Archives for the month of: November, 2016


To understand, to really get what this means, involves seeing so deeply into your own inner truth and beyond your karmic blinders that you can comprehend the linkage between the popularly termed “twin soul” and “twin flame” concept and karma.

Karmic relationships are just that; drawn together by the effect that unfinished business has on us.  The reason for the draw, however, is confused in nearly everyone.  It is hard to penetrate the veil of our perception so the draw is seen as fated.  It isn’t.  This is the single biggest trap of them all when it comes to the “twin” idea.  We are so driven by our draw we just don’t care if its something else.  We go for the draw because.  And when we do, we are effectively stopping the process of soulful evolution.

Big buzz-kill.  But it is so.  And if you are the curious type, looking deeper will also take you even deeper.  Wouldn’t it be good to truly master yourself?  This is what I am doing.  What’s up with you?  What’s keeping your mind running without a soulution in sight? Now you are talking.


In the first years of a spontaneous awakening without a practice or even understanding of what kundalini is, there is first bewilderment, then a settling into the rhythms and peculiarities of this new life.  You begin perhaps by learning that this has a name, and once you do, you probably gobble up as much information about it as you can.  The process itself, though, shows you that a lot of change is taking place in a very short span of time.  The chakras are pierced, opening, and then much more susceptible to the stirring of pranic force now moving more forcefully in the body.  Old things bubble up and lift away one by one, the energy is impacting your bodily systems “amping” up adrenaline, cortisol, but also dopamine, sexual hormones of testosterone and estrogen, as well as endorphins in the mix.  In a period of mere months it is not unusual to feel as though you have gone through what might feel as only achievable through years of traditional talk therapy sessions.  Things heat up, the process continues, and the light body releases what seems a vast backlog of stored emotional material that makes up the karmic load for the person.  The soul enters in, samadhi is experienced, incredible states of bliss are known, and the self feels as though it is being reformed, healed, and brought to a new understanding of its place in the order, the design—now revealed—of the cosmos.  All of this is rich, rewarding, and wonderful amidst the backdrop of such great energetic intensity.

Over time, the self most often begins its struggles with the trappings of ego.  We all seem to come to it in our own way when we are ready (or not entirely ready as the came may be). This is often marked by what is termed the Dark Night of the Soul, more a period of time than a singular event which is where the “rubber meets the road” in coming to terms with how the self was ordered prior to awakening. This is due to an arrangement of the psyche where ego was once front and center, and then is slowly – perhaps painfully – pushed into the background by the sheer force and immensity that is now facing it. Ego is simply being outpaced by cosmic consciousness, and the cosmic has to move now.  As necessary as it is, most call this a death because of how traumatic it is for some people (at least while it is happening).  This is, though, a very necessary stage to reach in order to catch the “new gear” that our awakening selves require, which is loosening the ties to the part of the linear self in favor of the nonlinear holistic self. As an aside, I will say that this is only “necessary” when our ego is already so centrally focused in our awareness—not everyone will need this “death” whose ego is already not so front and center, but it will happen naturally if it is needed. This ties directly into how the brain itself carries a mirror of or for the cosmic within it that allows it to process cosmic consciousness and its sweeping vastness (which is the right brain, which I write about a lot in other parts of this blog).  When this happens successfully, cosmic consciousness is no longer  overwhelming, or a fearsome struggle. It is a shift (not a death). It just becomes the new normal. Things become easier over time, and this new gear comes into fuller use.  The mind quiets, there is a greater sense of peace and understanding that this new condition, the awakened self, involves.  I wont say that all is perfect peace, but things are much easier, especially for those who awakened spontaneously. But with it comes, perhaps, a place in experience that is what I think of as the “now what” state.

Many people experience this state at one time or another.  With the incredible bliss comes crashes, and the yo-yo effect I mentioned in my previous post related to comping with kundalini.  Some call it “rubber-banding” or “contractions” of the self into its old familiar pattern. You have been to the summit, you have had incredible insights, the world has been turned on its head, and events now take on a different form in their creation.  You know that your own consciousness is absolutely creating so much of your life experience as evidenced by synchronicity, and other events very similarly aligned by way of their significance to what you might think of as your destiny are popping up all over the place. But in seeing behind or through the veil that is so often described as being a part of awakening (the veil that separates the different parts of the self— conscious, subconscious, as well as superconscious) you perhaps see into the very simple source code that runs all of this, the very engine of creation….the twin energies that are now alive in you that have been described in many esoteric traditions as the “Shakti and Shiva” union, the “I am one with the father and mother” described by Jesus in the so-called Gnostic texts of early Christianity. All of these traditions are simply pointing to the union of opposites within consciousness that make cosmic consciousness possible.  But in knowing this, its almost as though there is this “what now?” moment at one point or another.  You can reach a point where all of the old ways of being no longer hold their interest.  Your body, too, might have been so impacted by the intensity of the physiology of kundalini that it creates a physiological form of doldrums within you, too.

If you have a karmic draw to certain people, those engage you and keep you in the intensity, but when you begin questioning even these powerful draws, this too can fall away and you enter into this very quiet place that is increasingly so new that it feels like a land of no more turbulent storms, no more drama, only you and the Tao, the persistent Presence of the All emanating throughout creation.  You no longer have as your god the dramas of the old life.  The battle standard is put away, and the world becomes cause-less.  It is a good place to be, but it can feel like a loss sometimes. As Westerners, we are extremely unfamiliar with working with life in this way.  This is very similar to what the Zen Buddhists describe as “zero” which means neither for or against anything, a place of no agenda, a point many observe as being where you can more clearly glimpse the truth of your own life and how the world is (to the degree that we each are capable). I think that being able to reach this place is actually important for the still-deeper blocks that remain as the deeper blocks that even our own intellect or compassion is outpaced or eluded by.

This can manifest or come in as such a stillness that it puts you off, making you feel at a loss as to what to do.  When you know how things work in the world instead of thinking that you do by taking a side or an agenda, and you lose your investment in ego, the need to go on another crusade just drops away.  We are, I think, so accustomed to making life into this dramatic play that we are in (it makes us feel engaged and fully in on the game) that when it changes, it can feel like a kind of loss of sorts.  Maybe less a loss as a feeling of having won the world, you have also given it up in the way you had lived in it before. You actively lose so many things that you thought were important that had been driving you so hard and for so long, and this loss can leave you feeling like you are resting in a windless still-water world with no up or down, no “this” or “that.”

