneous in your terms.  Growth and challenge are provided not in terms of achievement or development in time, but instead in terms of intensities. Such a personality is able not only to react to and appreciate Event A, say, in your present time, but to experience and understand Even A in all of its ramifications and probabilities….

Imagine past, present, and future then as a single-line delineation of experience in your terms; the line, however, continuing indefinitely.  Other personality structures from other dimensions could then, theoretically, observe it from an infinity of viewpoints.  However, there is much more to it than this.  The single [representing physical experience] is merely the surface thread along which you seem to travel.  It is all of the thread that you perceive, so when you envision other dimensions you are forced to think in terms of observers far above the thread, looking down upon it from any given viewpoint.

In actuality, following the image through, and strictly as an analogy, there would be an infinite number of threads both above and below your own, all part of one inconceivably miraculous webwork.  Yet, each thread would not  be one-dimensional but of many dimensions, and conceivably, if you knew how, there would be ways of leapfrogging from one thread to the other.”

(Jane Roberts, The Seth Material, Prentice Hall, ©1970, pp. 262-263)

I know that my own experiences with time as a quantity that sometimes appears to slow or to go away completely for a period of “time,” or as something that I have leap-frogged around in is not merely the linear phenomenon that it appears to be for most people. While our bodies are in the stream of time, our consciousness, that nonphysical part of us which has not mass, is not itself limited by what time appears to present itself as to us in our physical experience.  Experiments related to canceling gravity may in fact also have a time component since gravity and time are being discussed by physicists as part of what makes up the fabric of space-time.  In each case where someone experiences time differently, such as an NDE, OOBE, or in dreaming, they are perceiving through consciousness (we assume) and thus are not held to the flow of time as it happens on earth. Scientists thus presume that on planets with heavier gravity, time will move differently than here on earth.  This concept was explored in the movie Interstellar, resulting in the main character coming back to see his daughter who had aged into her 90’s while the father had not appeared to age at all.  All of this was due to having orbited or having been near the gravity of a black hole.

There is suddenly a growing awareness of people, myself included, about how what we do today is having an effect on the past as well as the future.  While we cannot impirically prove that a probable past was changed currently, we do have a growing body of observations by people just like yourself who have observed that this appears to  happen.  It’s worth considering and not tossing to the dust bin until we can in some way find proofs.  This is how we can keep our minds open on the cutting edge of discovery, and the community of people who are awakened certainly show every sign of doing this.

Now.  There is an aspect to time awareness that is nestled quite securely within teachings related to the topic of awakening, and many teachers have mentioned it.  In sum, it involves the saying which comes from Buddha and which has been popularized both by Ram Das and now more recently Ekhart Tolle, which is, “Be here now.”  By allowing yourself to shift focus from the part of your mind which is busy with paying attention to all of the details and sensory input in our day to day, to the part of you which is pure presence, what Zen Buddhists call Cosmic Mind, you can immediately enter into an awareness of how expansive time is and perhaps even experience the sense that often comes with this experience that time is not all that it appears to be.  Yes, certainly, we are in the flow of time, the aging of our bodies appear to show this, but in the stream of time are what I think are ranges where the mind can begin to feel into time, and in time there is an awareness of how this time flow is not all that there is merely as a surface appearance or effect.

When this happens, when you enter into this state of presence often mentioned by many teachers, you are, I observe, in another mode of consciousness or awareness.  When you do this, a greater and greater sense of peace and serenity often results.  It requires disciplining the mind in order to make it a regular experience, but it is well within the grasp of anyone. What happens when you move out of this flow that is in the present?  Very often, you can find yourself reflecting either in a forward of backward fashion on concerns about the past or the future.  Because you cannot seem to change the past and you think you have no control over the future, this can lead to anxiety, fear, or worry.  Now all of a sudden you are kicked out of the serene state of presence within the moment and you have just robbed yourself of a wonderful experience.  The trick in this is that we think that we cannot make amends for our past, or perhaps we have not made peace with something there.  As a result, this will lead you to recursively returning to this exact spot with the exact same feeling without anything having changed.  We can make change and find peace though by simply how we choose to think and feel about it.  We can forgive the past, we can forgive others and we can forgive ourselves.  For me, forgiveness has tended to come only after I have grown so weary of feeling bad about something or someone or some event as it happened in the past.

