divine-man-womanThere is no doubt about it; the experience that has come to be known the twin soul, twin ray, and even soulmate stands as a singular type of experience in our lives.  It becomes very easy to want to think of it as fated for this one reason. Add to it the ability to communicate from a distance, odd synchronicities, and the bliss that accompanies such an experience and it gets hard not see it as anything except exceptional and perhaps a little supernatural.

I would suggest, though, that you lay aside your belief and consider that all of this is pointing to an evolution of our awareness here on the planet and that it doesn’t mean…..anything.  No fate, except those choices that we each make that have led us to this point, this time, this place.  For a very long time we have quite simply kept the switch for the other side of our capacities as humans to feel and embody not just bliss on earth, but also the curious tendency for events to just form around our lives.  Yes, its magic.  In fact, I argue that the flow of the kundalini Shakti as it is called, is what is driving this, a sudden merging within each of us of the yin and yang.  Within this union that first begins IN us, we now have the expanded capacity to feel and know things from a distance.  There are reasons for this I wont go into that have to do with the quantum universe and the waveform as being capable to be everywhere.  Every point in the universe touches every other point.  All points are connected in a way that is hard to wrap your head around.  It is hard because its not really about space.  This something more, this extra element, the kundalini Shakti is what makes all the difference.  For a long time we as humans have allowed ourselves to be limited by our very left brained, and we say, masculine sides of our brains.  This has served to keep us bound in a sense of a limited self and it has kept the magic at bay.  The magic is nothing less than the magic that is the presence of the feminine, the goddess principle in our atoms, in our whole world.  That might sound like a big claim, but I say this based on careful observation.  I outline this in my book Waking The Infinite that I continue to edit, edit, edit…..

When I began trying to understand why it was that I could know and feel the thoughts of someone I hadn’t even met who lived another country away, I found a community of people who were all experiencing this phenomenon.  I felt like I had in a way come home.  I was not crazy after all!  It was helpful at first to realize that I was not alone in what I and my “twin” were experiencing.  But what I found rather quickly was that many of the things that were said about the twin phenomenon didn’t make sense.  They weren’t…..true.  They all sounded like feel-good stuff and the reality is that while we were all being bowled over by bliss, people were having tantrums, and behaving badly.  They also said that you ONLY have ONE twin.  But I would experience connections to three other people that were all very similar in some respects.  How could this be?  I am not that different, am I?  I came to learn a few things.  Here they are for what it is worth…

Take kundalini awakening and karma with another person who is someone who is a compliment to you and you have the makings of a connection that sets your world ablaze.  Unbound by the linear aspect of your being, awareness spreads outward.  What you experience is an expansion of self, the beginning of releases of old stored emotional material, and bliss.  But this karma is merely an energy that is the same or similar.  Add to that some past experiences with this person and a pairing might happen. I know; I have several people that I all came here to release the past so that we might know ourselves in a new way…..in an authentic fashion.  Waking up is about waking up to your potential, which is without limit in the world.  We have, afterall, magic in our side.  🙂


But does this mean that anything is fated?  No.  You see, what I found was that beyond the bliss of a connection is a wonderful opportunity to see where we match these connections and then set about cleaning up the match because beyond the bliss is a deepening of the experience.  It does not get less, it gets more.  But awakening with a twin in the beginning is intense and can become chaotic.  So much is happening so quickly.  Your whole world view is shifted.  You now step upon the earth with new feet, new eyes! Yes, bliss…..yes yes yes to all of that. But what exists beyond this bliss?  Have you asked yourself this?  You see, the problem I found with this community of twin souls was that they had been at this connection for decades, some twenty years or more and didn’t seem to be anywhere different.  Not all, but many.  They were happily stuck!  Any you know, that is just fine.  Really.  We are only ready to move to the next step when we are ready. Beyond this lies more.  I promise you.  The spiral of our evolution continues to expand outward and “upward.”  Aren’t you the least bit interested in what lies out there?  To see it means removing more and more of the lenses that have served to distort your perception.  You don’t know what you are missing.  And all you really need to do is to ask the question.  Ask guidance from the universe to know more and you will.  Events, as you know, will naturally form around your life so that all the right people and events happen to you to help you to the next step.  Sound like magic?  Well it is!

I find the concept of the twin to be a myth.  I do.  I think it is a belief-based concept that does not bear much on reality.  Many of the things attributed to it are coincidental but this does not mean that the things that happen in such twinnings is fate or any of the things that the community of twins say it is.  There is no harm, I think, in being critical and seeing if the old theories stand up to scrutiny.  I am not advocating a scientific strain of mentality, but you know, some good careful observation might not be a bad thing.  I mean, have you ever considered where all the things we say about twins comes from?  They were made up based on…..what?  They were created in order to explain a phenomenon.  But is the twin the other side of your soul?  If that is so, why did  I have more than one?  Does that mean that my soul have more than one side?  You see, this is where people will tend to dismiss me because I present a problem to them where I just don’t fit into the neat paradigm.  A paradigm is a cognitive map, a way to explain how something works.  It is a way of understanding the universe or something in it.  There was once a time when we thought the earth was flat.  We though this based on very real observation.  But that observation was incorrect because people kept at the question and kept observing until they amassed a greater amount of information that showed that the world was in fact a sphere turning in space.  We arrived at this realization not because it FELT good or right or appealed to our sensibilities, but because it cohered over and over to observable phenomenon.

What I am asking you to do is to become a witness to your own process.  There is SO much that we get wrong or are off on.  I was amazed as I spoke to a friend about an issue today that she had completely misunderstood for the simple reason that her world was so defined by a particular way of feeling and being that she could not concieve that the world could be any different…..and actually conveniently ignored anything to the contrary.  SO I say; be a careful witness.  We lose nothing and can win a lot!  I once thought that the bliss that I felt was the result of my twin but over time I found that no, actually, it was more how I reacted to her that made the difference.  These seemingly inconsequential things began to pile up as I saw that no, I did not always pick up on what she was thinking.  When I looked carefully at what was happening, I learned a lot. The other side is that in a twin relationship we can wind up feeling tied or bound by what the other person is saying or feeling or doing.  The truth is, no, actually , we do not.  All of this is a choice.  It might feel fated, but our fate is, as I have said, the accumulation of many choices, actions, over a long period of time.  All of this, all of it, can be corrected, healed, altered, or changed.  THIS is the really cool thing about our lives and our world.  We can actually HAVE a very different world….and we are building it RIGHT NOW! The power or force behind this, love, is what prana is.  It is a big idea!  And its quite beautiful.

Come be a witness!