The part of you that corresponds with the super-ego, that I knew to be something I called the “watcher” (Osho uses the same term it turns out) is a higher order version of the earthbound ego, but without the restrictive qualities it places on us, helps to drive this feeling of detachment.  Its incredibly useful when learning to surrender and to let all of the old memes drop away. For some of us, detachment can be hard sometimes.  You see the drama in the world and this super-self ego says “There have been wars….there will be more wars….there will be drama, and still more dramas; they will come and go, and drama will unfold as it has done in the past….this is all a drama that repeats for those who need to work through their own junk….keep moving through it….just keep moving and be like a passerby.” And it is this state, that without bliss, can feel hollow or empty.  It can lead to depression, and it can feel as though everything you fought so long and hard for in your previous life has less and less meaning (because it is supposed to mean something, right?). The things that fulfilled you before no longer fulfill you now. This could be a crisis or it could be a remedy.

I can tell you that this is a big adjustment.  I can also say that when this took hold of me (or I took hold of it), I found that this happened after years of very intensive releases and the dropping of ego in the midst of a 24/7 awakening experience that had proceeded for five to seven years.  I had incredible insights daily, unbelievable synchronicities that would boggle the mind, as well as difficult challenges as I learned to drop more and more of my own karmic material. It felt like a very real victory to have been able to release so much material.  But it left me with a “blah” feeling as well. There was so much change and so fast!  Once I was able to reorient myself, I found that in my own experience, there was more material to work through, another layer lying deeper still in the substratum of my awareness that I could not see in the previous cycle of releases.  All of this happened when I was able to release the easiest material and had swept through all of the major chakra centers and through the five koshas, or layers, within each chakra (it is said that we have five, and my own experience has shown me that this corresponded to numerous clearings of the same chakra over and over but at different “states” of the energy).

What I found for myself was that the material that remained was much more fundamental and even primal in nature, the blocked energy that lay in the root for me that had to do with childhood nurture and my feeling safe and secure in the world in a material way.  The point I noticed was that the blocks that remained were the ones that had been the most activated and were the most fresh.  Since they were the most commonly activated, they also were he least understood or really “seen.” These were blocks that had been triggered during my very difficult divorce just a couple of years after awakening began. As a result, I observe, they were the blocks most difficult to let go of. These seemed to now lay in a substratum of my psyche that was the most irrational, most fundamental, and also the most difficult to get at.  Yes, I had had some very challenging times doing the work up until this time with blocks in the heart, throat, crown, and the solar plexus, sacral, and root. It all seemed like a mammoth effort that spanned seven years.  Now it seemed as though I reached some plateau and while I knew there was more to do (I could feel it pretty clearly in my energy body as tension, pain, or resistance), things had slowed down a good bit as I felt like I was literally chipping away at a stone now instead of these big sweeps of release. It was here that the “blahs” entered in.  I think that this is one stage where I could have gotten stuck really easily had I stopped paying so much attention to bringing in the forces of change in my body.

What I know is that this was not some end, but merely the beginning of another chapter.  I would meet friends who would be in the same place, a signal to me that life was a great mirror for me in telling me where I was.  As I sat helping a friend move through a guided meditation, I realized that the visualizations I was providing were just the ones that I needed to use in order to get deeper into my own rooted issues.

Desire is such a double-edged sword. It can drive us powerfully to discover and to find what had been a mystery only moments previously.  It can also serve to hold blocks in place, too, because desire that is not pure is being colored by our many blocks.  We wind up wanting things or being drawn through desire to our very own karmic material, which are the things that cause us trouble and are not good for us (even as we crave them).  It can feel like a trick to us that karma creates chemistry, but being double-edged, I observe that if used properly that it can also free us.  This is very much in keeping with the soul of what tantra is, the part that is about the lightening bolt of realization through using desire as the crazy wild energy that can move mountains (and no, I am not talking about using it for sex, I am talking about using it for supreme bliss).  It has to be used as honestly as possible, though. It can also burn the mountains down. Over time, I note, that desire itself transmutes as our own karma clears.  I suspect that it is an adjustment period, and desire itself is not the bad thing so many point to. For as much as the wise ones (you know…just about everyone who speaks out about spiritual matters) speaks out against desire, I do not align to those views at all. I think that we simply do not understand desire and how our karma takes it over.  While I speak as though its something being done to us, realize that all karma is based on a choice, a decision that we once made in the past, so it isn’t like we are helpless at all in the face of our own seeming karmic battles.  It isn’t that desire itself is bad, it is that desire is so pure a force from the divine that it flows through everything, even our own blocked material.  Animated in this way, old desires that we know aren’t good for us rise like phoenix’s from the ashes.  We get upset with ourselves for having fallen for what seemed like a merry-go-round (which of course it is).  Clean up the material that desire flows through and desire is free in a way that perhaps few (including his Holiness the Dalai Lama) have  yet to experience.

I know that this might seem like a u-turn on the path of having lost direction and passion for life, but I know in my heart that even the Prime Creator of the All lives in a sublime state of desire.  Its desire birthed all realities, all worlds, all possibilities.  Desire was what moved it to create in the way that it did.  Its release of us and our potential from its own dreaming was itself the orgasmic surprise just before a moment of sheer risk of losing it all, that by releasing it, it might just all float away like the children we birth who leave home and exit our lives. There is, I know, a vista ahead of us where, freed from our shame and guilt and glitches, is an experience that is beyond limits.  I know it sounds grandiose, but in truth I am talking about being bowled over by a cup of tea or a sunset, or dinner out with friends.  The simplest of moments looking out your window becomes a sheer miracle.

What I am saying is don’t turn away from desire, but examine it. If it seems as though it is causing you trouble, it is a sign that there is more material that needs clearing out.  I can’t tell you the end-point in this simply because it is new ground and we are all traveling together.  But its the next big thing, I think.


Awakening can be a sudden and bewildering change that pushes a relentless process of clearing stored emotional material, ultimately with the light at the tunnel being a better more peaceful life with bliss as the centerpiece of this new level of attainment.