We do something similar with the future, though, which is we assume that our future will be just like our past and we project our thoughts out of the moment of the present into some vague but imagined future outcome that has everything to do with our prior experience instead of doing what is the most effective means for change.  What we can do is to imagine a completely different outcome.  The imagination is incredibly powerful when it is matched with feeling. No one ever changed their future without imagining and then truly wanting it with their whole being.  A famous self-help teacher once said, “If you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand.”  I would take this one step further and say yes, but you also need to feel it in your heart in order to have it in your life.

Until then, happy travels through time my friends!



I have been doing a lot of research now on a subject near and dear to me: early esoteric Christianity. As a result of this work, I have begun to discover a few things about Eastern tradition as it relates to awakening, and most specifically kundalini.  When I say “Eastern” I include Indian, Chinese, and Japanese traditions for the most part.

Before I touch on that, let me say that I made a fascinating discovery about esoteric Christianity that happened concurrently with my awakening experience in the first few months of my awakening: they, early Christians, were describing kundalini in their own way. Sure, the words being used were different, but by cross-referencing throughout their documents, it was clear what they were describing. My research is about this and I am hoping to develop it into a decent guide that helps to show that Jesus was indeed teaching a secret doctrine. This was a secret because not everyone was ready for it. And no, I am not remotely suggesting Jesus travelled to India or Tibet to “get” this. For my money, my theory is more fascinating and hopeful than that. I think there is ample evidence to suggest that anyone who has awakening can describe and then teach about it after having experienced it if they are good at being able to understand its many facets and can convey the information in a cogent and direct way….and even in indirect ways.

This, though, is about a link to awakening that was picked up by Jesus that does not appear to be taught in the East. At least not in any direct way. I know this link because it was a clear and certain element in my awakening. Coincidence? Nope!

This missing element strikes me as the essence of what opens us each to awakening. This link, a seed really, if understood properly, could help awaken more of us. Maybe.  Probably. It would mean having the right teacher who knows how to relate a person to what this missing link means in our consciousness. It would mean learning how to be different, or how we relate to what we are deeper down. Its just a seed, but great things grow from them. Like a mustard seed, maybe. Winks.

The interview with Ian is now up and is now permanently installed on its own page, which you will see along the header for the blog.  My thanks to Ian for being willing to go along with this project. I hope that it helps folks gain a broader perspective based on those who have been going through it.  ❤


I’m an artist by profession and was trained in being good at observation. I have been involved in fairly technical media during my training and career, so I have spent a lot of time testing things for a wide range of results and insight. I have had to pay attention to a broad range of phenomenon in order to properly understand what is happening, from melting metal to melting and forming glass.  This power of observation stemmed from learning to be a good observer, to really see what is in front of me without my applying my own bias on what I think is happening and why.  It just so happens that because of how technical my materials are, I have had to expand that power of observation into more arena’s than when I was drawing from the figure in drawing class all those years ago.

If you learn how not to bias yourself with what you think you are seeing, the data often will lead you right to the issue and you can then begin to formulate solutions from there.

Hang on, there, this does tie into spiritual or energetic work, I promise.

By my second year into awakening, I noticed that while I was having lots of synchronicities, I had this feeling, though,  like there was something more to this facet of awakening than met the eye. Was there a way to test this phenomena so I could learn more about it? It seemed reasonable to me.

I began with a hunch that synchronicites were in fact part of a poorly understood phenomenon that was creative in nature.  I just felt in my bones that synchronicities were just the tip of the iceberg.  That said, I was careful not to be blinded by my hunch.  Instead, I just watched and observed.  if there was any truth to my hunch, I would know.  in the meantime, I would have to be careful not to try and make any evidence for my feeling to fit my own preconceived notions, a pitfall that every scientist can fall into.  Or any person when doing this kind of work.

