Archives for the month of: March, 2016



Perhaps you know someone who has described terrible things that have happened to them that in time you realized had another side to the story that changed the story being told.

We are all filled with a story, a side, a perspective.  These can also turn into personality disorders when a person is unable to face their own emotional issues in their lives.  Knowing the signs is the best way to know how to deal with these personality dissorders.  These people can be manipulative, dishonest, and abusive, even as they claim being abused.  The following article that I am posting in its entirety does a great guide in helping to identifying these people and knowing how to deal with them in a more positive  way.



Today as I was driving from work I was thinking about the idea of the broken heart and how someone will break another person’s heart.  Clear as day as I drove I heard the words, “When you hear that someone has had their heart broken by someone that they loved, it is not the person breaking the others’ heart, but their expectations that did.  People do not break your heart; your mismatched expectations do.”

The old saying by the Buddha about how all suffering comes from our expectations being out of line with how things are in the world and our inability to face that things are different from how we hope or think.  And its true.  Hard kind of truth to come around to, but the more you are able to see through these kinds of eyes, the quicker your own suffering will cease and the less you will be engaged in a kind of finger-pointing waste of time.  Yes, we want to be loved, we do, but we also have to be honest and truthful about where the world and its people are in all of this, don’t you think?  When I am able to be realistic, I find so much peace.

What do YOU think?

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As I continue to build the infrastructure for a new web site, I got three folks who have expressed interest in doing an interview about their awakening.  One is my neighbor (and who is surprised by this?). This will take a little time to get transcribed, but it will be exciting to be able to do a sit down with a few folks from the tribe.

I am also working on some graphics for the new site, a header from the series was used in the last post about interviews and in this post as well.

Those interested in doing an interview (it can be in person or it can be done via email) can contact me at

Warm Regards,


Something to consider from a fellow blogger.

the Hunt for Truth

 Can you be respect?


Certain standards apply to connecting with your true self; to the person that you are intended to be. Can you be love?

Treat everyone with love and respect.
If expecting love from others, and someone is not fulfilling your expectation, then you may feel hurt. To be able to be loved, you must love and respect yourself and others as well. Understanding the process of loving yourself will strengthen your ability to attain happily, the healthy love of self and others.


On being in the world, but not of the world Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” John 18:36

Consciousness is the origin; the source of all that is.

Program Description
Deepak Chopra explains why we need to look…

View original post 238 more words

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If you have had an experience with awakening and are willing to share, I would like to interview you.  The interviews will be included on this blog.

To include your information and to get the questions, contact me at:

Interviews intended to help us all understand awakenings from a western perspective.