While the “rise” of awakening can be a very quick event, it instigates a transformative process that can be years in the making.  One of the big challenges among the many that come with awakening is how to BE in the world.  Most specifically, after awakening, how do you go on doing what you have always done?  So much is irrevocably changed within you; how you see, how you respond, how you interact with the world around you. Its a big shift that brings with it a lot of self examination about what it was you have been up to for all these years. Often you can be left feeling at odd ends about your work, your relationships, and how to move forward with awakening as the “new normal.”

Most importantly to bear in mind is that everything has changed. Trying to go back to the old way tends to repeat old patterns and methods.  This is a wonderful opportunity to be brave and leap into the breach, into the void of the future in a new way. I know as well as you do, that if you are going through awakening there is a new aspect being brought to bear.  This new “element” within the self is discovered while awakening.  It is itself the nonlinear, more feminine aspect within consciousness.  It is what I think of as a missing link in our own awareness and consciousness that sparks great change. You can see just how big a change it is because this unfolding of this part of you results in events happening differently. You are interfacing with reality in a different way, or perhaps I should say, in a much more efficient way than ever before.  Like what you think has a way of coming to pass very quickly.  We refer to this as synchronicity.  It is in fact a kind of “upgrade” to our own native ability to co-create with reality.  You create your reality. Now, though, its just a touch more seemingly magical because of this added and once missing element.

So the trick, I find, is to not try to go back to the old ways. You have been changed.  Period. Let the new filter into you and as a result of it, even though you are different from the masses, you will feel a flow and freedom as well as wonder joy and awe about this new life. And the more that you are able to anchor this sense of being within, the more it surrounds you in your life.  Slowly, or even quickly, your energy body is released, cleansed, of the hundreds of hitches that has gotten caught up in the co-creative cycling that is your karma. Letting it go clears the decks and makes thing easier in direct proportion to the mass of inner material released.  You are now better able to NOT know what the future holds, willing to ride the wave of bliss and maybe even find how perfect things happen when you are in this zone.  Trusting.  Happy.  A little breathless, intense sometimes, hard at other times, too, yes, but getting better and better.

But.  Sometimes you want to take what you may still love to do and adapt it to your new life. I can tell you that in my own experience, so much changes.  If you are a business owner like I have been, being able to steer the ship in a way that supports you in basic ways as well as all of the new ways can be a daunting task.  This is where listening to the force within will guide.  I was an artist in production. Nothing got done that I did not myself do. I worked 80 hour weeks and loved it, and yet I brought to the work a lot of issues that disapeared once awakening came along. I was left lost for about a year, bereft of creative juices, new ideas, or even the drive, the old fire in the belly.  Intuitively, I knew that the fire in the belly could be supplanted by a different kind of fire.  It would attract a different kind of client just as it would support my new life. Before I went in a very linear fashion, a rather rational approach to all of this. But post awakening, I saw a world of new opportunities for collaboration and leveraging my brand as well as my own creativity by working with others with similar interests as mine.  I found that instead of being so aggressive, I simply did what I had always done; let the work speak for itself and let the chips fall where they may.  If I needed someone to help market the work, someone would come along in perfect timing.  It has always happened this way.  I don’t go looking for resources, I am now attracting them magnetically. Less about money and more about having fun and enjoying life, I have opened the door to a world of possibility.  I simply say, “bring me the highest” and for the time and the place I am in, it almost always has. All of this requires me to step back and let the universe work its magic. This involves faith I think.

Along with this change is also what I experienced as my mind entering into a persistent state of stillness and quietude.  To get there, I had to ride some pretty serious waves of bliss for extended periods. This took place over about a two to three year period that culminated not in ego death, but in what I call ego rearrangement. Its important to understand that there is no such thing as ego death. Those who use it are trying to explain what feels like might be a death, but is in truth a gentle but tragic-feeling change that asks us to allow ego to drift into the background.  Once that is done enough, the self will feel immense relief as well as a number of new benefits to consciousness and how you feel on a day to day basis.  But for a time, there is also a kind of “spacey” quality to your mind.  I forgot things very quickly.  On the one hand, the chemistry behind this was important for letting go, but try getting through a day with a long list of things that need to be done.  I have found that I make written lists so that my bliss state remains without any feelings of tension or anxiety about missing something.  I can say, though, that there were many times when I was in that “daze” of the quiet mind that I would end up being in all the right places, a little embarrassed to realize that I had forgotten an appointment even though I was there at just the right time.  I found that the more I let go, the more flawless this worked. But it didn’t work every time.  I was not always in the perfect flow, so being able to set up a note system has been a nice way to remind me when I am soaring through the day.

I was pleased to find that this state of mind was described by Zen monks as the goal of reaching samadhi.  It was a necessary precursor, they said.  This is often referred to in Buddhism and the Vedic tradition as the “empty head” or “no-head,” suggesting that the normal operations of the mind as a linear thinking rationalizing organ have been disrupted. In my own experience where I have carefully observed the chemistry at work in my body, I identified the chief compound involved in this surrender state as being primarily dopamine.  I arrived at this as a result of a lot of careful research and study into the effects of dopamine as well as opiates on the body, and all opiates have had an analogous enough effect as dopamine since the signature of bliss in the body is far more complex than any one compound- this includes hormones as well as oxytocin, and even small amounts of adrenaline in order to modify the spacey quality inherent in dopamine).J. Krishnamurti described that he went into a “declutched state” where his mind simply refused to work.  He would often forget names, would look at himself in the mirror and simply not recognize who it was that was there (this happened to me several times).  This state persisted for some time, and while it moderated later, he retained an aspect of it throughout his life. And I think that its a necessary state to have in order to deal with cosmic consciousness.  You simply cannot rationalize your way through your day and expect to get through in one piece.  Linear thought becomes the short-order cook in your life, very good for specific short-termed tasks, but terrible for the bigger stuff.  The Zen master Taisen Deshimuro explains that people who are rational and “mental” have a lot of trouble with awakening.  They have trouble just being a monk, too, but its because they  use the mind in a way that is no longer compatible with awakening. You just need to be much bigger than the narrow linear mind. You have to be bigger-hearted, more soulful, to navigate the energy in greater peace.