Let me explain for you how it is for me with kundalini, first.  Through this unusually high level of prana flowing through my body on a consistent basis, I found that the nature of events in my life began to shift right along with my awakening experience.  Was it coincidence?  After having read countless accounts of others’ awakening experience I knew that this was not unusual at all.  Like I said before, synchronicities are a regular experience.  They are the “new normal.”  I also identified that I had been experiencing various layers or levels of what the Hindu call “samadhi.”  This is a high level of bliss brought on by the prodigious flow of prana in the body.  I say that prana causes bliss not because I read this somewhere but because I saw it directly in my own experience.

The period of time in which I made this discovery or observation was in 2009 when I was able to break out of a five month cycle of high adrenal output, another fairly common occurrence for many people who awaken. This was really a horrible time because of how high my adrenal levels were on a consistent basis.  I knew that this was something I had to break out of or else it would wreck my body and put me into adrenal collapse.  Through sheer will, and observation, I learned how to regulate adrenaline in my body.  After five months of this horror-show of an experience, I emerged out of this into a fairly clear place.  This was accompanied by a number of releases of old stored trauma from earlier in life, which also helped my state of mind resolve into a more peaceful state. That said, what I found was that while my energy was no longer in “fear mode” it was replaced or was transmuted into something much finer in quality.  The energy was every bit as high, sometimes higher, but was now a powerful vibratory force that would create a shimmer effect all through my body.  Still, it was a lot to take but I was happy to be at this point in the process because adrenaline 24/7 is simply dreadful.

It was against this backdrop that I was able to see if there was any correlation between my energy levels and the incidence of synchronicities.  While my energy levvel was pretty high at this point, I did have dips and rhythms.  I might have one week of powerful energy followed by a week of quiet energy.  This was not unusual, and it seemed a good reason to begin paying attention.

During this time I noticed when the energy got to a really high in frequency, I would begin having more synchronicities. If the energy cut out, so too would the synchronicities. This was repeated many times.  I watched and observed for months to see if this were mere coincidence or if it was a pattern.  I found, at least to my own satisfaction that each time energy peaked, so did the incidence synchronicities.

It was at this point that I then began thinking about the concept of manifestation as being connected or responsible for what we think of as the synchronistic event.  Now I needed to find a way to test this idea to see if it held water.

Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity and wrote a short book explaining the phenomenon.  The thing about synchronicities according to Jung was that they all had an aspect to their occurrence that involved a coincidence that was meaningful to the person they were happening to.  As a result, these were almost always highly personal or tailored to that person.  There is also an aspect to the phenomenon which is the seeming impossibility of the event taking place in the way that it does.  He described one such synchronicity in which he was in a therapy session with a woman who was describing a dream she had which had Egyptian symbology or archetypes in it.  While he was listening to her in his study in Geneva he watched as he saw a beetle climb across the outside window.  This was no ordinary beetle, though.  This was an Egyptian dung beetle, an insect that is considered sacred among Egyptians.  This is the scarab.  There was absolutely no way that this beetle could have flown from Egypt to be on his window at that precise moment in time, and yet there it was making its appearance.  Jung intuited that this was sign to him, to prod him in his analysis of the dream.  he brought up the scarab symbol and found himself explaining to the woman what her dream meant.  this led to her having a major breakthrough in her inner work as a result.

Taking all of this into consideration, I had felt like there was a lot more “juice” behind what drive synchronicities.  I felt like this was just scratching the surface.  But how could I develop a way to see if I could shift these events into a more meaningful way? Many people who experience these events nowadays almost always describe seeing unusual numerical sequences.  Mostly it is on clocks that are at “11:11” or “3:33” for example.  There are even people who try to decode what these numbers all mean.  For all I know there might be a meaning, I mean, I think for the most part these events are like the subconscious trying to communicate to the conscious level of the self.  It seemed that if I did a little digging I might find a way to expand this more, to see synchronistic events for what I felt like they were.

First, I knew that any event that you would like to see happen has to be something that you really feel like could happen.  There can’t be any “yeah but” feelings in your wish or intention.  The problem with this is that the negative feelings mingle with the positive ones and can either cancel each other out or deliver you a manifestation that has been tinged with both sides of your intention.  To do this form of creative visualization as Shakti Gawain wrote about in her book so many years ago of the same name, you had to have a way to leave out the negative parts so they did not co-create along with the positive part of the energy.  Then, all that was left was to have something that I was really engaged in that I really truly wanted.

Around this same time I began writing a manuscript for a book about the awakening process.  Most of it was first hand, but there was a chapter in the book that I felt like needed to be sound tried and true methods for helping people to cope with awakening.  I knew that I needed to find sources for this because the methods I used were just too hard to explain to people. I didn’t follow a method or teacher of any kind.  I felt like I needed to have things taken from outside my experience.  The truth was, I had no idea where to start.  A week later, though, I had a series of synchronistic events that came in threes that were simply bizarre.  To explain them, I need to set them up for you.  First, these events happened at a time when I had not spoken to anyone about this chapter I was writing.  I had no idea how it was going to turn out and it was ore or less “in the wings” at this point.  The second condition was that I did not in any way initiate the event, it merely happened on its own and involved, usually, another person who was the unwitting participant.  With that explained, let me describe this one set of events.

It was about a week into my thinking about this chapter, but I had written nothing on it.  I had a friend who began telling me about how as a small child she found that in order to cope with the effects of kundalini she happened on shaking as something that made her feel better.  She would go into a closet and shake for extended periods and this would help to ease the effects of the energy.  While she was telling me this, I had this feeling like this was something that I was looking for.  It felt significant.  Almost like a bell ringing in my head, I sat up and took notice.  I didn’t mention how I was looking for just such a technique.  It gets better, though.

A day later, I take my friend to the airport and return home, running a few errands in town and stopping by a friends house who had been going through a battle with cancer for many months.  I showed up completely unannounced and thought I would say how I was thinking about her and to wish her well.  I was greeted with her smiling face and her ushering me onto her back deck as she was eager to tell em about the events of the last year.  As soon as she was finished with her brief history, she said, “you know, I have just finished a book written by an animal behaviorist…..”  Once she said this, I felt that bell going off in my head.  I sat up, took notice, and listened intently.  She went on to describe how the author had observed that prey animals who had survived attacks by large predators (lions, tigers, bears) would universally go through a shaking fit for about fifteen minutes and then go about their way as if nothing had happened.  he considered that this may have been a way for their nervous systems to literally “shake off” the trauma of the attack they had just survived.  He applied a technique of shaking on soldiers returning from the Persian Gulf and found that it gave them relief.  Bells were going off in my head like crazy.  But wait, it gets more interesting!

As soon as I let her house, I decided I should probably try to research some books to see if I could find anything that might be useful for my chapter on techniques for coping with kundalini.  I in fact found very few books on the subject of kundalini at our university library.  I did find one book by Gopi Krishna that was a second book he had written later in life that I was not familiar with. I headed to the stacks to find the book.  Along the way, well before I got to the row where the book was, I walked by a small book that just caught my eye.  For no real reason, I plucked this book off the shelf and took it with me.  In a minute or so I had reached the book I had actually searched for and I headed to the desk to check out my randomly plucked book and the book on kundalini.

It turned out that the book by Krishna had no usable material in it.  No bells, not interesting coping methods.  My “random” book was interesting but it too contained nothing in it as I had suspected all along. I held onto the books for about two weeks and on the evening before they were due back at the library I was lying in bed and I picked up that small book and flipped through its pages really fast,  like how you shuffle cards. I opened the book to a random page (bear in mind I had not read through the book, I had only skimmed to see what it was about and had dropped the book as anything meaningful) and my eyes fell on the last paragraph on the right side page. This paragraph began to describe how a therapist named Arthur Janov had cured a patient of a long-standing trauma from his childhood by getting him to feel the full breadth of the emotion that he had, Janov felt, had been repressing since an early age.  There, on the page, was a description of how just before being cured of this trauma the young man went into a shaking fit while lying on the floor.  Immediately after he stopped shaking or convulsing, the young man looked up at Arthur Janov and exclaimed, “You did it, you cured me!”  he no longer had this hanging over his head anymore.