For as much as I like to be my own boss, awakening sparked in me an interest in working with others, so I have.  I have been able to bring to my work in teaching something that few teachers do.  School is still very much a mechanistic process.  Some of it is necessary in order to teach technique in art, for example.  You simply have to learn how to lay down paint well, or to know just how to move a tool across a surface in order to get a smooth surface in clay.  This is what dancers study for years, what ballerinas will repeat endlessly in order to train themselves to be the best they can be. Its important, but its only one side to the coin.  Along with this is the human soul that is part of our creative expression, and how we access creativity.  Instead of teaching through pressure and the fear of deadlines, I create an environment of freedom that includes personal responsibility to ones own work.  To be an artist, you cannot hope to succeed if you don’t have discipline within you as a choice instead of imposed from outside.  So doing this work, while very different from how I was trained, I have used and I have hoped that it will yield results for the hundreds of students whose lives that have transited my own through my work. As more and more students “come back” after graduation by asking to be ‘friended’ through Facebook or through other forms of social media, I see how what I do has been catching on.

Creativity goes crazy when it is stripped of fear and is instead infused with joy and wonder.  Something very special happens.  And I have been dedicated to supporting this way of teaching because I know how great it is to experience creativity in this more expansive way.  Each of us has genius inside of us.  I know you might not agree, but I have seen it when someone pokes their heads out of their own fear and desire to play it safe.

Another aspect of my teaching work has been to do group projects so that my students can realize a much broader range or scope to a finished work.  The result has been that we have made hundreds of pieces for an installation, larger-scale work that has grabbed a lot of attention by other students and faculty as well as the world at large.  By learning how to collaborate my students also learn how to work with each other in an interesting dynamic that involves give and take, as well as making choices and going with them.  They do less overthinking their choices while in the process and learn how to follow their instincts, an important non-rational aspect to creative work.  Ultimately, my hope is to empower my students so that they might develop greater confidence in themselves and use their experience with me as an example for something they want to do later in life.

Collaboration means inclusiveness.  If you find yourself hungry for working with groups of people as so many who awaken do, you might serve as an inspiring presence that suggests that while the way forward may not always be known, things have a way of working themselves out perfectly when we let go of expectation and just throw ourselves in projects with joy and enthusiasm.  It might be that your work sustains you but you find that it is not terribly rewarding.  I think you have two choices, either you find a way to work so that its more interesting, or you find something beyond your work that fills the bill for you.  Between my creative work and the five sites that I manage for it, my spiritual work and the three blogs I manage for those writings, along with my work teaching and being a father, I find that life is just packed. I am constantly tuning and fine tuning my inner work in order to harmonize with a life that continues to change and clarify.  Things change as they need to, and the timing always seems to be just right.  I know that when I say I go with the flow that it sounds like I am somehow inactive, it is less that I am inactive as I am at a deeper level very engaged in the river of my life in a way that does not involve the same level of physical manipulation needed.  I am simply not pushing the river as much, but finding ways to be “like water” (thank-you Bruce Lee) and to use the flow of my life in as harmonious a way as I can.  I’m human, so its not perfect, but in the imperfection lies an opportunity to know more about myself as long as I am willing to be honest with myself.

The answer to coping may not be in trying to do things the old way, but to navigate life in a new way.  This new way may require you to have faith, to not always know what the future holds but to find that the more you are able to suspect that a”bad” outcome one day is just setting you up for something not yet in your present. I recently had a pretty significant equipment failure, but instead of letting it get to me, I saw that there had been a series of these odd little glitches happening that made me feel like I wasn’t supposed to be doing the work I was doing.  For reasons I do not know yet, the work that I would have done had the failure not happened, probably wont be needed.  Thus, this has given me two additional days away from my production work in order to get ready for an open studio event.  I have learned that when I go with this flow, there is always something that comes along that shows me that had it gone differently, it would not have been “right” or that the flow of events were perfectly arranged in the way they were for certain other events to happen as they did.  Without the equipment failure, I would have missed something, or something important would likely not take place.  I don’t know what that is, but I have faith that everything is unfolding as it should.  In the old days, I would be banging my head against the wall.  The flow of events have been sufficient to put me where I need most to be.  And sometimes the right place is not something that I might even want or recognize as important at the time, but often winds up being significant in some important way.  So the job that you lose, which is seen as a tragedy, also means that you wind up taking off time and find yourself swimming in a pool with someone who is to be a major player in the next chapter in your life.  Had you not lost your job you would not be swimming in the pool at just that moment meeting your new contact in perfect timing. These things happen with great frequency the more we can open ourselves up to being available to them.

What you might lose, you also win.  There are compensations in this new life.  Limits tend to go out the door as you ask yourself, “What can’t I do?”  And that is just the spirit, right?

I have resisted any political talk. I have had my interests in this election, but my favorite is neither Hillary or Trump, just so you know.

What has been going on recently with the FBI has not been reported in the mainstream press because of the bias for one candidate. There has been, according to sources that have come forward (some named, some anonymous), a near-mutiny within the FBI about the email scandal, most notably that laws were broken and were not being pursued by Comey. Comey’s recent move was, according to these sources, due to pressure from his own staff who were ready to leak documents if he did not pursue the case. Also, insiders within the FBI have come forward to explain that the hacked emails that were sent to Wikileaks came from within the FBI, and that these insiders have been getting documents to Assange because the press was refusing to report on the additional information that is damming in nature to Clinton and her bid for the presidency. The emails were routed from the U.S. through a server in Russia in order to provide cover until the information was in view of the public.

What has been coming out in recent days has caused me to reassess what the mainstream media has been saying. Clearly Hillary is a favorite for elites who want to see a globalist agenda put forward. Trump, despite his shortcomings, is not part of the power elite structure. With what has come to light recently, a book I read a year ago but had trouble believing, is now being confirmed by these recent revelations. And it’s sick.
The book I am referring to was written by a woman who claimed to have been part of a government mind control program. This was under a large federal program in the CIA called MK ULTRA. Sidney Gotlieb was the top man in this program. It involved using Nazi methods to brainwash citizens and to “crack” the cosmic egg of the self, resulting in multiple personalities which were used to compartmentalize and hide from the victim memories involving top secret information. Since programs under MK-Ultra were secret, lawlessness prevailed, with thousands of civilians (and children) who were involved. It was Clinton who, ironically, apologized to victims and their families when he was in office for what had happened decades earlier.
Oh, and there were also sex slaves used by politicians, according to the author, who are still living living and serving in government. She explained that all women in these programs were programmed to commit suicide by a certain age, thus resulting in no witnesses to these crimes, the author explains. 
The author of this book is Cathy OBrian, and the stories she told in that book were hard to believe. They involved numerous political figures including both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

And then this week additional emails were discovered as a result of insecure computers used at home by a top aide of Hillary Clinton. The result? Actionable evidence of espionage, pay-for-play via the Clinton Foundation, as well as evidence of pedophilia on the part of Hillary and her female aide, Huma Abedin.

If true, this helps to put into perspective the claims OBrian has made in her book Tranceformation of America. What the emails are alleged to explain is that while the fact that Bill Clinton rode on the plane owned by Epstein, known pedophile and contribute to the Clintons, the number of these flights have been at least doubled along with one trip involving Bill Clinton not including his Secret Service entourage. They also reveal Hillary Clinton also taking flights on the plane known as the Lolita Express. This flew wealthy individuals to the Bahamas for sex with children.

Now here is the link you should check out. I am sure the spin is going to be crazy after this becomes news:

More on the broader issues at play concerning new allegations and the named insider who has come forward:

Recently I shared some information about the issue of energetic entities titled “That Parasite.” Since writing it there has been some interest in going into this further in regards to the how of releasing these from your field.

There is a panoply of entities that can be drawn to people for numerous reasons, but entity attachment all boils down to one very simple factor, which is a vulnerability that is in the form of an unhealed place in the self, a repressed trauma or resistance to something that now creates a recursive merry-go-round effect that is a karmic issue.

I write about this a lot since it snags the majority of people on the planet and holds up the process of embodiment-learning from and becoming more like ones higher self. But this article wont go into the many types of beings except that there are as many as there are wounds in people here on Gaia. Instead, I want to focus on the core issues that I hope will lead you to your own greater awareness so that you can call upon your own resources.

There is tremendous benefit in ridding yourself of these subtle energetic influences. I know because I did it. If I can, so can you.


First Things First

I will begin by saying that I really do not buy into rituals or tools or trappings of any kind for energy work. I prefer a direct approach because my own healing was achieved in this way. We are souls that exist through all time and dimension-tools are not required.

Having said this, belief is a funny thing. It serves as a channel that regiments and forms experience, and if you believe you need a tool, belief will make it hard to do otherwise (unless you examine your beliefs and change them). So if a tool gets you in the right space, use it. But you have had the power all along…


The Two Pillars

I do feel that all of this is incredibly simple and it’s based on intent and feeling. These are the two pillars of this work. You need to be clear about what you want(intent) and you need to break out of your rational mind set and enter the magical realm of the imagination and of feeling.  This is NOT emotion.  This is your capacity to become increasingly more sensitive to psychic energy…which is the energy of your consciousness.  If you are sensitive to your own energy and can feel it, you can feel others, including the presence of others, both etheric entities and the minds of others who enter your field just by thinking of you. So this is not just any feeling, which probably sounds terribly vague. I will explain this as I go along.

Seeing It Anew

First, realize that entity removal is not hard. It can be incredibly easy. I will explain what makes it hard as well as easy.

What makes it hard is simple -it is one of several things: fear of the entity (like how we might fear a dog or an unknown), uncertainty about our ability to make the change, a spiritual/emotional wound that’s troubling, and being unable to shift awareness out of a rational “doing” mindset. Having a sense of mystery only invites fear and fear brings uncertainty and that scatters your effectiveness. There is nothing to fear or to be anxious about. This only gives the entity more standing and power. This is not a physical “fight” but a spiritual one.

It does no good to think on how Hollywood has handled entities. All of this is way off the mark. I know that there are accounts of possession by entities and the stories make their way into horror stories, but they are horrific partly because of the people, that is—the priests, who make all of this more than what it needs to be. The posture or attitude of the healer will always have a defining effect. And I will point out that most entities are simply lower astral forms, fragments and cast-off’s from humans and other forms of consciousness. Some are just undeveloped and in the process of becoming. They are simple and most often attach to people based on just a couple of emotions (most often). But how you approach them either gives them energy or sends them on their way.

What makes all of this easy is when you allow yourself to stop fearing them and see them for what they are.  They do not belong, yes, but they have also attached to you because of an opening in your field, what in sanscrit is called a samscara, or soul wound.  Your soul wound affects the consistency of your energy field, or aura, and this is most certainly tied into the major energy system known as chakras.  You can make all of this easy or hard.  If you bring fear into it, then guess what; hard!  Or even thinking that this is going to be hard will actually create a situation that is a self fulfilling prophecy.  I’d like to explain the hard stuff a little more because I think people will need some guidance on this issue.

A Little History…

Years ago my sister complained of a ghost that had been involved in some poltergeist activity in the house where we lived. It was at first hard to believe until I began to encounter  it myself. It was something like a trouble maker it seemed to me and I wondered how to deal with it. I decided, along with my sister, that we would try to contact this ghost or presence to see if we could bring a change. We drew up a make-shift ouija board on a sheet of paper, made a pointer from the ring of a flashlight and got to work contacting this being.

We didn’t have to wait long. In he came, full of bluff and bravado. We found out that he had lived in the house in the earlier part of that century and had died from diptheria. He was unable to move on…or some part of him remained. This was the cause for the psychic disturbances happening in the house and the poltergeist activity.

We probed him about why he did what he did, and clearly, he got a kick out of it. As we talked to him and explained how he seemed stuck there in the house, we noticed a change taking place over the weeks that we were in contact. I asked him if he had ever tried connecting to his higher self, had he ever thought of life beyond the house he was in? And then a shift happened. It was rather sudden but it was noticeable.  It had to do with his becoming aware of “Light”and from that time forward, everything about our haunting fellow changed. He came in and out, and was less present as he had been. He stopped the really spooky stuff he had done and seemed to be changed. The change though was sudden, like on a dime. The thing is, this is how it is with everyone (like flesh and blood people).  This is not some kind of bullshit story from Hollywood where the entity makes the bed lift up with a glowing red light under it. No.  Its like going to the dentist and he takes out a tooth and has it done before you realize its already done.