I was dumbstruck.  I leafed through the book to see if there were more incidences like the one the author had described.  There were none.  In fact, the author did not identify the shaking as even important, only as an element in the retelling of Janov’s own account which was being retold in this small book. I had literally found the one account in this book that described how shaking was part of a healing process. I realized that this concept of shaking was not something that was really understood, not until the animal behaviorist had written about it.  My random book had been written at least a decade before the first one my friend told me about earlier in the day when I had met with her.  What I realized I was dealing with was a quintessential needle in a haystack.  For me, however, this was a huge plus because when you think about it, how was I going to find books in print in a library that would tell me about this method that I would go on to write about in my manuscript?

I went on to have a number of these similar events while writing my book, all just as strange or bizarre as the one I just recounted. I had another set of three events that all pointed me to a philosopher whose ideas conformed to my own and helped me in fleshing out what I was dealing with as a central theme to both awakening and the book as a work.  I will, however, resist telling you about that series of events.  The point here was that I found that if I needed something in my book (or in my life for that matter) and had not real way to get to it “out there” the resource would magically find me by hook or by crook. I remember trying to describe this to someone once and she so distorted the concept that she retold the story as though I had been working some kind of magic on people to get my way.  Nope.  But it was a lesson in how some people will quite naturally misunderstand the nature of a phenomenon by applying their own inner biases on what it is they believe they are seeing.

For me, intention is key as it is in all teachings related to manifesting your desires.  I found that after I found a way to use intention to go beyond mere funny number sequences, those events tended to lessen and the more significant events took more form.  Always, there was a pressing need, a clear and pressing need and desire for something but without any understanding about how that was going to take place.  All on its own, those events would form around my own life and would repeat three times, often providing additional needed material in order to understand it better. For me, the number three is important because it deals with the trinitarian quality of kundalini itself and served as a kind of code or signal to me to sit up and pay attention.  Even when experiencing the first of any of these events, they always have this feeling that I experience, which is that of being somehow significant, even if I don’t always know how.  Once the number set of events completes itself then I always have just enough material to go on to get to the next point in my writing.

I wanted to pass this along for anyone who has either had this happen or who wants to test it for themselves to see what results they get. I hope this adds a little new wrinkle to your day. ♡

(Copyright, Parker Stafford)

Someone recently asked me for a meditation technique which I have written about in the past, but during a search for it I realized it might be easier to have it be at the top of the blog roll.

This is a gentle and healing method that is very simple and was passed on to me from an old friend just before awakening took hold. It was in fact one of several types of meditations that I used that helped to train my mind in how to trigger and sink into the part of our awareness where we process cosmic consciousness in the brain. This is the right brain, and to utilize its native focus requires a big shift in your awareness which I will describe to you as a potential outcome of this method.

It is my experience that this method can be an important prelude to awakening, but there also needs to be several other parts added in order to more fully prepare the energy body for this significant change that can take place once you are properly prepared. This technique is gentle so anyone can do it in order to learn about their powers of consciousness.

To begin, you should pick a time when you can be both relaxed but alert. I have always meditated before bedtime because my body was already trained to become deeply relaxed, a precursor for all meditation work. In Buddhism this is often done very early in the morning and it is done consistently, again, because the body will in time slip more easily into these deep states of calm. I will go to bed early so that I am less prone to just fall asleep. I also like having a quiet house and dim or even darkness to cut out any distractions. You might have times that work just as well with you that are different from how I do it. Do what works for you.

You can sit or you can lie down. Just be in a relaxed position. Place your hands together like you are praying. Do you ever wonder why so many traditions use placing the hands together? Could it be that it helps to bring the mind together in a unified way energetically?

I want you to imagine getting very small and standing in the crevices and grooves of where your hands come together and to focus only on your hands. Feel your hands and keep your focus on them and try to eliminate all thought reactions for as long as you can. You can start with doing breathwork if it helps to settle you and quiet your mind. Long deep breaths, focusing on just your breathing, works wonders for calming and quieting the mind. Breathe deep and long and hold the breath for at least three seconds, four or five might work even better…just don’t do it for so long that it makes you deel out of breath.

So here you are, focused on your hands. Just do that. Settle in. Eventually, your mind might wander, but don’t be upset with yourself. Just bring your awareness back to your hands again. Doing this will slowly train you to have longer periods where you are focused on just your hands and fingers. This is an important first step. Feel and focus on the place where your hands touch. Very simple.