And one small aside….when my sister and I did our contact using our home made board, we didn’t light candles.  We didn’t dim the lights.  We did everything out in the open, full daylight because HOW YOU FEEL has everything to do with the outcome.  Nothing ever got weird or scary because we never went there.  We were just with someone who got a kick out of scaring people probably because he was bored stiff and stuck like a tick without any guidance that he was stuck. You see, once you die, time changes.  Years can go by and you have no clue.  You are out of that space time flow, even though you are coincident and focused on that place you are stuck in. And this wasn’t the whole soul of the person, it was simply an aspect, a single lifetime or a part of that person. This is most often how “hauntings” actually are.

The poltergeist stuff stopped and there has never been any more activity since we had our chats. It is perhaps for this reason that I think that a lot of what we think as scary and mysterious is only this way because we are feeding that emotion into it. And the only thing I would do different now is I wouldn’t need to use a board for contact, I would simply talk to his soul. I have known for years that there is almost always another story. I think that this experience set me up to be able to approach things the way I have, and its been very succesful.
In awakening the issue of lower dimensional entities came up in my awakening and I am here to share what I have learned, stripped as bare as possible of opinion or guessing.

Understanding & The Myth Of Protection

The first thing is…….Don’t fear them. Instead, understand them. Know what motivates them if you want to heal and release them. Is it fear that they like to create? Is it anger? Is it sexual energy? Self loathing? Whatever it is, the entity feeds on you when your wound is activated. And a wound is most often a trauma or experience you never got over and suppressed it where it then festered and created a problem of emotional dysfunction of one kind or another. It is, though, buried, and takes a good deal of grace to tap into to learn more about. It takes honesty. You will often known what emotion they feed on because of your reaction.  Is it over the top?  You might want to look more closely at that!

The more you heal these wounds, the fewer hooks these entities have to grab you with.Healing makes your energy field “slick” so nothing can snag it or grab hold. This is why I explain that most efforts people make to shield or protect themselves is simply nonsense. It’s bullshit. Sorry, but it is. The concept of psychic protection is pretty useless when you consider we are all one, all connected, related, and live in and communicate through a vast network or field of energy that is the body of the Prime Creator, or all that is. Everything we do is in truth like an open source event where the information is open to all. Certainly the self can choose to hide or create a notion of privacy in the physical, but the ether is not made this way, you see. Its all in the open.

The way to protect yourself is to raise your vibration so that lower  entities can’t latch on in the first place. This requires hard work and soul searching. Know thyself. And now to know the beings…

So lets say you don’t know what the entity’s game plan is, its own personal zeitgeist. Can you identify how it makes you feel?  If you can do that, you can know more both about your wound and what the entity feeds on. You simply observe. Watch over time and garner a good series of observations. The trick that gets played is that of second guessing, “Was that me or an influence from an entity?” You will know through observation—do you feel like you lose control over an emotion easily? While not a test that is 100% accurate, it can point you in the right direction often.

I once had a spouse who had, and still has, an entity that is latched on to her that feeds on her anger. I could feel it when the entity came alive in her because there was a distinct heaviness that would fill the room that differed from her own usual vibrational signature. Her emotional outbursts were also much more prolonged when this entity came forward or was activated. When I mentioned my observations to my very sensitive daughter many years later (we talk about this stuff sometimes), her face lit up—she had felt the same thing. These are not our reactions to an action in a person, they are perceptions. Learn to tell the difference and trust your feelings.

Sometimes an entity will be attached to a given center or chakra in the body, but they will be attached to a center only because there is a block or wound there. By knowing or feeling them there, you can read up on what that center is all about and then consider that the block or wound is resistance to the perfect positive flow for that center. A heart block could be resistance to compassion, love, or self-love in some way. It could cause anger, frustration, sorrow, all depending on the nature of the original first event of resistance that created the wound or block in the first place.

Some entities, you might notice, will move around in the body (those most closely associated with the body types). In the early stages (first three years) of awakening some of you will feel them as though they are physically moving around inside your body (this is also part of seeing or sensing objects or movement in your peripheral vision that often looks like shadows). I know how that sounds, but it is much ado about nothing. But until you clear them, you may feel sensations like something moving. And if not moving, then other energetic effects. I would not describe these as real as if it was physical, but is more “like,” or “as though.” You will of course sound completely crazy to any “normal” person who has had no experience along these lines.

These sensations are an attempt by the brain to translate messages it gets that are from the pranic side of our experience. It is translated into something that makes sense to us at a sensory level (and so the range of effects can be broad potentially). Regardless of how the entities present themselves, they remain until you heal enough to remove them.You can also remove them and then heal faster. There are numerous other sensations possible, and if you use your feeling self, your inner senses, you can become more adept at feeling their movements or presence. The only advantage in doing this is to understand them and yourself by knowing or being more aware of what is happening and where to focus healing.

Some entities are not so much in the body as associated with it.
Realize that these beings do not orient themselves with respect to physical reality the way we do. Theirs is a world measured in intensities and feelings. There is no distances for them, only relationships. They ride streams of energy the way a radio broadcast rides on a radio wave. They move through time like we move through space. Some are connecting to you through multiple lifetime streams. Some are generational and are tied to sometbing nown as family karma. Often the women of a family will have one kind of entity while the males will have a different kind that are often similar to one another. They will often grow to attract people who have entities like the women in their families. These will not be related through direct energetic lines but will be related only because the samscaras in everyone in the family are so often related. The beings do not create the wound, you do. They are in many respects multidimensional and slip between worlds because they do not take bodies by incarnating. They instead take up residence in your own body or field. Their landing pads can be our bodies. 
They are in the process of learning how they can be autonomous and able to draw sustaining energy from the universe…whether they know it or not. They will learn quicker if we offer them the opportunity through support to know their connection to Source. I am suggesting that you at least help them in being more aware… the degree that they are able.
I dont think you will be used to hearing his message given in this way, but the time for “fighting” demons is over. This type of process will always lead to trouble. This paternal or more male way of approaching it has run its course. We are now bringing in the power of the feminine aspects of the self, and this means that instead of pushing them out, we now pull hem in and help them transform. Instead of being pushed out, we pull them up and help them transform. Instead of pushing out, we coaxe them up and thus out. They are given the awareness that they are connected to Source…and without putting them on the defensive, we give them a gift. We dont struggle and fight, we bring peace and perspective. The old way is based on an incomplete understanding how things can be.
True protection is in not having an enemy to fight. The message that the Matrix movies struggled to say is that there IS no war except the one we are creating…but they fell short…so close…and when Neo overcame the Smiths by embracing them and their system in order to seed that part of ourselves with new awareness. Well…they were so close, but the fighting raged on because the writer was stuck in the old even as he was trying to embrace the new.

There is some suggestion that kundalini/awakening serves to create a sheath of protection around you. The Gnostic tradition goes into it.  This is old stuff. Its also not correct either. You are simply more aware now, or potentially so. I know numerous people who many years into awakening continue to harbor these presences. One is on her way to being a healer while carrying around two very troublesome entities. Its easy to think you have suddenly become a master of the universe when you awaken while not tending to removing these things. Doing so, though, accelerates your own development and helps to drop your reactivity to a host of issues. It can, in some cases, change the nature of events.

I once had a worker who had an entity not unlike one that I removed from the person I once thought was my soul twin. I swear, it was like some kind of convention. The whole time he was working for me the strangest most innexplicable things would go wrong to shut down production for weeks at a time. It was persistent and chronic and did not change until he quit working for me. While this was going on, I was having dreams that were showing me the subtle ways that these more advanced beings control events by hooking into our energy and the space/time flow of our lives. And why? To what end? To keep up an environment that is what they like or are familiar with. If you were born in strife and only knew strife, you too might seek strife unknowingly. You might create opportunities for it to occur only because its a pattern that is familiar to you. This is one way that they operate. Its really about what their comfort level is. Its upsetting to us because much larger parts of us are healed and intact, with only portions of ourselves having a weak spot, which is where these beings are attracted.

The Role Of The Healer

A healer can help if they themselves do not bear a similar wound as the person they are healing. Otherwise, they will be ineffective. It is also possible that they dont know how to remove them. It is  possible to attract a healer who has similar problems as you, in which case whatever needs healing probably wont be healed in the way you had hoped. It is also possible to attract the perfect healer for that moment.
The healer who worked with me explained that she saw definite patterns or correlations between what she was working on and the clients who came to her over the years. Bear in mind, her business was built on word of mouth, she does very little to actively seek out clients, they instead seek her.
When she was dealing with ghost phenomenon, she was having a lot of clients who were having “ghost” issues too. When she was able to resolve the issue she was having with this phenomenon, the people with ghost issues also went away. This happened over and over for her and helped her to see how the world becomes like a mirror to us.

What a healer does best is by communicating via the body-the light body to be exact. What they do is they read you, see where the problem is, and then they show through feeling how you can feel without the entity there. This is what my own healer called “surrogating.” She didnt have entity issues because she had done the work to get there, so she could supply the feeling telepathically of what a clearer field feels like. This is one of the central skills of a healer. It is also why I do not seek healers, I ask for the healer who is in my highest to come to me. I dont  push the river. But when I do it this way, miracles happen. I have had some of the best and most perfect healers appear in places that are almost unvelievable. Two out of three of these healers wound up either teaching or working within a few blocks from my home, for example. When I give up control the universe is free to create with me the most optimal and perfect type of events to help move me to the next step or level. By trusting in the wave in pranic force, you can have amazing things happen that feel miraculous only because they happen so fast and are so easy. You just have to be open to it and have no beliefs that compete with it that will muddle or throw the energy off. Anyone can do this. It is simply going from seeking/initiating to receiving/allowing.

She and I communicated energetically like everyone does all the time in day to day life (and are often unaware that they are doing so) but in this case she was focused very simply in her state of freedom when the healing work was being done. I began picking up on this because I was receptive to what she was doing. It is true that this kind of healing can happen while enjoying a cup of coffee, or talking on the phone. Most of the healing was done at a distance of thousands of miles.

All of this is being done at the level of energy, and energy is nonlinear, has little or no mass, and is not always bound by space/time. This means healing can be done very easily from a distance.

Receptivity is important on your side as the one being healed, just as the healer being neutral is important on their end. By neutral I mean that they are not getting an ego boost from this work. Receptive means your intuitive mind is active and you are feeling and not being stuck in your head with strings of rationalizing. You get empty and quiet, save for a sense of excited expectation. You get into body focus, the domain of the light body, which is where feeling resides. You are ready.

Then the healer swaps your perception….by their simply being them. You might not even know this is happening because we are all so used to being in our heads. You have to relax and let your guard down. This will not feel foreign in any way.You probably wont notice it. It is like a dance teacher who uses their hands to show you how to move your leg, or arm, for example. The move will be completely your own….just as how you feel will be completely your own as well.

Then, if you are ready to make a change, you will begin to be aware of the entity (s) in some way. This might happen right away, it could happen later, or in dreaming. Whatever avenue is best suited to your turn of mind, it will come.
Once you see them as they are, these beings cannot stay if your desire is for them to leave. The very act of awareness on your part begins the shift into healing and the vibratory rate changes (often piecemeal, but it changes nonetheless).

The healer lets you remove these by way of this new awareness they have given you. You are the healer. And this is the mark of a good healer; they bring you awareness and you do the rest. They are reminding you how you can feel inside by associating with you. And Their field of energy is used as a template, a reminder, for how you can be or feel. It is this change that is the initiation of healing. We pattern our children in the same way just by how we feel. Yes, actions count, but this persistent field of influence has a significant effect on people, you see.

This is why I can, for example, trigger the ability to see auras in another person, something that has happened a number of times in the past. It is merely a transmission of a pattern of energy that a person accepts. It is almost like a piece of code that then runs in them the same way it ran or worked in me. It is also how awakening energy is “transferred” from person to person. It is receptivity to a pattern, a line of code that gets taken on and allows for something new to be experienced. In many ways this is the fastest way to awaken, which is to be around the awakened. Just be aware of how you are attracting. If you attract based on something unhealed in you that is not healed in them, this can get magnified or reinforced during awakening. It isn’t always that a pattern is being transferred, but that there is something in common that gets magnified. I have found this happening to me in a soul connection, which was extremely difficult, and led to my having to part ways with this person because of how hard the hurt that was unresolved was. It pays to be observant of the deeper dynamics. Your feeling self, that clear voice, will tend to guide you very well if you don’t over think it.