You need to do this meditation for at least two weeks each day in order to see any benefits or results. This takes time in order for the right kind of shift to work within.

Over time, maybe quickly, you will notice that you might move from your usual awareness to an awareness where you lose your focus of self. I liken this to how we dream. We often aren’t aware of ourselves in quite the same way when dreaming. It is slightly….defocused. Have you ever been drifting off to sleep but found yourself suddenly in a kind of blank state, perfectly quiet, but you ask yourself “where am I?” only to jerk back to waking consciousness? This meditation will assist you in cultivating that awareness by letting your mind go blank for periods of time. This is the beginning of the shift I am relating to you.

This state is not a normal observer state and any effort to bring ego awareness into it will break the wave of awareness and any phenomenon that might be arising. This is not your “doer” consciousness, this is almost like dreaming consciousness. It works very differently than your waking awareness does.

Now you might begin having small dreams or visions with this method. Just observe and don’t judge. As you sit or lie with your hands together, just keep your awareness on the space between your hands. Being able to not disrupt the flow of phenomena is itself the challenge of this method.

I know how simple this method is, but it is hard because of how spare it is. It must be, in order to train you to shift awareness, but all the while it is also cycling your energy back into your system through joining the hands together.

It is important to be quiet in your thoughts so the energy can do its work. Its possible to experience a state of presence which is largely devoid of a need to think. If you are familiar with this state I am mentioning, you can use it here. Often we feel this state only fleetingly, but its time base can be stretched so that it lasts longer. Don’t worry if you can only hold this for short periods, this isn’t a race! And if you are unable to do this, concentrate on your hands and put your attention there.

Twenty minutes a day will work for this method, but it is even better if you can go forty minutes or an hour. Do what you can and start with where you are. We are all different.

In time, you will notice things happening. What exactly, I wont say because it can be different for each person, but know that this method is very healing.

Pay attention to your dreams during this time and see if you notice any changes. Do you notice any changes during the day? During the meditation being able to hold on to that state of nonlinear being which is the feeling nonverbal self is key. This part of you can begin to come forward and with it some very interesting things. When I say “feeling” I don’t mean your emotions. I mean your capacity to feel and to feel deeply.

The important thing is to not try and use your rational observer mind during this, but the part of you that sees but does not critically examine and think the way you usually do while awake. I know this might sound impossible to do, but give it a try and don’t worry whether you feel like you aren’t catching on fast. We are each unique and different.

If things start to happen, it just means that it is working well for you. If anything comes up that seems odd or alarming, don’t judge it, never judge, just watch it and observe with curiosity and interest, but let it pass as it does naturally. And if you wind up experiencing something that you don’t understand or are confused by, feel free to leave me a comment. I can see your comments before they get published so if its personal I can not publish your comment and then leave a comment of my own that answers your question. But most of what people experience wont be earth shattering or private, so I welcome your comments or questions.

Now as an aside, once you begin, you want to carry through each day with this meditation for at least two weeks. You will need to give it an opportunity to work its magic. If after the first week you feel like you are getting nowhere, simply stop. It might not be a good match for where you are. But if given time, this method tends to bring very good results when applied in the way described. If this method works for you, you can do the meditation while standing in line at a store by placing just a few fingers together. This helps to concentrate the energy in your body in a very particular way!

As an adjunct to this meditation, being able to learn what your biggest hot button issues are and do the work to bring energy to those places where they normally reside in your body will assist this work later for stimulating a more gradual opening to awakening. Choose something you can do, that is easy enough for you to deal with but that has dogged you most of your life. These are blocks and they impede the flow of this energy that is behind awakening.

For example, whenever you feel your stomach tighten or your heart cramped, these are signs of blocked energy in the body. Learning to know how to release them opens the light body to a better flow of prana or qi (chi). When you remove what divides you, you open yourself more and more to the flow of energy tied to awakening or kundalini. Go slow, take it easy, but also engage your intuition. Going at this with fear is not the way. You need to cultivate trust in the energy. While the energy is strong, stronger than you, it wont ever hurt or harm but seek to heal you even more, even if it all seems a bit much.

Have fun and let me know how it goes!