Miraculous healings are the result of changing large sections of this “code” in ourselves. It can lead to immediate changes. Sometimes the healer does something to create a trigger point for the acceptance of the change….it could be belief, it could be ritual movements,crystals, music, beads, just about anything. Really, anything will work if faith is put into it. Faith or belief becomes the portal for change. But objects are not necessary; awareness of energy and seeking the highest is. Remember Jesus saying how it was the faith that had healed the man? That is the same thing taking place.

These beings do best when they keep their head low. They often fly under the radar. They cant rock the boat too much or they could find themselves homeless, so they often try to keep in the background..
I know people completely unaware that they harbor an entity. Not all are expressly negative, but they will always be holding a person back from greater growth in some way.
For some of you, you might feel like an entity most certainly does not fly under the radar, but this might well be because it is being triggered so frequently. Deep down, these beings don’t know how to be any different. Also, this level of activity can point to how active your own wound is.

When my healer began to talk with me over the phone, we were talking about the issue while I was driving in the car. It was a suggestion she made that I would become aware that an entity was there. Before she could finish her sentence, up popped a face in my third eye. I was surprised that it would work so fast. The face looking back at me didnt look human, and boy was it pissed! My inner sight showed five presences there with one main being resting near my heart center. As soon as I saw them, really saw them, they were gone. I describe them like pigeons being shooed out of an attic space. Gone! And they have never returned. The being that was mad was angry for a brief moment and was angry because it had been discovered, really seen.

Go Beyond Reason

The way forward is to claim your power. This is not an aggressive act or done out of anger, its simply what is yours. Part of this is learning how to navigate through the ether field. You have to get out of your head, out of your reasoning mind, because the universe only responds to feeling. The more you can feel, the better able you can understand this world within you and in the things of the world.

When I say feeling, I dont mean emotion. I mean your capacity to register sensory information internally (nonphysical inner sensory data) and learn how to distinguish between your feeling and that of the ether or universe. You use feeling to learn and discover what exists in this field (a limitless library of information).

This is the opposite of reason, you see. It is a state of receptivity, and feeling allows you to create a living form from the universe within you. This is how it is done. The more you bring in imagination, the more vivid the thing is that you have just picked up on and received.
You can do this in regards to your own healing and for learning more about these entities in order to release them.

The best way to do this is to explain to them that they have a direct connection to Source, that they dont need to be attached to you in this way, and that by letting go, they can begin to discover limitless energy. Hold space for the highest to happen, that they might grow interested in what this light is all about. Imagine their connecting to their higher self and see them merging into light.

When I removed the entity that had dogged “twin” for so long, this was what I explained to it before sending it on its way. I connected to its mind and explained what an amazing new world awaited it. It needed to find its own connection to Source so it could have all the energy that it needed. Then, I just felt this very sure and powerful force rise up through me that was like an opposing magnetism to this being. I increased the field strength until it moved far away.

This being did return, though, the following day, but because twins energy and mine were entangled, the entity could not get through. I simply repeated the same thing, entirely through feeling, that repelled the being for good.

If efforts at clearing an entity dont work, it is often because you have yet to find the point of contact (or your own wound). Find that and heal it and there is nothing for the entity to grab hold of. In the mean time it might play on your fears to keep the condition stable for it but unstable for you. You deal with this by not falling for whatever the emotion is, and by being ready to change the pattern.

Visualization work and affirmations can be helpful if those affirmations carry a desire or intent for real change. For as much as twin said she was tired of the entity, she also admitted that it was something of a guilty pleasure. By removing the entity, I gave her enough room to begin working on what that rather broken pleasure was about. But as a healer, I dont get to decide how the other heals, they do. They are the healer.

State of mind is central to all of this. Feeling and receptivity are foundational. Seeking the broken place and releasing it will knit you back together. Seeking the highest and asking for it while being open to the univere bringing it is huge. Get out of the rational mind and into the expansive cosmic mind. Use that to begin learning about the etheric. Meditate. Learn how to do breath work for relaxing and centering into cosmic mind. Ask. Then wait. Ask to be shown. Keep your eyes open.

There are many very good ways to release trauma, the source of these issues. I have a good trauma release exercise HERE . Chi Gong is helpful as are other forms of movement to free up emotional armoring. Body work such as deep tissue massage with an energy worker can do wonders. Reiki in some cases can help and cranio massage therapy can be deeply healing by teaching you to trust. Acupressure can be good if you have a well attunef attuned healer, and there are healers like my own who dont even need to touch to do their work.
Now, I realize that this may not e enough for some of you, so a simple exercise is in order. I want ou to et comfortable and allow yourself to get relaxed. I want ou to breathe through our nose and out through your mouth. These breaths need to be deep and long. You should pause two to three seconds at the top and bottom of each breath. You should do this for about five minutes. If you find it hard to remember what you were thinking about moments before, this is an excellent sign that ts working. You need to breathe until you feel relaxed and calm. 

The next step is to begin to take an inventory of your body. You need to begin to feel for all of the places where you feel tightness or resistance. Dont second-guess yourself: if its in your big toe, take note of it. And dont worry if there are a lot, just take note of it. These places will be where you will need to begin by focusing your breath into those places. Doing this helps to send a stream of prana into the block. If you do this diligently, each day or three times a week, you will find success. Envision the tightness as being loose. 

Then, by inducing shaking into the core of the body, and breathing deep, you can begin to peel away the layers of stored trauma bit by bit. This technique can be found on Youtube. There are dozens of these videos by numerous practitioners. It can be done lying on your back and letting the shaking do its work. As you move along, you will develop greater awareness of what is happening in your body. This will take time, but it will likely become one of the most important work you will do.
By using intent, and feeling, and the technique I just described, you can begin to be the master of your own being.

I hope this helps. I hope it can lead you to work that will give you the confidence necessary to take you to the next step, to the next level. Being able to enjoy your life is so crucial, and being able to clean things up some is one way to begin doing that.
Until next time, my bearers of light…